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USA: how is life there?
21 June 2008 20:45
Is there anyone of you who is living in USA?

I want to know which city are you living in (if you are in USA) and how do you manage your life?

Even for those who don't live there, you can share your opinion concerning your vision that you have for USA.

I have won the Loterie Green Card DV2008 in few months I will immigrate to United States for living and working I have never lived without Morocco I need some advice any ideas will be grate for me

I’m young man 25 years
22 June 2008 13:44
have you really won?is it the Usafis organisation? did you pay money for them?
be careful they a re crook known for their rip off.
Good luck
22 June 2008 19:02
Hi there - It all depends of what you are giving up and if your decision will pay off. Most of us when we moved to the US or Europe, we had the goal to have decent life but we never tought about the means. I think it's a good move to start thinking about your path from now....

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2008 07:07 by ATAY_BE_LEQAMA.
22 June 2008 20:39
Thanks for your response


yes really and not Usafis organisation but it’s [] smiling smiley an interview has been scheduled at the American Consulate/Embassy of Casablanca on August 14, 2008

i need other advices my destination is new york city

thanks in advance
22 June 2008 22:25
Bush will be the 1st person to welcom you in JFK smiling smiley JKsmiling smiley congratulation !
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
22 June 2008 23:31
lol But unfortunately Bush will leave the power in few months smiling smiley I don’t have chance
23 June 2008 00:15
uh yeah I forgot that smiling smiley
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
27 June 2008 19:46
Hi my name is amine, I live in Metro Detroit Michigan, Redford to be exact.

I came to the states in 04 as an exchange student, everything was cool back then since i did not have to work, eating on time, sleeping on time, good food.

then i went back home to finish lycee (high school) then i returned to the US to go to college for Criminal justice.

it is not I am lazy or anything matter of fact I like to work but now I have to pay for everything housing/food/gas (car)/ plus school which is really expensive I am working up to 65 h/w just to pass classes

I dont have time to cook or do other things I like, no sports nothing.

life over here is hard but I know for sure all these obstacles gonna break down once I graduate and found a job.

u need to make for yourself a path, and answer questions, What am I doing here? What for? is it worth?

Sometime I get so sick of this place all I wanna do is go home and be with my family, but I remember what i came here for, a decent life and to support my family back home.

I hope the best for ya do not get discouraged by my reply
27 June 2008 20:54
Amine Hi
That hard life in my little book is called growing up. You should savour every minute of it. Back home our mothers and sisters did everything for us. You will get married (inshallah) and will have a partner to share with the daily tasks but this phase is priceless; ten or twenty years from now there would be nothing in the world that you wouldn’t give up to be in this same situation again: Young, with ambition and making your way through.
In order to keep your spirit up you must have fun while you are doing what you have to do, take joy in doing that.
When I was studying full time, I had to study harder than everyone else in the class as I was the only one not English and had a par time job a small flat to look after, food shopping, washing, cooking, ironing and no time for sport. My daily exercise started at 6:30 in the morning with the vacuum cleaner, I made it a real fun for me and looked forward to it. I used to put on some music while hoovering did movement fast to make me sweat everything was fun washing up, ironing, sweeping, the only thing that was a problem is loneliness, I started praying and love it as it gave me strength. Each time I have read; ma wad3aka rabok wama 2kala…. that was true he never left me, most of all I believed I wasn’t alone through the battle right to the last exam.
My true story is not to show off, but to tell you that life is fantastic after the hard work. Yesterdays dreams are today’s lovely memories.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
28 June 2008 03:45
Amine Hi
That hard life in my little book is called growing up. You should savour every minute of it. Back home our mothers and sisters did everything for us. You will get married (inshallah) and will have a partner to share with the daily tasks but this phase is priceless; ten or twenty years from now there would be nothing in the world that you wouldn’t give up to be in this same situation again: Young, with ambition and making your way through.
In order to keep your spirit up you must have fun while you are doing what you have to do, take joy in doing that.
When I was studying full time, I had to study harder than everyone else in the class as I was the only one not English and had a par time job a small flat to look after, food shopping, washing, cooking, ironing and no time for sport. My daily exercise started at 6:30 in the morning with the vacuum cleaner, I made it a real fun for me and looked forward to it. I used to put on some music while hoovering did movement fast to make me sweat everything was fun washing up, ironing, sweeping, the only thing that was a problem is loneliness, I started praying and love it as it gave me strength. Each time I have read; ma wad3aka rabok wama 2kala…. that was true he never left me, most of all I believed I wasn’t alone through the battle right to the last exam.
My true story is not to show off, but to tell you that life is fantastic after the hard work. Yesterdays dreams are today’s lovely memories.


u right man the only thing that is killing me is loneliness
28 June 2008 18:50
All it takes is Hi and you will not be alone anymore. If you need a partner (woman of course) take the first step: taharakoo torzak2hoo. She is not gonna fall from the sky ( she will be dead otherwise!!!)
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
6 July 2008 00:34
excuse my english level first.

my sister has won the Loterie Green Card six years ago, and now, she's US Citizen; it's for sondess reply.

loneliness is very hard. I live in France lonely, all my family live in Morocco exept my sister who lives in chicago, I know what mean loneliness.

But I know too that France is at two hours in plane, and it costs 200 euros max, it's more easy to go to Morocco when we live in france.

I go to Morocco one time all 2 or 3 months, my sister cames one time all 2 or 3 years, because now she works, she has a husband and a little daughter....

which God help us

I empathized

Ghita ;)
6 July 2008 15:12
All it takes is Hi and you will not be alone anymore. If you need a partner (woman of course) take the first step: taharakoo torzak2hoo. She is not gonna fall from the sky ( she will be dead otherwise!!!)

Is ur sister married wit an American.
14 July 2008 05:35
Dear mourad

I think that you are the luckiest man in Morocco, by winning that lottery.I think, and I believe that the USA is the best country in the world, and this is from a Moroccan who was born in MOROCCO.There is nothing bad about this country. if you keep your nose clean, you can make it like anyother American,furthermore. This country can offer you more opportunities than anyother country in the world. education, health, wealth.....stay clean,and keep out from shady characters. you will be Ok, America is not a Raciste, or unfair country like those European one. You work,you mind your own business, you will make it. So good luck,and welcome to the best country in the world.
Bon chance Mourad
14 July 2008 11:56

I believe that the USA is the best country in the world, health...

If you take these two criteria as a measure of a country, I'd say the USA has one of the worst record on the planet. 40 % don't have adequate health coverage and the education system is pathetic for a country with unlimited ressources if it wanted to properly finance its education sector. The federal budget for arts and culture is 0.1 %, compared to the defense budget it tells you how the US got to elect a man like Bush. The dumming down of the population is a carefully thought policy not an accident.
16 July 2008 14:39
don't be sad Obama will be there just for you !grinning smiley how lucky guy you are !!!ptdr
18 July 2008 19:12
I do not think Obama's Change message can overcome the lobbies calendars. So he might be just another Bush with better speaking skills.

All that said, America is still one of the best places over the world, just make sure to assume your duties and the system will assure your rights (it's a bit different from back home, you do not have to fight for your rights).

Oh, last advise, if you are planning to have a higher education in the US, make sure to get your undergrad in morocco (Free) and then move to the US for grade school with an scholarship.

All the best
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