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help for invitation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 April 2008 17:47
i need help for wraiting an invitation in english.
my husband need an exemple so he can send it to me for giving it to the ambassy.
im not sooooooooo good at englishconfused smiley
i wait your ansewrsmiling smiley
23 April 2008 17:51
Hey, what kind of letter is this? i'll be happy to help if you send me the info

There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
23 April 2008 18:03

Is this for visa application ?
23 April 2008 19:09
hello.does ur husband lives in morocco? i am happy to help you my friend.and for which embassy you want to send this letter to? usa or amerika or canada? do you live right now in maroc or other cuntree?
23 April 2008 23:38
thanks for your ansewrsIn love.the letter is for visa pplication husband live in danmark and we like to have holidays for 3 monthes the ambassy of danemark in rabat, they had tell him that he need to write an invitation for je me permets d ecrire en français, ça veut dire que c'est lui qui me prend en charge.pour le logement, la nourriture et tout au long du sejour.voilasmiling smiley
24 April 2008 10:36
Hi there

The sponsorship letter has to state some personal information such as earning, savings (with Bank statements if possible), accommodation, length of marriage, present situation, and future intentions.

My best wishes are the best of the bests

Adidas Best
24 April 2008 10:57
Ok let me get this right, you live in Morocco and your husband in Denmark and you need a letter of sponsorship to get your visa and join him for holidays, right? if this is the case, here is a sample:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Letter of support for my wife (your name) to visit me in (full name of country)

I am writing with regards to the application of Mrs.... for a family visitor’s visa in.... I would like to sponsor Mrs ... on the ground of her being my wife wanting to visit me and spend some time with me here in ...

I am a Danish citizen (if this applies) amd I have been residing in Denamrk for .... years now and I am currently in full time employment working as...

I hereby undertake to provide for the maintenance and accommodation of my wife out of my own resources together with the cost of her travel expenses( if applies).Please find enclosed copies of ...(he will list all documents required).

Sincerely yours.

Your husband's name and signature.

Hope this helps!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
25 April 2008 01:09
thank you very much for all your helpIn love.
thank you Minniemouse bezaf.
if my husband is danish(he is), he need to write(I have been residing in Denamrk for .... years now ?), like you had tell me.and i he have a compagny, he can tell it like you hade write to me(I am currently in full time employment working as... ?)
25 April 2008 05:45
I'm Morrocan living in the U. S. I'm aprofessional Interpreter. If you can obtain the copies of the documents fill them in French or Spanish email them to me and I'll translate for for you and send back. Just to help. No charge. You may have to wait at least one week before you get your transltion back. I work long hours interpreting for the court, the police and Immigration English /Spanish.

Have a nice day.
25 April 2008 10:52
thank you very much for all your helpIn love.
thank you Minniemouse bezaf.
if my husband is danish(he is), he need to write(I have been residing in Denamrk for .... years now ?), like you had tell me.and i he have a compagny, he can tell it like you hade write to me(I am currently in full time employment working as... ?)

If your husband is Danish by birth then that's fine he doesn't need to say anything but if he has another nationality and acquired Danish citizenship, he needs to specify how many years he's been living in Denmark and he also needs to state his job and the company he works for, but this will be reflected also in his payslips i guess...
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
26 April 2008 12:18
[[i]b]morning dearest friends,
it is a great pleasure to see people helping each other.I woulf like to thank sir minnimouse and the interpreter for their golden information.
i am not intersted in such things but i find it greater to see moroccans collabortaing with each others.
yours agntif76[/b][/i]
28 April 2008 00:08
i like to tell you thank you veeeeeeeeeery much for your help.choukran million timesIn love
29 April 2008 16:29
Hi friends,
Am moroccan living abroad and am so proud to take part of this community and c u all helping each other, it's a great example for true moroccans all over d world. Thanks for every1
29 April 2008 18:05
when my husband will write the invitation, he have to go somewhere(administration, police.....)to make itlegal? can he send it to me with internet? or he have to send me the original?
tank you for all and i wish you a good day(tm)
29 April 2008 18:33
Hi he just need to sign & date it No need to take it any where ...legalisation is only at home !

Contact the Danish consulat & find out all the docs you need ...

Good luck
29 April 2008 23:01
thanhs for your ansewr atlasmagic.i had call the ambassy of danmark in Rabat.they had only give me the list of documents i husband had call again and they tell him that he can fax the invitation and nothing i like to be sure before to travel to rabat.
30 April 2008 15:31
i realy need to now if my husband have to send me the origianl invitation or he can send it by email.i need your ansewr.i dont like to go to the ambassy and they tell me we need the original.
have a nice day
30 April 2008 17:26
To be on the safe side take the original Morocco they tend to be more demanding as we all know ...
Good luck
1 May 2008 23:42
its not your bisness.its between me and allah.if he is muslim or not.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2008 11:46 by marocaine1974.
2 May 2008 00:58
quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand est ce qu oooooooooooooooooooon va apprendre a ne pas se meler de ce quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ne nouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus regarde paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mon mari est un vrai muslim hamodulah et hssen menek, il fait le jeune, il c circoncisé, et il ne PARLE JAMAIS MAL DES AUTRES HAMDOULAH et NE SE MELE PAS DES AFFAIRES DES AUTRES!!!!!
im sorry if i had write in freinsh here but poeple like this one make me reaaaaaaaaaly angry and im better at frensh so kan darouri manrod 3la si vvvTTTvvv00evil
thank you atlasmagic for your ansewr
2 May 2008 12:00

you welcome , you will learn to ignore people like that .........
3 May 2008 00:05
je vais pas lire tes messages hit hchouma un homme a ton age yekteb bhad lmoustawa.ce que je peux dire: les chiens aboient et la caravane passe
3 May 2008 00:25
my lovely sister in islam.fear allah and the life after is very scary. to u i sound like a barking dog right now but when the fire in the hell will touch you you will be destroyed.
3 May 2008 11:53
voila, il est devenu gentil plus au moins.Merci Monsieur le Modowinking smiley
3 May 2008 16:44
allahs punishments is very bad
3 May 2008 19:20
yes and ALLh sobhanahou wata3ala will start to punish poeple who speek bad about athers before they know them and before they know them be careful because you will be the first one eli ghadi yete9la fezitevil
6 May 2008 17:35
Très chère Madame Tetouania;
La traduction de votre Invitation est faite. Malheuresement je n'arrive pas á vous l'en voyer sur "Yabiladi" á cause des anti virus et sécurités sur mon ordi. Je ne peu pas utiliser le copier coller, non plus... á cause des documents confidentiaux que je traduis pour les tribunaux... Ayez l'amabilité de m'envoyer votre adresse Email pour que je puisse vous la tansmettre subitement.
Créez une bonne journée ya jarati attetouniah.

Voici mon adresse email: [email protected]

Maa salama.
6 May 2008 23:14
que c'est gentil de ta part.ça me fait chaud au coeur qu on soit tous freres et soeurs pour s entre aider.merci pour ta traduction et je sais bel et bien que c'est beaucoup de travail.jazaka lahou khayran.smiling smiley
je t ai envoyé un MP.
merci aussi pour tout le monde sauf vvvTTTvvv00evil
passe une bonne soirée et je te passe le salam de tout tanjawa et tanher 3aroussat chamal. j y etais cet plus en plus belle ta ville.tu verra le changment.smiling smiley
13 May 2008 05:24
Thank you for your encouraging words.I finished the translation of her document few min. ago, I'llemail it to her first thing in th morning. Thanks again.
It feels good to create good Karma.
13 May 2008 05:36
You are hell itself, ignorant and sick. Qui t'a mentit et t'a dit que tu es Muslim. Une vache Musulmane n'aurait pas un idiot comme toi pour un fils.\
Vis et laisse vivre. Ce que les gens font de leurs vie cést entre et Allah. Mr. Prophet de jalousie.
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