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Area for renting a flat in London : Wembley central station ?
3 January 2008 00:27
Salam Alaikoum,

I am looking for an apartment in North London. For now, my choice is situated around the station 'Wembley Central Station'. Someone knows the neighborhood ? Is this correct?

Thank you.
3 January 2008 21:20
wembley is a good area, rather safe, low crime rates, multicultural, very good facilities, but beware: the olympic stadium is due to be built there for 2012, so rent prices are set to skyrocket fairly shortly
all estate agents agree on that, and people owning a house in that area hold on to it for now, knowing that it will be worth much more money in some time. so unless you want to rent there for a short period, i wouldn't recommend it moneywise. maida vale or kilburn would a safer option.
4 January 2008 23:18
Hi all,

Khadija, I can see you're from Oxford. However, as put it, you must know London don't you ?
Would you agree with me if I said Maida Vale is quite a lot expensive place to live in when you consider a 2 bedroom flat ? And so is Kilburn nowadays, and you've got all the Irish, Kurds and Eastern Europeens recently, and of course many rough people among them rude Blacks... It's not only a point of view, it's real... Have you been on the high road late evenings ? Even the off roads are no longer safe in Kilburn these days... Only a few places are OK eastbound Kilburn up to Hampsted. Otherwise, most westbound up to Queens Park, Harrow Road and Ladbroke Grove and northbound up to Cricklewood aren't so good. And I'm not talking about schools... A bit of a nightmare for teachers...and parents.
7 January 2008 01:14
I used to live in north west london I know that area very well mate. Look a bit further than wembley park, like kingsbury, Ok you will need a buse ride to the station. Personally if you are not going to live in chelsea just forget London. live outside and commute into London better houses climate and people half price compared to North London prices. I have siad that before... what do I know?


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8 January 2008 15:36
true, i'm from oxford, but i now live in london. used to rent a studio flat in kensington for the price of a 2bed flat in tooting where i'm currently based. i would say that north west london is both expensive and not very safe generally, but hey, where can you find a place that's both reasonably priced and safe in london these days? believe me, there's no place i haven't been checking..... as for schools, well forget about them: unless you go private or grammar,that is.
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