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11 July 2007 11:54
In order to have our english speaking members back to our the english forum, what about a little brainstorming. it's about proposing ideas or issues on which we can dabte , any kind of ideas, surreal, crazy.. whatever, just tell what comes up to your mind (you can ask people to help, but don't use medicine for that smiling smiley )

for ex,: when was the last time you went to tha Hammam ?

do you know bou Hmara ? etc,...

We'll then decide together about the topic to talk about ....

(allah ister ou safi)
11 July 2007 16:33
Hi all,

Hi Hicham_A,

thanks for your efforts to keep this forum alive ….the Hammam is a nice topic…I would say what do you think about “El Hammam” generally?…it seems to me that many Hammas are hygienically not the right place to wash yourself in…I like it because my skin becomes very nice after the peeling with “el kiss & saboun beldi”….I go there each time I visit Morocco…but only in Casa and in only one ….it calls Hammam "Thazi"….expensive but very clean... nice and good organised….I know it’s fancy but it’s difficult to play with the health…..
11 July 2007 16:43
Ok for tha Hammam topic ...

what else ladies and gentlemen?
11 July 2007 16:51
Well you can not beat the nice feeling you have aftere anice "thamhima" with steam room & massage then a nice orange juice (freshly squeesed of course) .
The top for me is a nap afet Hammah & you wake up ready to hit the town
11 July 2007 17:10
Great Atlasmagic but this is the brainstorming topic, go to the Hammam topic grinning smiley grinning smiley tongue sticking out smiley
11 July 2007 18:00
Sorry !

How about how could we help our fellow Moroccans in deprived areas
- Ways of helping them tru associations ,schools ect .

For The UK
How could we influence decisions making in the country :
Tru strong associations ?
Taking part in a political parties ?
Media ?
or all of the above ?

How could we as Moroccan community work together ,utilise each other skills ..........( ie a data with all Moroccan in the UK for ex ,so if i need a mechanis i go to one i get a discount & if he need a plumber he looks for a Moroccan one ect....."mina fina "

On a liter side have a section for a discovery of the week:
A restaurants , cafe ,shop worth a visit ....
11 July 2007 18:26
How about "Bou Hmara"? what do you know about him? and 3aicha kandicha? a topic could be to name and learn about myths and stories of our country. and maybe the real history, not the one taught at our schools.
11 July 2007 18:34
Atlasmagic, i love your topics! always wanted to discuss with Moroccas living in the UK about what we can do to help our fellow moroccans back home. Definitely my favourite topic.

ok another topic could be where you guys live, do you have many friends, how do you cope with loneliness and home sickness? what activities do you do? in one word, we can talk about ourselves, give each other ideas and support to cope.

and please please please let's have a topic about cinema (that's my favourite topic grinning smiley) where we can review the films that we watched (illegaly smoking smiley) and suggest films to each other...
11 July 2007 18:42

This is it we all want to help ,but we end up only talking about it ,i'am hoping we could do more if only by supporting the kids in school ,talking to them taking toys ,books ect we need to start small
11 July 2007 19:45

really great ideas, especially the one about helping our fellow moroccans in general .... but don't forget that i personnally don't live in the UK so i'm concerned with the other ideas, but still we can post them ..
11 July 2007 22:19

really great ideas, especially the one about helping our fellow moroccans in general .... but don't forget that i personnally don't live in the UK so i'm concerned with the other ideas, but still we can post them ..

Hey boss, what about my ideas?? are they not great too? Oh be careful i will not tolerate favouritism grinning smiley
11 July 2007 22:29
sorry minniemouse, i just couldn't read your post because of the smoke out of your smiley tongue sticking out smiley tongue sticking out smiley

well, well,

the first idea : home sickness and lonliness ( eye popping smileyperplexe) in europe great,

the second is also great but i'm not concerned, unless if you want to talk about cinema in prehistory...
11 July 2007 22:31
Ideas suggested by riffman are also fine, espacially the one abour Aicha Qandicha , i'll open a topic aboout this one ....
11 July 2007 22:31

Lonliness ????? ach ngoul ana crying(...............
11 July 2007 23:39
don't cry Hicham, that's why i suggested this topic..we all suffer from loneliness sometimes even when we are surrounded by people smiling smiley
12 July 2007 02:16
guys no sad topics plz...the life is much happier than it seems to be smiling smiley....
12 July 2007 22:37
I have an Idea for a topic! Oh this is my first post by the way!
Why do Moroccans love French and the French Culture so relativly much? It bothers me pretty much to be honest. I choose not too learn it in school and I learned German as 3rd language instead. (English as 2nd).
I am a new user by the way, so welcome everyone!! Or is it the other way round perplexe
13 July 2007 10:26
Hi Kutchia and welcome aboard!!

(ok before anything can you please make your way to the "meaning of your pseudo" topic to explain what this word means?grinning smiley)

Your topic is quite interesting and we could find millions of reasons to justify why we are so influenced by the French culture but the roots go back to the colonial period i believe, the proof is that all ancient colonies of France have kept the language and part of the culture as a heritage which has transmitted among generations...luckily in Morocco we held on very tight to our traditions, language etc so we consider our knowledge of the French culture as a plus while in other countries like our neighbour Algeria, the French language is so impregnated in the society that some people simply don't speak any other language!
13 July 2007 10:36
Ok sorry Kutchia just looked in the pseudos topic and saw that you've already explained your pseudo winking smiley
13 July 2007 11:58
Hi Kutchia and welcome aboard!!

(ok before anything can you please make your way to the "meaning of your pseudo" topic to explain what this word means?grinning smiley)

Your topic is quite interesting and we could find millions of reasons to justify why we are so influenced by the French culture but the roots go back to the colonial period i believe, the proof is that all ancient colonies of France have kept the language and part of the culture as a heritage which has transmitted among generations...luckily in Morocco we held on very tight to our traditions, language etc so we consider our knowledge of the French culture as a plus while in other countries like our neighbour Algeria, the French language is so impregnated in the society that some people simply don't speak any other language!

Well I disagree with you i bet you couldn't find 10 reasons that justifies why Morocco are so influenced by the french culture, besides one obvious that is that the people don't give a damn.
I mean French has been raping Morocco for decades and no one asks them self why we still pay them respect for valueing theire culture so much. Check out Vietnam they have been occupied by French for a longer period than Morocco (I think) Qoute from CIA world fact book:
"Vietnamese (official), English (increasingly favored as a second language), some French, Chinese, and Khmer; mountain area languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)"

Just because there are some contries that are fare more worse (or better depends on how you se it) in maintaining the French culture, dosn't mean that we stand good! We should benchmark with hte best in clas not the worst.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2007 12:19 by Kutchia.
13 July 2007 12:10
ok ladies, let's create a new topic ... what do you want to call it : moroccans and French ?? ok ?
waiting fot the answer before opening the topic, democraty tongue sticking out smiley
13 July 2007 13:05
Hi Kutchia,

Ok don't get angry please smiling smiley it was just my point of view which i must admit comes from an admiration of some aspects of the French culture but not all of it. I am huge fan of French litterature, theatre, cinema, cooking, painting but thank god it's not the only culture i admire. I live in Britain and I admire the anglosaxons for so many things. I am also deeply fascinated by Asian culture and civilisation and of course I will never stop loving my Moroccan and north african culture which makes my roots. So i think that as long as you balance your taste and take from each culture the positive things, there is no harm.
I don't think people don't care about our culture or care more about French culture, i think it has been imposed on us, it was part of the colonial plan to make our countries part of France, they used to close schools of Arabic and replace them with French ones, they tried to force people to convert to Christianity, they even try to change people's names and give them French ones, so its no wonder if today you find old people who are illeterate and yet speak French and know names of many French cities.
13 July 2007 13:10
He he I am not angry why should I be? I get your point regarding Fench culture that has been imposed on us, but isn't that an argument that can be used in favor of rejecting it?
13 July 2007 13:18
I think you're right but as I said, i prefer to take the best from it rather than rejecting it all. Unfortunately we took only the bad things from the French (bureaucracy, corruption, bad temper grinning smiley) and we didn't learn nothing about their ways of work and how to improve things in our society...
19 July 2007 15:29
hi kutchia

You were asking about why we are attached to the french, well

there 2 big countries were known in Africa and Asia as an occupiers country "France and Britain".
the diference between those two countries is that France was more after exploiting the occupied country "labour, mineral resource, art and coulture" and they never had a plan to leave.
French cuisine and fashion are inspired by africa specialy north africa and asia.

French did ´t kill lot of people as the british.cause they were forcing people to converte to christianism.

independent time British has left there colonny for good but the french did not. they took all what they can have with them and the rest they have signed contract for a life time.

that why we never gonna get ride of them. we are bound by the economy.

Any time, I am in France I speak english and I found out they give you unexpected respect. that is my way to deal with them.
And I never host any white man in my place in Morocco. cause I am sick of them taking adventage of that.

Have a nice day.
<may be I am wrong>
19 July 2007 17:32

I find it too when i speak english to the frogs you get treated like a humain & if you speak french they try yo walk over you !
I also blame some of us with this inferioriete complex ,that everything from Europe is good & that Europenas are better than us (anssara)
The other day i received an email from some lady who wrote " my fiancee is french & you know that europeans are civilised " i nearly chocked ! & could not but reply to her & say that its not given that they are & we are not & that we had civilisation well before them & i remimbered our ancesters in Andaloucia ...........................then i wake up too reality
24 July 2007 06:38
Hi everybody,
Concerning this French-Moroccan thing, I think we should see things objectivly, not with emotions. I know We all love Morocco, and like to say that it's the best country in the world, which it is as a country, but you should see what is hapening there. Eventhough, the french didn't come to Morocco with the best intentions, they left some very beneficial things for the country, that would never have been done if it weren't for the french. I am talking about the infrastructure that they left,(a lot of it is deteriorating by the way from the lack of maintenance) like the roads, do you know that some roads are still the way the French left them, like those in the montains in the south, if it weren't for the colonization, those poor people would still use mules for transportation. How about trains, still the same rail roads. Morocco has been talking about extending the rail from Marakech to Agadir for as long as i can remember, and they say that each year the budjet for it disapears like by magic, and still no train to Agadir, which is a very importante touristic destination in Morocco. Electricity, Hospitals. How about the education system. the schools that were run by the french were of a better quality, and were much better equipped. Go see the education now!!They were certainly able to do much more than any Morrocan government did. Democracy, theirs is much better than ours for sure. I hate to admit it but it's the reality.
28 July 2007 00:48
Totaly agee with you Aziz-dk and atalsmagic.

Raciones those rodes and rail ways where constructed by moroccan labour, money and recources, they just engineered them for us, well not for us because they used them to plunder the country faster. So no they didn't left anything for us, why didn't they educate moroccan engineers to take over the maintenance? I tell you why because as Aziz-dk said they don't whant us to be independent. If we could construct our own roads and factories who will then employ the french engineers?` Or who will the Frogs sell their useless cars too? The Chinese or Japanese? forget it they can make things better, cheaper and faster.
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