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Is it the end of new labour then?
2 May 2008 14:51
Last night's election's results were not a surprise really, everybody more or less expected a victory for the torries. However, what was totally unforseen and came as a blow on the head was the score labour achieved! to come 3rd with 24% is ignominious to say the least...and no matter how much i dislike Gordon Brown, i'm rather saddened by this. Add to it London's mayor's elections and the very possibility that joker Boris scores a victory (he's heading so far according to the BCC) i have to say i'm not holding my breath over next year's elections and i think we are living the last days of labour's reign...

what do you guys think?
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
2 May 2008 15:37
The Labour had their triumph and glory over a decade ago; now we are about to witness the fall from the summit to the ground just like Maggie Thatcher. Shame it didn’t happen when Tony Blair was the leader of the party.
I have voted before for Blair just to keep him there at the start but when he took the country to war that was his last screw of the coffin; I really was impressed by Charles Kennedy the Liberal democrat ex- leader and voted for him and supported his views.

David Cameron‘s views are similar to Michael Howard’s and for that say no more...
I like to vote, but there is no party worth the effort and support now days.

2 May 2008 17:21
Very true looks like no party deserves our votes !
It will be very sad to loose Ken !
Brace your selves Boris is coming
2 May 2008 17:31
The Labour had their triumph and glory over a decade ago;
Yeah and you can thank Gordon Brown's "miracle economy" for thaat "glory", but people should ask them self what caused this so called "miracle Economy". I am not a UK citizen, but I do know for a fact that The UK have a long period of recession ahead of them. This whole "economic miracle" was caused by inflated houseprices. Now UK is in big problems as these assets are colapsing. No more "Miracle economy" god day hard work and high unemployment rates. What comes easy goes easy.
2 May 2008 18:08
The Labour had their triumph and glory over a decade ago;
Yeah and you can thank Gordon Brown's "miracle economy" for thaat "glory", but people should ask them self what caused this so called "miracle Economy". I am not a UK citizen, but I do know for a fact that The UK have a long period of recession ahead of them. This whole "economic miracle" was caused by inflated houseprices. Now UK is in big problems as these assets are colapsing. No more "Miracle economy" god day hard work and high unemployment rates. What comes easy goes easy.

I don't know why i hear in your tone a twinge of delight at this prospect? smiling smiley

The biggest recession in the history of Britain came under the administration of "Maggie Thatcher, milk snatcher", when shortly after she came to power 3.3 million people were unemployed, old industries were threathened, public services scraped (it's a miracle the NHS escaped free!!) and while poor people's lives were ruined, the rich got even richer and the principle of community was destroyed forever...

The hyper inflation in the housing market was also a result of many of her policies... these new wealthy people who are putting their houses up for sale for ridiculous prices are the same beggars who were allowed to buy the council houses for peanuts back then! it's easy to blame everything on labour. In fact, labour's new programme has got the housing market as a top priority to allow first time buyers and young people to afford their own home. It was going to be fine until bloody America screwed up (as usual) add to it the war and the escalating oil i'm afraid if recession happens, it's going to be global and not only British (sorry to upset your mood there smiling smiley)

The housing prices is all what the world hears about but labour actually did amazing things to Britain, employment flourished and the social gap tightened. Gordon Brown was the best chancellor ever, i just don't think he makes a good politician...but if the alternative was the torries then i will vote over and over for Brown, just the thought of having soemone as Cameron or Howard as a PM makes me sick to the bone.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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