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The biggest disease
4 March 2008 16:54
That feeling that man or woman, old or young, highly, educated or illiterate, very religious or atheous are craving for it. Some People work very hard others lie, cheat, and steel to just experience that feeling “Feeling Important” "I am better"

I am surprised our religion did not address it. Knowing it’s high standard virtues.

This phenomenon is more noticeable in Morocco; I nearly missed my flight twice just as someone is trying to nourish their self esteem through this ill feeling.

People can harm others just to experience a two minutes pleasure when you start begging them for help.

The difference between feeling respected and just feeling important are miles away from each other.

What are your views on this subject?

Allah i7aragena man dar al 3ayebe bla 3ayebe


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4 March 2008 23:53
It is addressed in our religion. It is actually a big sin. I think it is mentioned as "takabur" in the hadiths.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2008 11:53 by Kutchia.
6 March 2008 04:35
I think this sentence resume all the question.
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6 March 2008 10:43
Salam all

sure Islam adresses this issues in different ways. Islam in general is about ignoring your ego and being humble, the act of prostration and kneeling before God is most symbolic of this. one of the most famous stories in the Quran is the story of Qaroon who was extremely wealhty and whom people told "La tafra7" : do not be too proud, he was self deluded by his wealth and perished beacause of it, Other examples are omnipresent in the Coran; Pharoah, Quraich, etc,...
6 March 2008 10:45
Thank you both for your inputs; "No difference between human only by fearing the punishment when committing a sin". Our Prophet Mohammed SLAW did recommend us modesty in so many hadeeths.

So why 99.9% of people do it? Is it because selfishness is inherent in our behaviour?


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