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Have you been a victim of 419 Scam Fraud from Nigeria ?
21 May 2007 00:35
Too good to be true... I was offered a job as a Senior Lecturer in English Language with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The job offer includes an interesting package among which is the salary : $21,480.00USD !!! It looked too good to be true... So I made a research on the net and found out it was a scam. Be aware of those because they look like real and genuine contracts but in fact the people behind that (mostly Nigerians) want to swidle money from you...via Western Union Money Transfer. It's called "Fraud 419"...

To learn more about this go to :


21 May 2007 00:40
You can also check this link :

21 May 2007 00:51
Here is the last email I got in my email box from those people :

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Nigeria Immigration Services <[email protected]>
To: Y
Sent: Sunday, 20 May, 2007 11:26:07 AM
Subject: Work Permit/Residence Visa

TEL: +234-805-7937514
FAX: +234-805-6559493
EMAIL 1: [email protected]
EMAIL 2: [email protected]

Attention: Y


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is in reference to your enquiry regarding the issuance of Residence Permit, Work Permit and Visa papers to you which will enable you and your family to live and work in Nigeria. We want to bring it to your notice that we have already received the Hard Copies of your Contract Documents from your Employer here in Nigeria.

In accordance with the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 reform section 102 Act Decree 742 of the Federal Law of Immigration, it is the duty of any Foreign Contractor/Agent/Employee to pay responsibly for the procurement and acquisition of Visa, Work and Residence Permit Papers.

Attached here is the official Work Permit, Residence Permit and Visa Application Form, and you are requested to fill in correctly the required information, scan and send it back to us along with the below requirements.


a) Visa Application Fee: US$520.00
b) Government Approval Fee: US$640.00
c) Courier/Dispatching Fee: US$280.00
d) Consular / Insurance Fee: US$180.00

According to the Law which is holding the Nigerian Immigration Diplomatic Services, the Employee will take the responsibility of obtaining his or her relevant traveling documents, while the Employer will Reimburse any expenses to the employee, after the employee must have obtain his Residence, Work Permit and Visa Papers from the Immigration Authority.

You are hereby advised to send the Total Residence, Work Permit and Visa charges to us via Western Union Money Transfer with the receiver's details stated below;

NAME: Mr. Uchechukwu G. Onuoha
Address: Immigration Office, Owerri, Nigeria.
Text Question: Payment for?
Text Answer: Total Visa Fee.

Upon the receipt of the above mentioned requirements along with the total approval fee, we shall take the necessary steps to process your papers, and shall courier the Hard Copies of your Contract Documents and Traveling Documents to you through our diplomatic courier services.

Note: The processing time will take 3 (three) working days, after the confirmation of the completed Visa form, the required documents and the Total Visa / Entry fees.

Thank for your understanding, and hoping for your kind response.

Yours at service,

Barr. Tunde Brown (Esq.)
Head of Visa/Permits Operations
21 May 2007 00:55
And this is the "Official Letter of Appointment" as they call it, but there are more to laugh about...

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: UNN Recruitment Dept. <[email protected]>
To: Y
Sent: Saturday, 19 May, 2007 9:36:13 AM
Subject: Official Letter of Appointment & Agreement

Attention: MR. Y

Dear Sir/Madam,

Pursuant to the recent negotiations, and our subsequent agreement on terms of Employment, as attached. UNN RECRUITMENT DEPARTMENT does hereby officially confirmed your appointment with University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN)

Attached are the soft copies of your contract documents, and you are requested to sign the Agreement, scan and send it back to us.

As one of the selected candidates, we have forwarded the Hard Copies of your contract documents to the Nigerian Immigration Services for endorsement and to enable them assist you in the procurement and acquisition of your valid work permit residence permit and visa papers which will enable you to live and work with us here in Nigeria.

You have to make contact with the below contact details for easy acquisition of your relevant traveling documents, and to enable them courier the Hard Copies of your contract documents to you along with your traveling documents.





E-Mail 1: [email protected]

E-mail 2: [email protected]

Tel: +234 805 7937514

Fax: +234 805 6559493

Contact Person: BARR. TUNDE BROWN (Esq.)


As soon as you have procured your relevant traveling papers from the Immigration Authority, we shall reimburse you the expenses you made, and also, your first month salary, air ticket and other monetary benefits shall be sent to you to enable you embark on your trip to Nigeria to take up your duties with UNN.

So we urge you to do the needful if only you need to take up this job offer.


Prof. Sakiru Amodu

Chief Recruiting Officer

UNN Recruitment Dept.

Enugu State,


Mobile: +234 803 5284047
21 May 2007 02:38
evrything that comes from subsaharan Africa's full of problems even their mails ! i don't expect Khair from these countries but some diseases and scams !
21 May 2007 07:47
evrything that comes from subsaharan Africa's full of problems even their mails ! i don't expect Khair from these countries but some diseases and scams !

scam are everywhere.. the capital of scam is just nearby florida !

so that is not a way to give some people a lower attitude than others.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
21 May 2007 12:05
Victim of this ? no never
Target ? yes, every single day
22 May 2007 14:57
no 'cuz i'm not stupid
23 May 2007 00:24
no 'cuz i'm not stupid

Who said you were ? Reporting a scam doesn't mean anything.
23 May 2007 03:35
reporting it no, but falling for it, is big time stupid imo.
23 May 2007 14:48
reporting it no, but falling for it, is big time stupid imo.

Ya, but there is a slight difference between being stupid and being naive. In this case, most people are naive, not stupid.
As a lecturer myself, I'm aware that universities don't offer lecture jobs by a finger click. You must have strong records and have published a few articles within the university press and journals...
The stupid one here would the person who knows nothing about higher education recruitment, and therefore has no idea about what is required to be a Senior Lecturer, and finaly sends money to those cheaters.
The naive one is the person who believes the veracity of the trickery. That could be the case if the offer was not too high (a lecturer in French univesities gets an average salary of 3,000 Euros, depending on the grade, but surely not $ 21,000.00 USD !!!). In the UK, a lecturer could earn an average of £2,500.

This post is not a lamentation, it's just one more little info. for people who had no clue about that...

Take care...
27 May 2007 00:20

Comment as tu été contacté pour cette offre d'emploi? Par mail? courrier?
En tous cas moi je n'y aurais pas prêté attention car je ne crois pas trop au bonheur apporté sur un plateau d'argent! lol
Ou alors je suis du genre à lire et relire tout en détail pour trouver la petite étoile qui indique un nota bene ecrit en minuscules...
Peut etre suis-je trop méfiante mais bon de nos jours, il vaut mieux l'être je crois!
27 May 2007 14:41
Salam ana,

Les scams 419 sont toujours envoyés par e-mail. Bien sur que beaucoup de gens ne sont pas naifs au point d'y croire sur le champ, c'est bien pour cela que les "scamers" utilisent le contexte. Il s'agit de repérer les adresses mail de personnes qui postent ou publient leur CV sur des sites d'emploi et de recrutement sur le Net. Il est très facile de se faire passer pour un employeur (même en payant qq frais), et ainsi avoir accès à des centaines, voire des milliers d'adresse e-mail à travers le monde.
Les scamers ciblent ensuite le profile des candidats et fabriquent des offres "sur mesure". Astucieusement, ils envoient alors un mail à la personne ciblée, en faisant en sorte que l'offre corresponde à sa demande, formulée auparavant sur des sites d'offres d'emploi.

Dans un tel contexte, il est difficile de ne pas y croire, surtout quand les offrent se situent à un niveau intermédiaire, et ne proposent pas un salaire astronomique...

Mais il faut savoir que les "scamers" sont traqués par les polices internationales car ils sont tellement bien organisés que les offres ressembles souvent à des vraies fausses offrent puisque au Nigéria, par exemple, les fraudeurs 419 ont des complices dans les entreprises mais aussi dans la police et le gouvernement. C'est, semble-t-il assez sérieux car la Fraude 419 à rapporté plus de 1 Milliard d'euros au Nigéria l'année dernière, d'après des sources officielles du gouvernement Nigérian.

Pour terminer, j'ajoute que, de toutes façons, nous autres Marocains, sommes extrêmment méfiants et ne tombons pas facilement dans de tels pièges ; c'est, je dois dire, une bonne chose. Mais il faut savoir que certains se font piéger, même des Nigérians installés en Europe!..
27 May 2007 17:59
Salam Shams-el-Arab

Je ne sais pas si ça s'apparente à des hoax mais il y a de bons sites qui permettent de détecter les canulars répandus sur le net (comme

En tous cas merci pour cette reponse détaillée ! je dormirais moins bete cette nuit!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2007 06:02 by ana59.
3 June 2007 05:20
salam everyone,
do u know that we have this type of scams even in our beloved country smiling smiley It happened to me personally i had a so called contract in Sweden smiling smiley a job offer placed in Menara i applied for it and then i was asked to pay 30.000 DH to ensure that once i was there i had a place to live in ... etc etc i was STUPID and i did pay it and guess what no news since then smiling smiley nice huh .... so now anything that has to do with internet i dont ever trust.
Shams-al-arab i m here i m trying to give you a sign of life smiling smiley
4 June 2007 01:26
salam everyone,
do u know that we have this type of scams even in our beloved country smiling smiley It happened to me personally i had a so called contract in Sweden smiling smiley a job offer placed in Menara i applied for it and then i was asked to pay 30.000 DH to ensure that once i was there i had a place to live in ... etc etc i was STUPID and i did pay it and guess what no news since then smiling smiley nice huh .... so now anything that has to do with internet i dont ever trust.
Shams-al-arab i m here i m trying to give you a sign of life smiling smiley

Ya, that's great ! Real pleasure hearing from you on this forum ! Appart from that, so you fell in the trap ??? I absolutely had no idea that Moroccans were good at that too...shame... So you wanted to go to Sweden and you got swindled !!! angry smiley Dear friend, above all, the most important thing is that you're safe, think about the poor lads who paid money to "cruise" acros Gibraltar Channel and got found laying dead on the Spanish beaches... As for those scammers, they're just like cockroaches, they need to be crushed...

Anyhow, once again, it was nice hearing from you..smiling smiley

Take care...
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