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it's crazy!!
11 December 2006 17:40
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.
11 December 2006 17:51
They don't think like muslims do. They don't see the importance of the family.
11 December 2006 20:17
I do agree with what she does, and i don't see what is shame in this behavia. she's trying to help her mother and nothing else. She told her to take care herself from now, to be responsable for her life, to act like an adulte. There's nothing shame with that. Muslum can do the same to avide poverty and charity.

You can not compare this with you mother's situation, the thing is different your mother works all her live for you and only for you, she spend day and night for you ; she had no pension, no diploma. Your are her pension, and without you may be she can dead.

You know it doesn't work.

But you can't blame someone who wants to help his parents to be well and active.

That what i think

Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2006 10:29 by karim-sabyl.
12 December 2006 11:29
It has nothing to do with being moslem. The behavior exists in Spain, Italy, Greece, etc., these communities praise family values, on the contrary in nothern Europe the matter is different, parents ask for their kids (or vice-versa) to pay the rent, or they are kicked out of the house, it's normal for them. This will be incomprehensible for mediterranean culture, where the child only leaves his parent's home to get married.
12 December 2006 12:50
Crazy is when one is working while the other twelve are waiting at home to get food.
Idividuals should learn to rely on themselfs and wait for Abi. AAmmi. Akhi, ouled AAmmi...etc.
12 December 2006 17:55

Hey guys...whatever you can says in the coran we have to take care of our parents and that's it, no matter what happen and this is the bottom line.
12 December 2006 18:51
this is for Karim,

by the way? how can u juge my mum ? do u know each other? je pense que j ai affaire a klk 1 qui se prends pour ce qu il n'est pas,ben je te le dis que tu veuilles ou non, nous sommes marocains et avant tt musulmans meme si nous vivons a des milliers de km de chez nous, donc ses idees a la con ca reste ici parce que quand tu retournes la bas, tu es et tu resteras toujours et a jamais fils de khadija, rahma ou fatima... et que tu le veuilles ou non tu prendras toujours soin d'elle...Va mettre ta maman a la porte a l'age de 55 ans et dit lui de chercher du travail pour la rendre "ACTIVE"....."Active" mon oeil!!!!
12 December 2006 21:42
Yup, it says the same thing in the Bible and in the Thorah by the way... there is no exclusivity in this. This is common sense. Only culture and communities make a difference when it comes to what is being practised in every place.


Hey guys...whatever you can says in the coran we have to take care of our parents and that's it, no matter what happen and this is the bottom line.
12 December 2006 22:12
You really misunderstood Karim. he did not say any negativ thing about your mom.
17 December 2006 15:15
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.

Thanks for your message. you Know my co-worker (a french woman) have her mother living with her. And she said me many times, I want her to die, because she is insupportable, she don't sleep all nights ! etc...
I 'm shocking !!!! I said her it's not good and a Mother it's the light of our life.
She said me that she don't like her mother and she's waiting her to die !
17 December 2006 17:38
I'm not sure you get it all taboudrarte, I'm not sure neither we are talking about mother - daughter relationship; How come a mother kick out her own daughter at the age of 13 without even making sure that her education is complete and that she got the sens of all the values every sound mother wants her kids to have.
I value respect, love and care to parents and I don't need any religious regulations to teach it to me, however, some parents just did not getting anything but what they sow.
18 December 2006 19:04
I'm not sure you get it all taboudrarte, I'm not sure neither we are talking about mother - daughter relationship; How come a mother kick out her own daughter at the age of 13 without even making sure that her education is complete and that she got the sens of all the values every sound mother wants her kids to have.
I value respect, love and care to parents and I don't need any religious regulations to teach it to me, however, some parents just did not getting anything but what they sow.


I'm telling you...that's what she said...and in this country everything is possible. I'm not surprised any more everyday is something new. You talking about values, believe me, I don't see any everything here is money, money, money...
18 December 2006 19:56
I was watching NatGeo (National Geographic) the other day and they showed a documentary about a female leopard and her cub... as a cub the mother took care of the cub protecting it 24/7 and brought food to her mouth... when the mom felt it was time for the cub to start her own life, it was hard, the cub didn't want to leave, it was fine someone bringing food home. The mom started then ignoring the cub, and even at time she got furious and snarling at her child, until the child left and therefore started her own life.
You will say... what does this have to do with us... well sometimes parents have to do the "push" otherwise we will depend on the parents all our lives, if not what happens is we get married so that we replace the parents.
19 December 2006 00:39
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.

Are not you quickly making a fork-like generalization from your one poor single experience my dear taboudrarte????
On the one hand you dogmatically imply that inpired by your koran all daughter-mum relationships in
your marvelous muslim country are of the happiest kind that can exist on the face of the earth!
On the other hand you cynically infer that all those same relationships in the "kouffars" country you choosed to live in are of the despicable kind you above described!!!

Don't hurry so much, I can LOVE my mom and be an ATHEIST living with her in Antarctica!!!
-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
19 December 2006 07:23
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.

Are not you quickly making a fork-like generalization from your one poor single experience my dear taboudrarte????
On the one hand you dogmatically imply that inpired by your koran all daughter-mum relationships in
your marvelous muslim country are of the happiest kind that can exist on the face of the earth!
On the other hand you cynically infer that all those same relationships in the "kouffars" country you choosed to live in are of the despicable kind you above described!!!

Don't hurry so much, I can LOVE my mom and be an ATHEIST living with her in Antarctica!!!

You know what?no... this is it, think whatever u wanna think,I don't care,and by you saying "Your Koran" and "marvelous muslim country"I can imagine what kind of person u please keep such comments for yourself.
19 December 2006 11:15
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.

Are not you quickly making a fork-like generalization from your one poor single experience my dear taboudrarte????
On the one hand you dogmatically imply that inpired by your koran all daughter-mum relationships in
your marvelous muslim country are of the happiest kind that can exist on the face of the earth!
On the other hand you cynically infer that all those same relationships in the "kouffars" country you choosed to live in are of the despicable kind you above described!!!

Don't hurry so much, I can LOVE my mom and be an ATHEIST living with her in Antarctica!!!

You know what?no... this is it, think whatever u wanna think,I don't care,and by you saying "Your Koran" and "marvelous muslim country"I can imagine what kind of person u please keep such comments for yourself.

You don't care, that is allright for me!!!
But please, Keep your religion for yourself!
-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
19 December 2006 18:09
I'd like to keep it for myself but the thing is, it's something that we need to share with someone how has no clue about it, especially if he's born muslim. So..whenever u got the point, and whenever u ready, I would be more than happy to clear it up.
19 December 2006 19:15
I'd like to keep it for myself but the thing is, it's something that we need to share with someone how has no clue about it, especially if he's born muslim. So..whenever u got the point, and whenever u ready, I would be more than happy to clear it up.

Believe me, my dear, I do have many clues about this matter. Thas is why I got to the conclusion that we would had been far better off without this calamity. I am not a buyer of any religion of any kind. The mark of modern civilisation is when you keep your religion in your private space!
-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
19 December 2006 21:29
I'd like to keep it for myself but the thing is, it's something that we need to share with someone how has no clue about it, especially if he's born muslim. So..whenever u got the point, and whenever u ready, I would be more than happy to clear it up.

Believe me, my dear, I do have many clues about this matter. Thas is why I got to the conclusion that we would had been far better off without this calamity. I am not a buyer of any religion of any kind. The mark of modern civilisation is when you keep your religion in your private space!

Here we go again.I laughed when I read ur message... for real lol.
Now I'm pretty sure that my first message knocked the wrong door.At least I have my own, u have none u know what u are ? a "Ghost", sorry for disturbing your "none-existence".
19 December 2006 22:45
All right everyone it's probably about time we all cool off for a second. No need to fight each other because somebody is kicking out her mother smiling smiley.

I just suggest you replace a bit of passion by a bit of reason and you will not get so angered by the answers you are getting. If other people have other opinions that's fine. We're all entitled to our opinions.

And thanks for reminding us of the importance of our mothers on our lives smiling smiley
20 December 2006 00:51
I'd like to keep it for myself but the thing is, it's something that we need to share with someone how has no clue about it, especially if he's born muslim. So..whenever u got the point, and whenever u ready, I would be more than happy to clear it up.

Believe me, my dear, I do have many clues about this matter. Thas is why I got to the conclusion that we would had been far better off without this calamity. I am not a buyer of any religion of any kind. The mark of modern civilisation is when you keep your religion in your private space!

Here we go again.I laughed when I read ur message... for real lol.
Now I'm pretty sure that my first message knocked the wrong door.At least I have my own, u have none u know what u are ? a "Ghost", sorry for disturbing your "none-existence".

I know that your religion teachs you suppress anyone renounce it!
Keep busy with your "existence" and never trespass or immix in the other's!
-------------------------------------------Pas de Maroc ni d'Algerie sans Tamazight!-------------------------------------------
20 December 2006 04:23
salam alaykum all

to taboudrarte
just to mentioned something in this forum any try to praise islam is taken as arrogance, ignorance and stupidity and your comments are offending other religion and they are willing to give you example from torah and the bible(to which they are acquainted very well ) on how those devine book are great too as if you comments dismiss is rather to talk about culture than religion .they would accepted and even welcome your opinion. but islam ohh you are in big trouble men.

to kouider
just take it easy you have all right to believe on what you want no need to attack the muslims religion neither they have to attack your belief.cheer up kada maaskri or you prefere adbeka al bejaoui (just teasing you ) anyway azul flawen.
20 December 2006 10:11
To remind

This discussion is entitled:

It´s crazy

21 December 2006 01:05
Hi all

salam alaykum all

to taboudrarte
just to mentioned something in this forum any try to praise islam is taken as arrogance, ignorance and stupidity and your comments are offending other religion and they are willing to give you example from torah and the bible(to which they are acquainted very well ) on how those devine book are great too as if you comments dismiss is rather to talk about culture than religion .they would accepted and even welcome your opinion. but islam ohh you are in big trouble men


sorry with your judgement you are not helping at all….if you wanna judge something or somebody tray to be faire or leave it…. not because you see the world through the religion will give you the right to judge so badly those who don’t think like you …for what this forum is I don’t think you are able to say …or anybody else anyway…one thing is sure: this forum is not an Islamic one…we can not get the religion involved in every single matter…..

To remind

This discussion is entitled:

It´s crazy



yes it’s crazy.....when our people are always trying to compare their lifestyle with that of others from completely different societies….inappropriate….even crazy!!.....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2006 10:46 by Ilhem2.
22 December 2006 12:26
I think your co-worker must be a real Taboudrart like you to allow herself to kick her mother out of the house. She forgot that her mother gave her shelter inside her own body for nine moths without the least benefice. I’m sorry to say this, but she is a real slut, sorry
22 December 2006 18:30
voila que je disparais 2 jours et tt le monde s'en prends a moi lol
Bon, si j ete sur un forum francais ou autre et que une chose mene a l'autre et qu'on commence a parler religion je ne forcerais pas le bouchon, mais etre dans un forum ou la plus part sont des marocains, Algeriens, tunisiens et que le point en commnu c est d'etre musulman et que y en a qui te disent la liberte du choix des trcus de ce genre...c'est absurde franchement.

Quand je vois des americains venir a la mosquee pour se convertir,et la y en a plein, vous allez me dire que ces gens ont choisi de faire ainsi alors pourkoi pas nous? pourkoi ne pas avoir la liberte de choisir ce que nous voulons? et ben je dirais que ca ete dit dans le coran que notre religion c est celle qui est acceptee par dieu ( c'est pas moi qui a invente ca) so, adopter une autre religion que l'islam, surtout qu'on est nes musulmans c'est honteux.
22 December 2006 21:33
Salam alikoum,
I was really surprised when one of my co-workers said that she's kicking her mum out cause she's not paying the rent anymore...I was like "oh my godness!!!" I would give anything to have my mum with me, I didn't see her since 2004...then she said "she did kick me out when I was 13 y old, it's my turn to do it now, she's not a handicap she still can move her "a.." and find a job ".it's crazy how these people think and live, I thank god every single day for being muslum.


ALLAHistereye rolling smileythose people really don't know the value of a mother or a fathercrying(crying(

what a pitysad smiley
[color=#CC6666][b][center]Il y a, dans la création des cieux et de la terre et dans la succession de la nuit et du jour, des signes pour ceux qui sont doués d'intelligence _ sourate 3/verset 190[/center][/color][/b]
22 December 2006 22:49
Hi all

salam alaykum all

to taboudrarte
just to mentioned something in this forum any try to praise islam is taken as arrogance, ignorance and stupidity and your comments are offending other religion and they are willing to give you example from torah and the bible(to which they are acquainted very well ) on how those devine book are great too as if you comments dismiss is rather to talk about culture than religion .they would accepted and even welcome your opinion. but islam ohh you are in big trouble men


It depends on the situation : making your children pay rent or help with the household expenses is not a bad thing, it teaches them responsibility especially when they are over 21 and still living with Mom & Dad...However if Mom is down on her luck....she deserves the care and help she gave us when we were growing up...

sorry with your judgement you are not helping at all….if you wanna judge something or somebody tray to be faire or leave it…. not because you see the world through the religion will give you the right to judge so badly those who don’t think like you …for what this forum is I don’t think you are able to say …or anybody else anyway…one thing is sure: this forum is not an Islamic one…we can not get the religion involved in every single matter…..

To remind

This discussion is entitled:

It´s crazy



yes it’s crazy.....when our people are always trying to compare their lifestyle with that of others from completely different societies….inappropriate….even crazy!!.....
23 December 2006 01:03
salam alaykum all


Believe me I don t compare my belief with anyone. You are the one who keeps asking whoever applying religion in their life to leave (indirectly) the forum (or even to leave their country) because you thought they are preaching.
I am not looking to convert you to any religion or philosophy for simple reason I can sum it up in the following verse
“la tuhdi man ahbabt wa lakina Allahou yahdi mane yashaa.
23 December 2006 10:54
Salam aleikom ..
dear taboudart .. u should asked her why she did that ? i dont think a daughter will hate her mother just like this ...thats not normal ..
it s just one case ucant take it as an example .. i have some neighbours here.. i wish u could c the kind of relationchip they got with their children ..they come almost everyday to c if they need something or clean the house ... i know that some moroccan children wont treat their own parents like those do .. .. ... i also think that loving our parents its not something that come with religion . it s not the religin who makes us loving them .. but the kind of heart we got ..and the kind of human we re ...
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