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A conflict with a lady
27 September 2007 23:19
Hi all,
I have a serious problem that is killing me right now,
There is this American fat lady that keeps blocking me in every step I wanna take concerning a transfer to another university and each time she invents a story, I just feel she is doing it in a purpose, I swear she's a stupid a** and a stupid fatty b****, I don't know what to do, I'm trying to calm down but I swear I don't think I won't smack her down if I meet her somewhere, or maybe I would drown her in the pool, wa bezaf, I tried to not pay attention to her whatever she says but she keeps looking for me (kat9eleb 3liya), I talked to the dean and now what is left is the president of the univeristy. That sucks, I'm so sick of all this crying( I just wanna go home, I'm so tired, I have an exam tomorrow on American Politics and I can't study because of this frog.
27 September 2007 23:40
If she's fat, have you tried giving ?smiling smiley
Some chebakia maybe ?...You never know, she might like it or...choke on it.
27 September 2007 23:44
hey cranberry what's wrong?? what did she do exactly that let you think she's after hurting you? have you had an argument with her? do you think she's jealous or is she racist?? This sounds like a pretty serious winding up if you had to talk to the dean!! i know it's not easy but i suggest you ignore her. If you haver got good grades and a nice personal record, she can't do anything to block your transfer to another university, i guess it's perfectly your right and she needs to have a strong and valid reason to do so. what is her position anyway? is she just an admin person or is she a member of management? Have you tried to have an open discussion with her? if not, maybe you should. Try inviting her for a coffee and talk to her about how you feel. she needs to understand that this is your future and that this transfer is important to you and she shouldn't interfere. What did the dean say to you about this?
Anyway for now, you just need to calm down and concentrate on your exam tomorrow ok? don't think of this woman, she won't blow up your transfer i'm sure. There is a solution to every problem but you won't solve it if you shut down and cry, or worse say that you want to go home. Come on, put this aside for now and pick up your books and all will be ok tomorrow, i'm sure smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
28 September 2007 08:19
There's something called administrative hierarchy in every institution...Forgive me for being upfront but you don't seem to rationalise a bit!
Let me take you through simple steps:
1- You should have an advisor with whom you should speak first!
2- YOu should have a letter of acceptance from the director of admissions of the institution to which you want to transfer! with an idea on valid credit/ courses to transfer
3- Then, after you determine the role of this Woman, get an appointment, via e-mail not phone message
4- After denial of a meeting or hearing, CC Her Boss, YOur advisor, The Chair of your department, The Dean of students and the Dean of Faculty. The President is far Fetched, unless it's a very small institution; and even that, the President doesn't really handle those cases!
5- All the steps above, in writing...I am sure if you have your ducks in row, you will have success.

Have everything in writing! Of course, you're going to be selective when referring to the woman in question, I wouldn't use any Adjectives if I were you. Limit yourself to Her last name an her title!

Last resort is the student body, association, preferrably some one who writes in the University's paper! That's easy and the Editor is always looking for stories like these to get some attention on campus...

Best and keep us posted!
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