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Elections my A** !!
12 April 2007 01:38
Morocco's heading for a legislative election day, there's still months to go but they already started to run ads and commercials on TV to encourage people to go and vote, i personally think that the govt's trying to fool us once again, what i'm sure of is that all these efforts are futile,this time i'm expecting that no more than 3°/° of the population will go and "be fooled", how in hell do they think we're gonna buy it again ? the same old faces and the same old song, nothing has changed and nothing's expected to change simply because some old wrinkly-faces with fuddy-daddy ideas are keeping their seats and are not ready to give'em up until Death says otherwise ...and Morocco is still lagging behind so many countries when it comes to democracy and prosperity, no wonder some wackos just blew themselves out in the name of islam after years struggles for a cold hard bread and a glass of tea while others go shopping abroad every weekend ! life's a bitch huh ?
12 April 2007 12:20
Absolutely right! that's also why i won't be voting this year (again) despite the fact that we (moroccans abroad) are allowed, at last, to do so! I just don't think they deserve my vote, I don't even know who to vote for, honestly, I've watched few debates on TV with different parties, I still don't know where the opposition is in the government,they all speak the same language, come up with the same plans (which they'll never apply obviously) and worse of all, the journalists just never seem to ask the right questions!! they don't quizz politicians over major issues such as extreme poverty, unemployment, social's a puppet show not even worth laughing at!! However, I'm not sure about the 3% only to be fooled, I've also spoken to many Moroccans living in Morocco and who seriously believe things are moving forward and democracy is on the way and that kind of worries me because they see things done on the surface, few projects here, some old favellas demolished and replaced by some pathetic blocks and they think all is ok. We're still a long way from a fair and decent society where the gap between social classes is not huge and where people can clearly state their political belonging...
12 April 2007 13:23
Before we get into the usual useless whining, let's take a closer look at the situation :
in our country, the actual power is in the executive branch, the legislative branch is just a rubber stamp. Remember that the constitution has been drafted by H2 and has not fundamentally been revised since then.
So yes, these elections are useless.

If we want a strong legislative branch, we need, first, true and competent legislators, where are they ?
Let's take the PJD, the projected winner : Lahcen Daoudi promises a zero unemployment society, does that seem credible to you ? Or serious ?
A legislative branch needs thinkers, visionaries, people who can inspire with laws structuring a society for the future or reflecting the mutations of a society, competent staffers who do the legal work...etc, we don't have that. What we have is members of parliament (MPs) who are the reflection of the people who voted for them.
Before we redistribute the powers, we need an educated people or at the very least people who understand what running a country is about.
In the meantime, I'll stick with "the emperor can do no wrong", because the threat of something ugly is always around the corner when it comes to a muslim, non-secular country.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2007 06:36 by chelhman.
12 April 2007 23:44
Yes there are lots of issues with Morocco but to be worried that some people think that things are improving is beyond me. What worries me is the lack of engagement and will to make any kind of contribution. If we think things are bad and worrisome then that is all the more a reason to try to make a difference and make our voice heard. Talking without acting is an unfortunate legacy that seems to be hard to get rid of and that's really sad.
13 April 2007 01:29
Moroccans have lost faith in most everything, how can we trust those who were voted (at least who voted for them) and now all what they did for this country is a U-turn back to the past, nothing has changed, some people in the Atlas mountains are still living the medieval ages,for the first time we found out that there're still some Morocccans who live in caves (near Warzazat) and some others died of cold because they couldn't afford food or even some woods to warm their exhausted bodies, while one son of bitch for instance who was responsible of the "AlNajat" scandal's still holding his job instead of being behind bars until the last days of his life !!! how can we trust the parliament who became a for some assholes who are good for nothing but sucking the people's money dry ! even the last elections who were supposed to be fair and transparent, we realized how stupid we were when we thought so now that more than 100 bastards in the parliament got there by monkey business as they always used to do!! trust me : Nothing has changed and expected to change ! gotta wait another century dudes ! we ain't moving an inch !!
13 April 2007 13:04
Even the executive branch (gov) doesn't have real power. It's the monarchy that holds all the strings of power and it has a huge budget 210 million Euros. To give you an idea, it's more than 2% of the budget of the whole country (ie all ministries put together, health, education, defense, agriculture...)

I am not even sure if the Castles' Ministry ( yes, there is one, wizarat alkousour) is included in the 210m EUR.
13 April 2007 18:34
Hi Passerby,

I actually consider the king to be part of the executive, granted he's not elected, but he does form the cabinet and holds sessions with that cabinet, therefore he's de facto the head of the executive branch.
14 April 2007 00:55
why not sum up and say the King's everything in the country ! with over a $ 50 billion and i say billion , believe me he's got it all : the strings, the power, the supremacy, he's sacred and he's the shepherd and we're the ewes...Allah yzidou ! i think there's no need for something like a parliament or govt, fih al baraka
14 April 2007 15:33
I have been reading your posts, and I am not going to say you are right or wrong(I dont know I dont life in Morocco). From outside (on TV and the news online MAP) it looks if it gets better. I might be wrong but still I have to say this, your just talking online on a forum, talking and talking(it will not help!!). People need to act, and you too.
It would help if the media was a bit harder on the politicians, but they are not, so you need to be.
The politicians need to be accountable for their actions.

14 April 2007 15:41
I have to agree with you on this one Matjar. If you talk the talk then you'd better walk the walk, otherwise what is the point? and yes Morocco IS improving a little bit everyday. I can see the difference everytime I go to visit. I also read foreign media and see what is being said about Morocco. Does that mean that all is fine? Certainly not, we have major challenges to deal with and we need people who ACT.
14 April 2007 20:41

I agree with what Shelby said, and he has every right not to trust Moroccan "politicains".I believe that they are bunch of thieves.
It's sad to see those thieves taking advantage of Moroccan resources, and sharing the pie among themselves and their families while the rest of the Moroccans are struggling to make ends meet.
For those Moroccans who want to be the next Martin luther kingand sacrify their lifes for the love of Morocco, I say go ahead, andGod bless. As for me, I rather enjoy my family and friends, and spend as much time with them not worrying about someill fated dudes who won't mind selling their doughters for a position in the ministry.

15 April 2007 04:48
Morocco is going to move forward with the efforts of those who are doing something positive no matter how small it might be! There are some I personnally know who are contributing daily through different means! constructive criticism is a healthy sign and some here fall in this category. the Cancerous cells,however, are those holding on to the corner of the streets pointing the fingers at politicians and such! The whining is getting old and sounds like a broken record!

Change is healthy objective criticism, vote and teach those who are close to you to make a difference ! If you end up with the same old heads in the Parliament, write to them, to your favorite paper, expose their acts, do your part!
It's Ok to vent once in a while in this corner, but to make it a habit is simply going backwards.One more thing,by not voting,one is making a decision to keep things as they are! So go and restore faith in yourself and those close to you, before you point the finger at "Morashh a 'derb". I am doing my part and invite you too to follow suit if you're serious about developing your country! Enough whining, already! Go vote!
16 April 2007 02:07
i respect your opinion Mr Yani, you're right in all what you said buddy, but still you look like you're talking about a democratic country, Morocco's has never changed amigo, you can act and talk and whine as you like but you'll get to nowhere here, simply because we're not ready for a change, at least some bastards who take the control of this country are not thinking so, you can shout your lungs out in the papers but nobody would hear you, the problem a sahbi is not that simple it's a layer of years and years of fraud, corruption and dictatorship, and i think a broom's no help, what we need is an ax and a shovel, the big way i mean, just like the difference between cleaning your house in Morocco and Europe or America where sometimes a vaccum's enough while here ( in Morocco that is )it's water, soap and a rag...those simple changes you noticed are just like a make up on an ugly face, a big change's what we need a serious blow in "the wall of Berlin" i mean tyranny ...until that day have a nice dream, i ain't voting anyway, we tried that before and they kicked our a**es, restraining from voting is another way to say NO to tyranny ! they don't get it though ! they think it's better off a statu quo !
16 April 2007 06:14
Democracy is a myth! Morocco is no democratic arena and won't be because the better off are holding on to the fort(s) with all their might, but it's all ephemeral! look at the big cahoonas of Albasri and company... he was ALL THAT!His Son, Hicham, was a ALL THAT, TOO, IN THE STREETS OF MARAKECH! THEY'RE GONE...well that was a start and the day will come for the others,but leagally even in MOROCCO! I am no snob to be defending the rich, but I have seen changes...corruption affected me personally but I didn't sucumb to it, I paid three times more to get things right, it's a drop in the water you would say, but I looked a GUY in the eye paid and asked for a receit!!! I gave up my own right because I was overpowered but I wrote till my voice was heard,it didn't make a big difference, but the Guy who bugged me is in another district! It wasn't enough, but it's a start!
change is good but hard! and here's a serious question:

Would you have it( change) from the bottom up or bottom down! let me give you a hint: does Iraq ring a bell, eventhough it's just started!
Again, I am doing my part, educating myself about ways to build up not to blow up!

17 April 2007 02:23
Mr Yani , what happened to you was like a passing cloud in a freaking hot, sunny day, it shades you for a short time but it becomes hot once the cloud goes away, i congratulate you for your courage ! but i didn't feel any ricochet ! next time you better do it the hard way !
17 April 2007 15:55

The hard way is good when it is effective. Passivity coupled with lack of commitment will get us nowhere.
18 April 2007 01:16
that's right Mrs Shireen, but when only one man in a country got the supreme power, we'll get to nowhere too, it's like cleaning the stairs: you start by the upper part ...we're thousand lightyears from democracy! nothing will be transparent and fair when there's no democracy !
18 April 2007 02:10
well said Shireen...

It's not courage, it's the initiative that counts. Somehow I can see how gratifying a feeling pointing fingers at the other can be, but it's become a desease called laziness,Passivity,lack of commitment... for lack of better terms!
And Mr. shelby, maybe if you joined me in my initiative, no matter how meager it is, you could have felt the breeze of a ricochet!
19 April 2007 03:25
No thanks buddy ! but well done, not all the people see it as you do, i told you we're decades away from a real progress know why? 'cuz we've got that in our blood, corruption and brown-nosing that is !
20 April 2007 16:06
I gues I'll have to agree with you on this; when you say :"we're decades away from a real progress know why? 'cuz we've got that in our blood, corruption and brown-nosing that is !" Just one thing, I am not part of the "We"! I hope you don't mind, buddy!
20 April 2007 17:07
Lucky you Yani ! you're not moroccan then ! LOL !
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