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Happy Ramadan
1 September 2008 11:11
Hi all. Hope you're doing well.

Just wanted to wish everybody a happy and blessed month of Ramadan. May peace be with you all and may all your wishes come true.

So how is the first day going so far? has your routine changed? do you get up for alfajr or do you carry on sleeping like normal?

I personnally get up at 5am in normal days so i guess 1 hour earlier is not going to make a difference to my system. I got up at 4 today and had breakfast. I am holding on ok so far, fully awake and not too brain damaged thanks to strong coffee..but i will wait till this afternoon and assess the situation to decide if i should carry on this drastic change or not smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
1 September 2008 11:59
Salam All,

Princess is always the first member to wish everybody Ramadan moubarak, allah i3tik Saha... you always wake up at 5, well i didn't know you were Rab3a al3adaouia tongue sticking out smiley

Anyway, Happy Ramadan and 3wacher Moubaraka...

It is not Ramadan yet in Morocco, So we are gobbling up here preparing hibernation..tongue sticking out smiley

"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
1 September 2008 13:04
Ramadane Mobarak

Yes Hicham The Princess is always the 1st to wish us all a happy Ramadan & this year is no exception

Kolo 3am wa every one bi 1000 kheer.

as per last year i didi not wake up well i did not go to bed til after 02:30 after haming a Muller light & a cake ! so far so good i did managed to kick the habit of drinking coffee (i use to have up to 8 cups a day) .
For the bgirls & Boys what about having Iftar one day in London ?
A new Morocan place opened in Qeensway (Marhba) details if we have many takers !
1 September 2008 13:37
Hi Hicham and Atlasmagic. Well this forum is like a second family so i always come here straight to present my wishes after my family in Morocco smiling smiley I haven't realised before now that i am always the first one to do so. If there was a competition on yabi i would have won it Angel

Hicham, well if Morocco has fasted today (like everybody else) that would be strange indeed!! you guys always distinguish yourself from the rest so as to appear as unique and draw all the attention tongue sticking out smiley

Atlas, i like your idea but i am only available this week unfortunately until sunday! the following couple of weeks i am in training and the week after on holiday. Let me know if you get responses and i'll happily join you smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
1 September 2008 14:10

You are jealous because we are not hungry today tongue sticking out smiley ... we are centuries behind Europe and it comes to fasting you want us to fast the same day, this is not fair, we should fast in April and only 1 week tongue sticking out smiley (Nonesense)

Anyway, we will catch up as the day is longer here i think, fajr is at about 4:30 and Maghreb is at 7:05, so, we are probably will fast more hours than you will this year...

Atlas, Remember Minnie's joke of tajine of/on charcoal last year ???
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
1 September 2008 14:37
ah les dragueurs
rien ne leur échappe!
1 September 2008 15:16
Hicham, i wish you were right about you fasting more hours than us but it's not true...

Fajr is at 4.10 and iftar at 7.50!! you are lucky because they changed the clock for you today.

however you might find it a little harder to fast in the middle of the heat and in this regard i do really sympathise with you can stand days without food but water is just hard to resist and in your case especially, hard drugs will even be worse smoking smiley

please remind me of the charcoal rings a bell but i don't remember the joke itself moody smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
1 September 2008 16:29
MAROOK RAMADAN (with health inch Allah to all)
Last week I was on full board in Egypt and this week alhamdo lillah just the memories.
Great so far just I feel a bit thirsty. Got confused when I checked various Ramadan time tables last night as the start and finish vary even around London, Cambridge and Birmingham.
Atlas, that sounds very good idea as long as it’s a weekend (though my mum wouldn’t appreciate me coming down to London and not having laftour with her during Ramadan)
Please do remember to eat healthily during this month especially at laftour time. Too much sugar/ salt/ chilly are not good for the body (except baghrir with real honey). In love

Wish you all happiness and togetherness in your lives.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
1 September 2008 16:48
Hey adds! welcome back. Good for you the trip to Egypt. where have you been? hope your missus enjoyed herself and forgot your "betrayal" about going to Morocco and leaving her behind eye rolling smiley

I was confused too about timing until last night but for i went to the London mosque website and got the official times. i also have a channel that broadcasts from London called "Isalm TV" it's on sky and their times were identical to the london mosque times, so i feel more reassured now. []
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
1 September 2008 17:58

Fortunately it is no longer hot as it was a week before, between 22° and 36°, highly bearable, in Rabat and Casa it is very lovely with temperature around 27° we are lucky, otherwise we would have been obliged to fast in the camping...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
2 September 2008 14:10
Hi adds & wlecome back for the times table i check & they seem to have it right

Hicham : i'am jelaous you fastiong less than us ,working less hours & having the best ftours...

Minnie : since when the "Sabsi" is classed as hard drug ptdr poor hicham picked up the habit in Marrakech ....
2 September 2008 14:26

Where this sabsi comes from Atlas,

i read no sabsi or sth having to do with drugs in this topic, I am sure Atlas is extending some after-leftour bachelor glissa party here in the forum, wella rak ji3ane tout court??? tongue sticking out smiley
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
2 September 2008 17:53

i was just kidding obviously but with Ramdan you may be right its gone to my head SOS
2 September 2008 19:47
No problem brother, i thought i have skipped a message in the thread, anyway, the first days are hard..later on, we get used to fasting...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
2 September 2008 19:54
Hi every body,
I hope you re doing well
Ramadan mubarak karim All winking smiley
especially my dear minnie yawning smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
2 September 2008 21:56
Happy Ramadan everybody

Yesterday I had my first ramadan breakfast with friends and it was a nice start of the month.

Happy and healthy Ramadan everybody. And do not forget, be good to yourself and be good to others.
2 September 2008 22:28
No problem brother, i thought i have skipped a message in the thread, anyway, the first days are hard..later on, we get used to fasting...

Salam Hicham, so how was the first day? not too hard without sebsi??? tongue sticking out smiley

well i think you did skip a post, i did talk about you using hard drugs and since you didn't reply, i just assumed you were too embarasses to admit your addiction. Cool
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
2 September 2008 22:30
Hi every body,
I hope you re doing well
Ramadan mubarak karim All winking smiley
especially my dear minnie yawning smiley

Hi Islah! thank you dear for your wishes and Ramadan mubarak to you and your family. Hope you are keeping well and enjoying this month yawning smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
2 September 2008 23:40

Sorry Atlas, i actually was not following, Minnie always gets everybody mixed up here tongue sticking out smiley, anyway, Sabsi is my a hard drug and i fully confess, it is my capital sin, but you have to admit that it is original to smoke salmia and 3atercha in a Sabsi..- i 'm sure Minnie doesn't know these -

the first day was a bit hard, i had things to fix outside and it is not a good idea to use a bike as a transportation when you are busy, temperature was not high 36°, but the sun seemed to let concentrated rays..and the result was knockout once back home...

Minnie, the charcoal joke, we had a topic last ramadan and i and Atlas were talking about tajine cooked on charcoal, you responded by saying that it sounded great a TAJINE MADE OF CHARCOAL;... that was it
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
2 September 2008 23:45
Hi Islah! thank you dear for your wishes and Ramadan mubarak to you and your family. Hope you are keeping well and enjoying this month yawning smiley

Hi minnie , hamdoulilah i m fine and this mounth will be benefit for us
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 September 2008 12:46
Hicham : good luck mate with 36° it must be hard but next year it will be even harder but with salmia and 3atercha you will be cool ...
i did not recall the Princess talking about TAJINE MADE OF CHARCOAL;... ! its either i'am amramdane or the Princess was on that day !
3 September 2008 12:48

Many thanks & i hope its not too hot in Agadir
3 September 2008 12:54

next year i'm moving to Alaska sure tongue sticking out smiley

remember last year's ramadan we usually talked about ch'hiwates, this year it is the weather..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 September 2008 13:16

Yes we did talk about twijnates ...this year its the weather is this because of the credit crunch ??
How is it there ? here is depressing everywhere you go they talking about it ! i know Labled is projecting 6.5% Economie growth when the UK is cutting dowm to 1.6 % ! are we exporting more t3araje
3 September 2008 13:35
Hicham, 36 degress and you think it's not hot!!!! naaaaariii something must be wrong with your immune system!! eye popping smiley

Nope,i haven't heard of salmia and 3atercha before! i don't think we smoke this type of drugs in Zabandarougou faganshi where i grew up...

Yes i do remember the charcoal joke now!! ptdr god i must have been high or something that that i kicked out the habit i won't make silly mistakes like that anymore Angel

Atlas, yes you're right! looks like Morocco is catching up quickly on the economy! i heard we are exporting t3araje mainly to the US as they will be used to celebrate when Bush will be kicked out from office and the next president comes into the white house!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
3 September 2008 13:39
Don't try to understand, from one side, they say Economy growth reached 6.8% up to july, on the other side food and oil prices are high, importations increased with 27.7%, trade deficit also increased.. so you need Phd in informal economics to explain it all, and he has to be ould cha3b enough to understand issues as moul 9ra3I lbi3, Hashish and sand trucks..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 September 2008 13:49
36° in comparison with last weeks' 46, which one do you want me to choose, i would surely say Essaouira's 22°...but anyway need something strong than Salmia and 3atercha to live there...something like tQacher or so

Salmia and 3atercha, are two plants we drink with tea like mint and shiba , also form with other components what is a bouquet of different plants called something i forgot now...dawzzouha

Normally Minnie you are high with no need of any hard or soft drug, you are just fine without any, i wonder what wisdom will be capable of if you happen to use some..tongue sticking out smiley
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 September 2008 13:59
Hicham : i gave up with our lots a log time ago they live in an other planet but they are dialna & what can one do ...ect you know the drills

I think our Princess will benefit from a guided tour in Marrakech next time she visits to show her the plants herbs ..........& if she wants the adventures will arrange for a tour on the bike & a trek to sidi chamharouch !!
3 September 2008 14:10
the real adventure would if she chooses to stay in one those hotels in sidi boulouQat in Riadh Zitoune, you know those hotels in which the receptionist is a nice huge cockroach speaking perfect darija...

Anyway, i'll be glad to give anyone from the forum a tour in Marrakesh, but you have to know that mine is different, no dumb tourist touring, my guests will be having breakfast flgorna as an example...any volonteers??
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 September 2008 14:19

Do not tell me chi ftayar bel mokh ? i will be there mate
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