You got me !
My name is Shlomo, I've been posing as a muslim and inserting jewish ads on Yabiladi when you open this forum, I control Google Analytics through a server in my office in the Israeli intelligence.
What tipped you off ? I'm amazed by your clairvoyance
I know chelhman doesn't need anyone to defend his views on this forum, he can do that and even defend others. what was the subject here again?
Are you saying over 65% of Palestinians that elected them are just dump and you are the only smart man?
How can you judge theses people with out been there and feel what they feel?
: Ilhem2
Ya lalla, When did I ever said I support or not support Islamic regime please read my post carefully before jumping on my throat.
I just stated the fact on what brought the “3adl oual ehssan “to power and that is it.
Now that you give me some more info I can be precise,
Let me see, I can say with confidence you never spent more then a moth per year if that in morocco and you are trying to decide for the people that live there and see the melancholy days in and days out? I lived in France my self and I saw the first and second immigrant generation life style. And that is a different subject opening it, is like opening a cane of worms.
Like I always say, "the best of both worlds
If you think about it, that's what true Morocco is all about, read our history, you'll notice that we've always been a land crossed by different faiths and different civilizations, we did not chase them away unless they were threatening, we've learnt from them.
You and others, think that as muslims, we are the chosen ones by God
Sure right I'm slow, now we are getting to personal stuff, I won’t go there,Quote
Are you slow ?
Born and raised in France then spent a few years back home, which part of this don't you understand ?