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Cost of Life in Morocco
28 January 2008 19:03
Cost of Life in Morocco

1 DH = 0,08 €(Euro)
1 Euro = 11.40 (Moroccan Dirham)
GNI per capita: US $1,730 (1,169 Euro), World Bank, 2006


Beaf: 11 €
Lamb: 8 €
Sheep: 6,5 €


Sardines 0,8 €
Gurnards: 4,4 €
Shrimps: 8€


Potato: 0,45 €
Tomatos: 0,55 €
Cucumbers: 0,45 €
Carrots: 0,35 €
Peas: 0,45 €
Zucchinis: 0,45 €


Oranges: 0,4 €
Apples: 1,2 €
Fishings: 1,2 €
Apricots: 0,7 €
Cutters: 0,8 €
Bananas: 1,2 €


Detergent (5 kg): 10 €
Product crockery (1l): 1,7 €
Super gasoline (1l): 0,7 €
Gas oil (1l): 0,67 € in 2007

Cinema (1 place): 1,5 to 2,5 €
Sweeten (1kg): 0,4 €
Butter (1kg): 2,5 €
Eggs (12): 1 €
Flour (1kg): 0,5 €
Mineral water (1,5l): 0,4 €
29 January 2008 13:42
wondering how sort of life can have a family earning 250 € (2500 DH) a month?... some families less than that?!!!!
2 February 2008 19:05
I'm back from Morocco and the prices the World Bank is putting forward are seriously hiked up. The average standard of living is moving up, we are now a land of immigration, not just emigration, I've seen a lot of Sub-saharians settling in Morocco, which is a sign that they're finding a better life in our country.

However, I'd put the difficulties of the lower wages class on the fact that Moroccans are becoming voracious consumers, they go into debt for home appliances, furnitures, things they don't really need sometimes.
Casablanca, the economic powerhouse of the country, is booming beyond imagination, anything you put on the market is swallowed by consumers, Marjane supermarkets are constantly crowded for instance...etc

When you talk to people, you hear only complaints, but everywhere you turn, buildings are mushrooming like crazy, business is booming.
Go figure !...
2 February 2008 21:36
I am usually not this much of an alarmist, but every time I visit and Look around the Hotel building frenzy and cash moving mania...I can't help but go back to Cuba before Castro's move on the old regime that led Cuba to what it is!
Well may be I am an Alarmist!
9 February 2008 18:04
the life in morrocco is really expensive you nead to earn a lot of money in order to eat , have just a shelter above ours heads. Life is very hard in this country.and i don't think that is going to change.
10 February 2008 11:20
sure life has become very expensive in morocco and people are consuming more and more and what is worse is that wages are stagnating but we have to keep in mind that exepensive cost of life is a universal phenomenon and we moroccans, as we always do, undergo more than we participate in it.
there is also the fact that prices are not the same in big cities, small cities, villages and hidden places that cannot even be classified...
20 February 2008 16:12
I second Chelhman for his opinion I returned back last Thursday from Marrakech to Casablanca and Fes then touring the east of Morocco. People are spending in supermarkets, souks and markets are crowded almost everyone has a mobile phone. Most hotels are almost full in winter but the weather was very kind as usual. Someone mentioned 2500DH the average earning in Morocco is about 1000 minimum wage hasn’t changed over last 25 years. Where is the money coming from?

Adiads not cheap
21 February 2008 18:03
I do share your views but i still thing we have 2 tiers in Morocco : 1 going very fast & getting rich very quick & the other going the opposite way
Yesterday i was talking to a French commercial director for an e transaction compagny & he tells me he is doing 3 days in Casa & 2 in Paris & talked about Casa as the hub & where its all happening ...i was stunned ....
29 February 2008 23:34
I'm back from Morocco and the prices the World Bank is putting forward are seriously hiked up. The average standard of living is moving up, we are now a land of immigration, not just emigration, I've seen a lot of Sub-saharians settling in Morocco, which is a sign that they're finding a better life in our country.

However, I'd put the difficulties of the lower wages class on the fact that Moroccans are becoming voracious consumers, they go into debt for home appliances, furnitures, things they don't really need sometimes.
Casablanca, the economic powerhouse of the country, is booming beyond imagination, anything you put on the market is swallowed by consumers, Marjane supermarkets are constantly crowded for instance...etc

When you talk to people, you hear only complaints, but everywhere you turn, buildings are mushrooming like crazy, business is booming.
Go figure !...

Effectively, if you visit north of Morrocco, many of our African brothers seem to be settling in our country but for the majority of them, the final goal is to reach Europe, like many of our Morroccan youth.
The cost of life in Morrocco is very expensive compared to the average salary. Can you imagine if you buy 1 kg of meat 50 Eur in Europe? It seems just shocking... and I agree with people who are complaining!

With regards to the "booming business", you should know that 90% of this business is controled by Multinationals and some members of the government or parliament... many politicians are directly or indirectly involved as private shareholders in this "booming business". In the meantime, the moroccan citizen who is paid 200 Eur a month (if he's lucky to have a job...) can't really be happy with the cost of life in Morocco and he absolutely has the right to complain!!!!!!
One thing is sure in Morocco, rich people are getting richer, poor people are getting poorer! That's what Mr CHIRAC called "la Fracture sociale" but for Morocco, we can say "Gouffre social"!!!
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