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Al Hamdo Lillah
7 March 2008 11:48
Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie je suis len vie. Al Hamdo je te remercie je vie un autre jour pour le reconnaitre. Al Hamdo je te remercie je suis en bonne sante ainsi ma famille. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de me donner tous ces richesses. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie j’ai quitté mon pays natal et je peux y retourner quand je veux. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de me donner le pouvoir de donner au moins chanceux. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie ceux qui m’entoure m’aiment et ceux qui sont loin de moi m’adorent et pense a moi. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de me guider a faire du bien la ou je suis. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie tu es la pour m’aider contre les difficultés des obstacles de la vie. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie Tu es avec moi dans ma solitude. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de m’avoir illuminé le bon chemin. Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie pour demain et tous ce que tu me donneras.


Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie d’avoir crée
Adidas pour mon confort
8 March 2008 12:59

nous sommes des musulmans et nous croyons a ALLAH SUBHANAHO WATA3LA. c'est tres bien de remercier ALLAH qui t'as entoure et qui nous a entoure tous de tous ses bienfaits mais mon cher ami n'oublie pas de remercier tes parents qui surement ont sacrifie beaucoup pour que tu soi ce que tu est maintenant.
parents avant pense que tu avais someil pendant l'ecriture de ce messagesleeping .
pas grave cher amithumbs up.
8 March 2008 14:37
When the lord Allah gives, he doesn’t expect you to be thankful to him but only to recognise it, thanking him through prayers or deeds it shows how grateful you are to what goodness you have received be it health or wealth; even if you are ungrateful to him once you ask forgiveness he resets the counter of sins and gives you more goodness for you to recognise. The power of forgiveness is obvious only in the divine level.
About the love of the parents, is not at the same level as the almighty Allah. The parental biological cycle is rewarded by Allah later. What I have achieved was purely through the power of Allah that gives and takes away. The power that says: “be it!!!! and it becomes” “kon !!!fa ya kon”.
I pray to Allah to take mercy on my late father, to forgive his sins and to rest his inner energy (soul) in peace. I pray for my dear mother to recognise Allah’s gifts and to strengthen her faith in his love and bless our dear prophet Med SLWS to solicit forgiveness of the bad acts of his followers.

Allah is beautiful and loves the beauty; thank you Allah for

Adidas prayer mat
8 March 2008 16:56
Dear brother in ISLAM. it seems u didn't get my message clearly. take ur time & read it again. what u've been saying is obvious & no one can disgree with you about it. what u've been explaing is the ABC of what we learnt & we'r still learning from our schoolars. i 've nothing to comment ab all what u said, i just mention that u need to be grateful to ur parents because i'm sure they backed and help u as any parents can do.moreoveer u need to know that it's vice verca, being tankful & grateful to our parents is being thankful & grateful to ALLAH almighty. its the same thing regarding the relationship between the husband and wife. if the wife obey and respect her husband its for sure an obeyance to ALLAH. don't u know the meaning of the hadith who says "ta3to azzawj min ta3ti ALLAH". so please, be comprehensive and don't mix things. being grateful and thankful to our parents is being grateful and thankful to ALLAH.
11 March 2008 18:58
Take a vacation to see your parents or still better pack your bag and go back home.
I have seen your type

Do you know in Morocco there is a beautiful song, very famous, the words are so meaningful and I love it goes like this: “DOOR BE HA A SHE BANI DOOR BE HA DOOR BE HA TAKH7DAM A LEEK WA 3LEHA…”?
I am talking about the bloody divine power, the extreme energy and you are talking about your bazzoula and dummy. You missed the heavenly glory of my prayer and you spoilt it like having the clarified milk when one is full up (al ban fookh2 ashab3a).

“Allah ya3tena shta 3ala gad anfa3” PeaceMan from


Adidas Best Prayer
13 March 2008 15:50
salam Mr. ADIDAS
take it easy & don't be angry. it seems u learnt nothing from British people. cursing, talking nonsense & being unable to lead a fruitful & responsable chat reflects ur weak personality. just read again my message & urs & u'll see how far 'r our perspective of seeing things. poor u!!!!!! in ur 1st message u gave a reader an image of a good muslim and in ur 2nd message u give a reader an image of uneducated person. one face & two personalities. the good & the ugly. i know ur going to write a dirty reply again. i don't mind as i like to read and judge psychopath like u but be sure i won't answer u. i just w'll sneer & laugh as im doing know.
ur still my brother in ISLAM u like it or u don't like it. i love u as an expatriate and wish u the best in ur life and hope u'll change inchaALLAH by being tolerent and a good comunicator.
please feel free to answer and say whatever u want to say. ever if u would like to curse do it. WALLAHI i don't mind. i just don't want u to be as those people that we call "la hayata limane tounadi"
peace,love, tolerence and salam be upon u thumbs up.
13 March 2008 16:44
Na!!!!! You still spoilt my little prayer man, who are you to judge others, when the almighty Allah will judge nobody until the day of resurrection? Oh boy “may Allah take mercy on you” your sins are tipping over the scales educated or not. The left hand notebook “kounash” is almost full with your sins.

Do you call it a healthy conversation if it is based on insults and hypothesis? Please tell me, why did you reply to my post? Others joined in that is sweet, and may Allah give them what they hope for in theirs lives and bless their love ones.

All I can do for you right now is pray to Allah to guide to apologise to him; I am a no body it doesn’t matter I know you are Morokki even if Belgium on papers.


Adidas Best Wishes:
Please do not reply to my post please pretty please.
13 March 2008 17:29
it seems ur still angry and anxious.
i need to reply 'cause u asked questions, i'm sorry for this inconveniencethumbs up Mr. ADIDAS.
I replied 'cause u need to learn that "TA3TO ALWALIDAINE MINE TA3TI ALLAH"
secondo i'm not No no from Belgium , Moroccan (tm) yes.
then to tell u that as ur a nice guy, very eloquent with a good sense and judgement inchaALLAH ur pryers won't be spoiled. just take it easy and don't get irritated.
CHEIK(scholar) thank u very much for ur prayers to ALLAH to guide to apology me. i really appreciate itClap
yes my "counach" is full of sins while urs is clean, i told u ur a nice guy but u didn't believe me.a very eloquent scholar indeedeye popping smiley
waiting for other questions to answer
13 March 2008 19:17
sorry Mr.ADIDAS. just to tell u that there's an islamic school in London not far from where ur staying. i do 've some friends helping around there during their free time. so if ur interested i can help to keep u in touch with them. surely u can do some voluntary work as ur genius, eloquent and willing to do "AL KHAIR" ,didn't u say in ur 1st message "Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de me donner le pouvoir de donner au moins chanceux"/ "Al Hamdo Lillah je te remercie de me guider a faire du bien la ou je suis" ????????
i think this's another way to be thankful and grateful to ALLAH almighty besides ur BIG little prayer. i also beg u not to stop praying and asking ALLAH to forgive this boy his sins ,his"kounach" is full as ur goodself scholargrinning smiley said before. please "CHEICK" pray ALLAH to make me an angel with no sins like ur goodself is. please "CHEICK" pray ALLAH to make me a good lecturer with much knowledge in humanities,philosophy and science as ur goodself is. "o" Mr.whatever be patient with this boy & don't say "Na!!!!! You still spoilt my little prayer man"--- wilst it sounds nice from u but i think its too childish as a reply from ur goodself scholar.
Mr. {ADIDAS BEST PRAYER] I pray ALLAH not to aquaint with u nor to meet u as u seem to be tough, rude and violent 'cause if ur cursing and insulting me eventhough we'r far hundred KM from each other I wonder what could happen to my slim small body Oh once in front of u. u'll certainly crash me with ur "ADIDAS BEST PRAYER"smiling smiley, isn't it, superman??????
"o" poor u man, ur missing a chance of ur life for not learning the ABC of comunication and courtesy from British people there, believe me u'll regret it.
"ADIDAS BEST PRAYER"spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
8 April 2008 16:58
Please, Allah take mercy of those who join my prayer you are the merciful. Let your power shows when you enlighten their hearts and any obscure part of their future, keep them safe healthy and wealthy.
Please Allah make My Saturday lottery ticket the last one I will ever, ever buy. I bear witness I ‘ll sin no more.


Adidas promiss
8 April 2008 17:07
Please Allah make My Saturday lottery ticket the last one I will ever, ever buy. I bear witness I ‘ll sin no more.

hey, why don't you buy a bunch of tickets instead of one? this way you wont have to buy anymore and you can keep your promise.

Don't forget to share if one of them is a winner! winking smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
10 April 2008 11:14
Thanks dear Minniemouse for the sound advice; the only thing with that is I will be loosing lots of money in one go if none of them is a winner. Allah is very mysterious when he wants to make someone happy in order to make. I guess my number is not up on the board yet (like the shahada or baccalaureate). One thing for certain he will answer me one day. For now just a “tena” here and there will do. Do you play lottery? in early 90s a Pakistani man won around 17 million he donated about 3 millions, built a mosque a few houses and shops and went back to Pakistan to shower his relatives and friends with what’s left isn’t that nice? He only played now and then and Allah prioritizes his wish.



Adidas Best prayer
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