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In 2 days i get married
5 January 2006 10:23
Dearest all, this topic speaks by itself!!!!!

YES it is happening....
Still cant believe it!!!!
I am marrying Abdelfattah!!!!!!!!

Please allow me to say thank you to all the people that i got to know when opened my previous topic on my relationship, no need to mention nobody but you know....

please i need your best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!
5 January 2006 14:00
With my best wishes, georgina, and hopes of success.

I am really happy for you two smiling smiley

I told you winking smiley you will be marrying in a special day to me smiling smiley
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
5 January 2006 14:11
Uh Uh Uh!!!!!!!

I got it!!!!!!

Even if for one second i'll be thinking of you!!!!!!!

5 January 2006 17:30
Congratulations Georgina!!! wish you the best....
5 January 2006 19:27

The best will come out of this marriage inshaAllah. Congratulations.
5 January 2006 21:38
mabrooooooooooooooooooook ma soeur.
6 January 2006 03:44
Congratulations, with my best wishes.
The times may seem dark & gloomy... but I know I have it on me, to make it to brighter days --- never lose hope Diminished Ovarian Reserve FSH: 5.7 LH: 2 17-06-2009: C3 ultrasound 7 antral follicules
6 January 2006 10:32

Congratulations ,god's blessing on your big day & the rest of live together .

It takes two to bringo as they say ,keep working at it ,all the best .

Ps : keep us updated please .
6 January 2006 14:23
Hapiness all the way
6 January 2006 15:23
congratulations, and all the best for you smiling smiley
6 January 2006 15:27
Congratilations Georgina!!
we are happy for you!!
so big or small party??

are we invited??? just to eat some Pizza and pasta.. hehehehehe!!!

best wishes to you and to Abdelfattah, I hope you make each other happy for the rest of your lifes

6 January 2006 15:48
congratulation to you..

happy life with your futur husb smiling smileyand
8 January 2006 03:56
Tanti Auguri Georgina,

May Allah bless you and your marriage.
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
14 January 2006 20:50
Congratulations, Georgina.
MAy all the good things come your way.
16 January 2006 16:42
Hi there Georgina and Abdou !

So today is the D Day :-)

May God bless you and your mariage, and grant you little beautiful kids and a happy life together !

16 January 2006 17:11
SHOUKRAN grazie thanx danke merci gracias efgaristo To everybody!!!!!!!

As soon as i have enough time to write down the details i will describe how that day ended....

Certainly it hasnt been a normal day, some big turmoils happened the same morning and i arrived with the little make up that i worn completely melted on my face because of the crying......also by the end of the evening me and fattah had a big quarrel on a small thing......on top of that and a dear aunt of mine also died the day before....

i assure all of you that your sweet and genuine words were in my heart!
19 January 2006 10:44
It reminds me a lot of my own wedding day ! quarrels over little insignificant things on day One ! :-)

But I assure you that, Thank God, things became smoother and we're enjoying a happy couple life. On top of it, we're expecting a little kid !

All the best for you and your husband..

21 January 2006 19:55
congratulations dont forget to invite us to the bachelorette party grinning smiley i'm kidding grinning smiley
21 January 2006 19:56
It reminds me a lot of my own wedding day ! quarrels over little insignificant things on day One ! :-)

But I assure you that, Thank God, things became smoother and we're enjoying a happy couple life. On top of it, we're expecting a little kid !

All the best for you and your husband..


so congratulations to you too for the little one grinning smiley
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