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The Good, the bad and the ugly
15 April 2008 12:14
Are you fat or you kidding yourselves by calling yourselves over weight? Being over weight; one has to be about half a kilo over otherwise it’s obesity. Are you trying to loose or waiting for the first heart attack. Are you conscientious about what goes in your gob or anything will do as long as it tastes nice.
The rule if you bend your head over your stomach and can’t see your private parts; you are either very fat and obese or have very small…”eyes “

If so what are you doing about it part from buying larger cloths? If you are slim will done; are you healthy too? How are you keeping your figure looking good and keeping fit?

The summer is closer now; surely you would like to feel good about yourself and others will feel good on being with you too..

Hey fatty, fatty boom, boom sweet sugar dumpling
Hey fatty, fatty boom, boom let me tell you something….


Adidas Best sport wear
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Free counseling and obesity advice to all Moroccans
15 April 2008 23:06
The rule if you bend your head over your stomach and can’t see your private parts; you are either very fat and obese or have very small…”eyes “

LOL you're funny. Instead of taking such a drastic measure and performing acrobatic moves just to take a glance at your lower body, here is a simpler and much more reliable way.


This calculates your BMI (Body Mass Index) and gives you a statistical measure of your weight in accordance with your height. It will then tell you which weight category you fit in and if you need to lose weight or not.

Obesity is becoming a serious epidemy in many European countries and Britain is definetely leading the board. The horrible diets and the unhealthy packaged food in supermarkets and fast food restaurants is doing a great damage.

Good low fat diet and sport are the key to a balanced and healthy lifestyle, but again, if you look at the gym's prices, you'll know that not many people can afford it.

And despite campaign for awareness etc the government is not doing much to tackle this issue and people are left to commit slow suicide by opting for the cheap and quick options.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
15 April 2008 23:27
Its so important subject but i think that obesity is a disease because there are people eat a lot but they are not fat like me . this is my opinion and thx for this nice subject.
16 April 2008 00:10
thanks to God, i m not fat grinning smiley

PS: adds i prefer skechers and michelle_K In love, they are better than adidas
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
16 April 2008 10:47
Thanks all for your reply, thank you Mini for the BMI calculation tools; it is far better than the traditional way of look over then smiles or frowns. It is a good point you raised regarding the Gym prices it used to cost me £29 a month in Fitness First for platinum card and that is after NHS cooperation membership reduction otherwise it’s about £39 a month. For sure, to lots of people it’s an extra expense in a sign of financial trouble the first to go.

I follow a diet at home of Sliming World; I just bought the books from them for £9 and don’t attend the classes. I also gone back to martial arts, I do all sort from yoga and Tai Chi to shotokan and Jujitsu.

Islah, I will answer your statement this only this time. Good for you, if you prefer them as they are based on Adidas original. All other brands and makes are paying money to Adidas to use their prototypes. Don’t try to learn a lot in one go. Focus on languages for a while.
Pretty,you could be slim, thin or skinny and not healthy. Your BMI is only an index for weight try and run a mile then check lung capacity. Or simply bend and touch your toes to see how supple you are. You could have high cholesterol or sugar levels too. If you are pretty be pretty good all around.

Adidas best wishes are always the best

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Free professional counselling and advice to Moroccan
[email protected]
16 April 2008 11:23
Pretty-Girl, it's not how much you eat but what do you eat?? Obesity can be a genetically trasmitted disease but it's quite rare. The disturbingly increasing number of obese people is due to bad eating habits i'm afraid especially among children and teenagers. You said that you're from Algeria and statistics show that obesity is quite low in mediterranean countries compared to the rest of the world (although countries like Morocco and France are catching up...), this is because people take time cooking their own meals at home, and choose carefully their ingredients (olive oil, lots of vegetables, fuits etc) while elsewhere like Britain, people are lucky if they manage to cook 1 meal a week! usually it's takeaway meals straight from the chippie (that's fish with batter fried in loads of oil to make it crispy and fried potatoes), Kebabs and ready cooked meals with god knows how much fat and carbohydrates they've got in them. Add to it all the digusting carton food from the Macdonals and KFC and you run straight into disaster.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
16 April 2008 15:25
thank you minnimouse for your reply .I eat every thing and thx god iam not fat.

I think that its right what did you said; that in mediterranean countries obesity is quite low.

But their is no better than food .
yawning smiley
16 April 2008 16:31
Pretty no one is disputing that eating certain food is exciting and good feeling due to certain hormones are released in the brain. Food companies know that so they play on it by adding sugar and chemicals to processed food including bread.
The saying “eat to live and not live to eat”. Moroccans generally speaking have three meals a day and a snack in between with the exception of a few. Less activity combined with late meals lasting till mid night is the express illness. Most the carbohydrates not used are stored either as sugar in the liver or as fat.

Adidas Best gadid & badaz
20 April 2008 09:34

Clint Eastwood is good, Lee Van Cleef is bad, and Eli Wallach is ugly in the final chapter of Sergio Leone's trilogy of spaghetti westerns .........grinning smiley

I'm sorry this dosn't much the content of your post but the title remind me of the famous western film by Sergio Leone who perfectly contrasts the self-interested men with the greater backdrop of the tragedy of war.....

for me the good person: is someone who has a great kind heart, a helpful person who think about
others in need before thinking about himself.....
the bad person : is someone who's arrogant, selfish and ungratful....
the ugly person: is someone who has no quality, looking for opportunities to take advantages of
i think the inner beauty is much important than appearances.... who cares about the access of fat when the heart can make the difference.

21 April 2008 11:20
I am not setting a blind date here but if fat people are your cup of tea I just like a glass of water for some reasons.

Good luck to you with what ever you do

Adidas Best body shape
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