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1 August 2005 09:43
1 August 2005 11:27
War propaganda. Nothing else.
1 August 2005 11:35
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Abraham Lincoln

Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
1 August 2005 12:17
This propaganda to manipulate rednecks is done in a professional way.
1 August 2005 18:39
I wouldn´t really say that it´s made in a professional way. There is missing a lot of ingredients. It is as if history, and the whole conflict begins after 9/11. While 9/11 is only a consequense of other facts. Besides that kind of propaganda will and can only work on prople who cannot analyse anything by themselves.
That is like when we hear the propaganda of the far right. Comaring a worst case senario from the arab world, with the best image you can find in the west. To my knowledge, you´ve got to compare what can be compared. A worst case scenario from both sides might be quiet similar, I suppose.

Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
1 August 2005 20:30
brother Krim, it’s kind of scary to see something like that, it’s done in a way that is ok, and certainly, there’s a portion of society to which it will appeal and even be a tool to act, I’m talking about the portion of society that believes in in Rush Limbaugh and Savage message. The clip is not professional though, in my view, a bit trashy actually, at the time when educated people on both sides are trying to find solutions, nuts on both sides are trying to shed more blood,,real sad!!!!
5 August 2005 14:47
Dear Cali and dear Almot,
Your reaction just show that you are not rednecks.
But rednecks swallow this kind of propaganda.
10 August 2005 04:45

Thank you Krim for categorizing us as a better breed…lol
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