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Combating Muslim Extremism
29 November 2007 15:49
30 November 2007 23:16
Just put it on your ignore list lads, it has issues beyond anything maginable perplexe
1 December 2007 04:28
Thanks, Krim.
The Site takes us directly to the Article but the source is not there! It would be great to have it...will add to its legitimacy.
Good read indeed!
1 December 2007 18:20
Mr. Devil:

First, No need for that kind of language! This corner has stayed calm and sometimes inactive, but very informative. You're welcome to defend Warda, but BE civil!

Second; Things are not what they seem! There's a misunderstanding in another post that was carried to this one!

Third; Not "you people" not every body responded to warda's answer! My response, now that you bombarded us with your colorful language, is one must at least read and have a sense of what the topic at hand is before blowing up steam! translation: I don't think Warda read the article carefully!
Lastly; even without complete documentation, the article present some excellent points. What do you think? about the article that is! Will be good to learn from you!
3 December 2007 17:23
It is documented just google it, it took me 2 sec to find the source. And you should know better than replying to people like him, you just feed the troll. I think there are a lot of civilized people on this comunity who apreciates post like yours.
3 December 2007 22:43
Sorry Yani,
I just looked at your message. In fact I did a copy/past from ElMandjra website.

Take care
3 December 2007 22:44
Do you need any help ?
I am not 24 hours a day a Yabiladi consumer. I have another life.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2007 10:52 by Krim.
5 December 2007 02:57
Thanks Krim,
I would trust Elmandjra site as Reliable as well. Thanks Again.
Btw. THis is the second time I post this reply and hope it'll go through!
I am a good Guysmiling smiley Just trying to Thank a fellow contributoooor not trashing him!
Good Day Krim
5 December 2007 08:52
Thanks Yani, I am aware of who and who in this forum.
Have a good day
9 December 2007 01:14
Do you have to argue all the time guys?

First we have to establish, do we have to combat Muslims or Extremism? Islam over the last decade or so was targeted but the West. Ok there is no count to kill innocents in 9/1 and 7/7 but in the war of terror the fighters were targeting civilians too. Solders rapped and abused the local Muslims wouldn’t you call that some kind of extremism. If the aim was to change regimes in Iraq and Afghanistan why didn’t they use special agent to do that peacefully? To difficult to assassinate Sadam?

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