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Breastfeeding fatwa
22 May 2007 13:30
If you haven't followed the story, a fatwa was issued from Al Azhar University regarding office promiscuity between men and women. Basically men and women could work in a closed office provided the women breastfed the men therefore making it a haram relationship, then it was ok.
Well, the issuer of the fatwa back pedaled, was then suspended and the fatwa was rescinded.
Guys, I know you're looking at that voluptuous colleague next to you in the office right now, that's not gonna happen...grinning smiley

22 May 2007 14:57
22 May 2007 20:15
Men tend to blame all their problems and their weaknesses on women ( and that includs their sins and lack of belief in God). If you are really a good muslim, you will care about your relationship with God more than anything else, and you will not sucombe to temptation no matter what ( does sourat Youssouf(pbuh) remind you of anything here?). So the fatwa above or anyother ones like it are only excuses and justifications for Men weakness and idiocy. And it is this kind of thinking (among other reasons) that brought Islam to what it is now.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2007 08:18 by racines.
22 May 2007 22:48
Now you can imagine the kind of brain storming taking place at this so called University.
They can not go beyond the biological duties and they call it Research.

Thalla fi Rassek
31 May 2007 00:33
What? That doesn't even make sense!
31 May 2007 09:18
What? That doesn't even make sense!

Please to whom you are replying ?
31 May 2007 18:39
I have to say this is one of the dumbest fatwas I have ever heard in my life. How can a female "symbolically" breastfeed a male colleague 5 times in order to justify being with him in the same office??? While others are moving forward, we are still wondering how to justify men and women working together and giving the dumbest and most stupid solutions. The Muslim world is surely in deep crisis....
1 June 2007 04:33
What does breastfeeding have to do with gender coexistance at the workplace? Isn't that sexual harassement? And what is Fatwa? I am not sure that this makes any sense at all! It seems that maybe some men got together and came up with what seems to be a fantasy! What if women decided that in order to be able to be with men in the same work environment, the men will have to let the women massage their prostates five times per day? Now, does that sound ridiculous? What the hell? Is this for real?

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2007 04:45 by jtp20039.
1 June 2007 07:00
Chelhman said:
Guys, I know you're looking at that voluptuous colleague next to you in the office right now, that's not gonna happen...grinning smiley

I am whole heartedly with this Fatwa, just for the above reason, you never know smiling smiley

On a serious note, That's another reason to keep the bearded religious fanatics in one room and give them a mock project to have fun with! This decision,no matter how preventive they might say,is simply, utterly, plainly, idiotic! to say the least.

I'd love to see the religious "experts" in this corner justify/analyze this one!
1 June 2007 10:31
I think this goes on the same line of the Fatwa of ibnou taymiya who got inspired from a story that Aicha the prophet's wife has advised woman (or did it herself i can't remember...) who were not allowed to sit with some further family members to get some milk from their breasts and give to the men to drink as a simbolic gesture of brotherhood. This way there would be no barriers. I guess this guy (who clearly is very modern Cool) wanted to take the fatwa a step further and turn the gesture from a virtual one to a real one! But even if we follow this reasoning (of ibnou taymiya not this this mad man) what would woman who don't breastfeed do? where would they get the milk from? perplexe

I offer £100 to the genius who comes up with the solution grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2007 10:32 by Minniemouse.
1 June 2007 17:23

I offer £100 to the genius who comes up with the solution grinning smiley

I am no genius but I have some options with a sense of humour:
1- sucking with patience ( 5 minutes/five times a day) will get the job done either way!
2- Powder Milk,organic one preferably;9she has to buy it with her own money (salary earned at the work place) or it won't do;
3- Nestle;( same condition as in #2)
4- Her sister does the breastfeeding for her ( and then par transitivite) the three become brother(s) and sister(s)
5- Agree to hot date,get "it" out of the way, and Get back to work with no worries!

Do I get the prize?smiling smiley
3 June 2007 02:28
this Fatwa's all bullshit and not worth a sec to inquire about it !
3 June 2007 11:03
ooooh, you destroyed my only hope... lol... i dont need a fatwa for that ^^

and guys? if you have sex with a woman and drink some of her milk... playing with her ^^ if you see what i mean... is it incest? because in theory she did breastfed you ^^

it's dumb, the woman who breastfeed you when you are a baby is somehow your mother, she does that as a mother, and you are a baby... so having sex later is like incest, because there is a mother-son relation...

but once you are a man, you cant be breastfed...

the lecturer is pretty retarded i think...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2007 11:39 by LeMask.
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