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Death could await Christian convert in Afghanistan
22 March 2006 09:26
Rahman, a father of two, was arrested last week and is now awaiting trial for rejecting Islam. He told local police, whom he approached on an unrelated matter, that he had converted to Christianity. Reports say he was carrying a Bible at the time.

His own family denonced him to the police knowing that he can face death penalty.

What a creazy world. ?????

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2006 09:26 by Krim.
22 March 2006 12:47
is that a true story? any way afghanistan is a country where everything can happend.
is very sad, to panish someone for his believe.

in the other hand i fell like Afghanistan is a country that lives under the autorite of USA and britain so thos countries are preashing christianity,

if the gouverment has to do that to stop people storming to other relegion, just because there situation is not good, is bad solution.

i know as it was in North africa during the occupation, France and spain were doing the same. thank Gud that time the Media was not powerfull.

now in Afghanistan Americans media are powerfull so they can do anthing to thos poor people to make them fell, secure and riche as christian.

but i still fell bad to give someone death penalty for choosing a relegion you can talk him out of it, try to give him a sence, but if he sticks with his believe. let him be. as far is not harming nobody.
23 March 2006 05:38

Probably his family denounced him to avoid being punished with some countries not only the person who committed the “crime” will be punished but the whole family...there is also the explanation of the family name some countries if a member “ dishonour “ the family name he/she has to be killed to save the lost honour…and this is still happening in the 21st century !...I can’t believe it...
23 March 2006 07:49

Probably his family denounced him to avoid being punished with some countries not only the person who committed the “crime” will be punished but the whole family...there is also the explanation of the family name some countries if a member “ dishonour “ the family name he/she has to be killed to save the lost honour…and this is still happening in the 21st century !...I can’t believe it...

do you mean like what happened to Doctor Wafae and her best friend? the 2 qopt women who converted to Islam and the qopts rally the whole world to get them back and took them to the "Deer" in egyptian desert, no one know what happened to them untill now smiling smiley.

the media highlight only one way: if a moslem converted to christian. the other way is against democracy smiling smiley
25 March 2006 06:55

When I see how many Christians converted to the Islam live with dignity and have the same rights as any other Christian in the western countries I just say that we’re billion miles far away from democracy and human rights ......
25 March 2006 07:11
I agree, Ilhem.

Apostasy is one of the serious issues that Muslims have not yet come to terms with. The Kuran doesn't say at all that anyone who rejects Islam must be killed. The proponents of the killing base their stance on one single hadith, which many believe, actually dealt with spies who converted to Islam in times of war just to get war secrets from Muslims. Other than that, the Kuran explicitly states: "La Ikraha fi Addine".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2006 07:27 by Jallaal.
25 March 2006 19:18
Well said JALLAAL...
I'd like to add one thing about Apostasy or better yet, (A'RRI'DA) in Islam...Many are those who fall in the same category as Rahman's! c.a.d. there are different ways a muslim reneges his/her faith! The ultimate being ASHIRK, wal 3iyado billah, but even that doesn't warrant DEATH... because that mere fact is deemed to be punishment enough for the convert. As a believer in the message of Mohamed SWA, One is a beleiver of the message of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Yonah,...
In short: There's no warranty for death for what Abraham has done...Goes back to look at how "WE" "MUSLIMS" portray ourselves to people of other faiths...Correct me If I'm wrong, but I thought "AL Mo3amala" counts big in Adin of Islam! When I look at how Some "Muslims" treat each other, I definitely understand how one like RAHMAN can feel rejected/ weakened/ humiliated/ ppl of his own FAITH...While another faith is Luring him and "showing " signs of acceptance!!!

Understand that this intervention is not as much about Mr.RAhman converting to another Religion, rather it is a call to Look back and critique/ re-evaluate our own BEHAVIOURS and how we practice our OWn Faith for the others to respect it through US/ OUR BEHAVIOUR.

Respectfully Yours.

26 March 2006 18:39
Christian aid is very active in that country converting people, this is very wrong. So many booklet & books including the bible been giving away to people behind the back of the authority. We all know what's out there, how to get it & the freedom to getting it but we didn't. It is very wrong to go & brain wash somebody or answer his needs & tell him get that.
the berber.
27 March 2006 06:10
I agree with you, Yani, that the best way to prevent Msulims from converting to another religion, shouldn't be their execution, but rather to show them that their fellow muslims care much more about them than the others.

The Berber, I don't think, we can say it's wrong that some christians are active in trying to convert people. After all, Muslims have been doing the same thing since the rise of Islam as a new religion. Right now, you have muslims going to US prisons and other places and doing Da3wa so as to win new converts. So, we as Muslims, should be coherent as far as conversion is concerned. We cannot cheer the conversion of Christians to Islam and then claim that Christian has no right to try to convert muslims. The only thing we can do, is to strive to better our societies so as our fellow muslims know more about their religion and don't get deceived by the attempts of missionaries to convert them.
27 March 2006 07:29

When I see how many Christians converted to the Islam live with dignity and have the same rights as any other Christian in the western countries I just say that we’re billion miles far away from democracy and human rights ......

you looklike living on Mars or in before 9/11. when they see you with Hijab in Airport now, you are subject to all kind of disrespect. unless if the guy is nice and hate to see you treated different because of Islam.

it is not a problem if one nation is not as much developed as another. like it or not, 2 different nations will never be equal in developement.

how to develope your nation: by working and copying science and technology later advance it. it is not by copying strip bars, useless religions and mentalite of complexed people.
27 March 2006 10:10
27 March 2006 11:52
hi everyone

I agree with you, Yani, that the best way to prevent Msulims from converting to another religion, shouldn't be their execution, but rather to show them that their fellow muslims care much more about them than the others.

The Berber, I don't think, we can say it's wrong that some christians are active in trying to convert people. After all, Muslims have been doing the same thing since the rise of Islam as a new religion. Right now, you have muslims going to US prisons and other places and doing Da3wa so as to win new converts. So, we as Muslims, should be coherent as far as conversion is concerned. We cannot cheer the conversion of Christians to Islam and then claim that Christian has no right to try to convert muslims. The only thing we can do, is to strive to better our societies so as our fellow muslims know more about their religion and don't get deceived by the attempts of missionaries to convert them.

I totally agree with you has been always the problem for our people looking for others mistakes never their they were perfecteye rolling smiley....
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