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Good Life and Good Death
10 April 2008 11:44
As a Muslim I have no fear for death but several questions and puzzles.
I know what’s good life is or I think I do; but what’s good death if at the end one will be just as dead and six feet under ground? Is he memory of one alive important when one is dead?



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11 April 2008 15:50
hi !

to have a good death ,we should do all what our God asked us to do . When one of us dies surely his relatives and friends will remember him always .I hope that this answer fits your question.

11 April 2008 17:25
Hi Thanks for your views, when one is dead one has to be remembered with one's deeds when one was alive not by one’s death. Death is the end and a beginning. It’s rather exciting then frightening. If one is scared one must be doing something wrong.

14 April 2008 03:16
Death is inevitable. In my humble opinion; if a handful of people remember me as a person that contributed to the happiness of others. I'll have a Good death.
Create a good life, unless you have other plans.
15 April 2008 11:20
That is sweet; one has to know how to have a good life in order to have a good death. Those around you will remember you with the little saying, little jokes, little fables and when you are happy and angry, have a sound knowledge about things in life including science or religion, good behaviour, trustworthy, respectful not as pain in the buttock.

Personally I don’t wish to live till am very, very old until my children will wish me dead. I wona go young healthy and just as handsome. That’s what I can call a good in my opinion and my wish. Sudden death is better than a slow one. The best is when one is soundly a sleep or setting alone on a prayer mat or the yoga.


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15 April 2008 11:36
That is sweet; one has to know how to have a good life in order to have a good death. Those around you will remember you with the little saying, little jokes, little fables and when you are happy and angry, have a sound knowledge about things in life including science or religion, good behaviour, trustworthy, respectful not as pain in the buttock.

Personally I don’t wish to live till am very, very old until my children will wish me dead. I wona go young healthy and just as handsome. That’s what I can call a good in my opinion and my wish. Sudden death is better than a slow one. The best is when one is soundly a sleep or setting alone on a prayer mat or the yoga.


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Oh for heaven's sake why are you so harsh on yourself? what kind of children wish their parents dead!! everybody wishes their parents live as long as possible to see their kids and grand grand children. Wouldn't it be a waste if you died in very good health? i can understand people who suffer from uncurable diseases and are condemned to suffer but not you!

I personally don't have a favourite way of dying (like i'll have the luxury to choose ha ha) although i don't dislike your idea of dying while doing yoga especially if it's on the top of a sunny mountain in Sri Lanka overlooking a field of orchids and relaxing next to a drop-dead gorgeous man...(sorry got a bit carried away there) but anyway, as it's very unlikely to happen that way, i prefer to stay alive as long as i can smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
15 April 2008 13:09
Not at all, I love life, if you saw me you will know what I am talking about. I am very kind to myself and others too. Children was as figure of speech we one is a burden it doesn’t matter what relation to others. It’s that sigh that I dread most.

Love will ware out after the first year, two or even three; than they start talking about putting him/her in home. I have dignity and pride without them I‘d rather die than having to put someone in a position where they have to look after me instead of wanting too. With all the fairness why should any body give up their life to look after me? What life is that?
This is what my post is about:

I love life, I adore every morning when I go out with my dog for a walk in a fresh air. I love travelling too. I love being loved; I care about others I love seen my family happy the whole family. Everyone knows me as the happy fellow with no worries (the magic boy)

Nevertheless; there will be time when I will be older and perhaps very old after. It is then when I do wish not to live to witness that. Death is a “rahema“. Early death is a good death in disguise.


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4 June 2008 11:47
It is amazing how the extra kilos come off with exercises and healthy eating. I look forward now to the summer maybe Agadir and the region this year again or Casablanca’s coasts only.
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