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Why I like the UAE investing in Morocco..
14 April 2006 05:26
For two simple reasons:
1-It tells the Europeans and the west in general to be careful because there are others who can take your place and your markets in Morocco.
2-It tells African countries that Morocco can continue to progress despite all the hurdles put in front of its people.
3-And yes, I have to admit that I like to see the oil money in the Arab world build and invested in the Arab world, not just in the UK, USA wa ma jawarahoma, or jawarahomata….

I know I gave 3 reasons, but the last one wasn’t in the plan.. really!

good article...
19 April 2006 12:59

Good idea even though the UAE as an investor in our country has never convinced a lot of people of the prostitution very often associated to the Emaratis....sorry to say that but this a fact...I hope their reasons are really economical…
19 April 2006 15:09
Hi all;

this is a serious investment and Ilhem2, I can't beleive we have to bring prostitution into an article that includes a figure of $ 20 Billion, do you really mean this:"I hope their reasons are really economical"???????

As a person who's in the field of Tourism, I was expecting more excitment and positive thinking from you, not skepticism!

To mention Prostitution here is I beleive getting off topic! I can respond if it's under another thread.
Hope you take this the right way!

20 April 2006 09:47
Dear yani,

Plz don’t misunderstand me….remember I said I’m sorry to say it…. To work in the tourism area doesn’t mean you should accept everything even it’s hurt your moral and values …back to the Emirates…I must say that in my work I had to do with some of them and believe me if I tell you that nearly in the mind of each guy of them a Moroccan girl should be automatically a prostitute and they can buy every one with their money…so tell me how to trust people like that ?.....I have a good Australian friend who works as an English teacher in Dubai what she told me about what is happening with the Moroccan girls up there I doubt their attention … it’s real industry !!!....but this an other story….

I’m a kind of suspicious person…I won’t be fascinated with projects of billions dollars if I’m not sure the people behind it are not gonna spoil my country….I apologise if you think the prostitution doesn’t have nothing to do in this topic but for me the Emirates were almost related to it…..I just can not trust them……
20 April 2006 09:56
This is one of the biggest investments ever made in Morocco. I heard the kuweitis are following with $5.1 billion dollars investment. All the reasons Almotanabi laid out are very true. It is also a very important signal that when an arab country reforms and offers incentives for investments to foreigners, other arabs do not hesitate to invest in such a country. I was always against the exclusively "brotherly" attitude when it comes to investments, Moroccan has understood that it is not sufficient to stress ethnic or religious links to attract investors and its reform strategy is paying off. This investment can really have a ripple effect by encouraging other foreign investors from other countries. It can really become a sort of "Marshall plan" for Morocco. The rule is to keep reformin, keep opening up, consolidate and communicate. Job positions will be created in the tens of thousands for each coming year and hopefully a new virtuous cycle of growth will be launched. Let's hope the required training and education will be part of the picture.
20 April 2006 10:21
Dear Ilhem2,
Moroccan women are free to do whatever they want to do and nobody can stop them from selling their bodies.
Inside or outside Morocco. Prostitution was, is and will be underway in Morocco between moroccans and with foreigners. There is no other means to stop it but just by education, education.......
These prostitues were not born to become prostitutes but they become. they grew up in a country run by corrupt politicians who did everything to make prostitution developp in all it forms, not just sex...
Many citisens do not understand what mean to live in dignity because they did not have the chance to get bacground.The same politicians did not do the right politic to have a good economy and create jobs so people can live in dignity..... So belive it or not prostitution is underway with or without this Dubai project.


This is big money which will be invested and it is ridiculous to think that these investors have in mind, to developp a sex industry in Morocco. I see it as a chance so jobs will be created. this will have an effect on other sectors (think about Spain). This will bring economic growth, this later will need more educated people, this again will put challenges to our universities in order to build the right people, this again will create a dynamical the end you will see man and women improving their life and their environment. Once the people do not worry about survival, they start thinking about values and morale and dignity....
26 April 2006 17:24
Dear Friends,
I am so sad to see you talking about an investment that will generate many jobs and enhanse the investment arena in morroco in this way, Dear Ilhem2, I dont think that billions of dolars are required to spell Prostitution in any country these days, this act has been in all countries including mine (UAE) for years but never been microsoft, boing , intell ,dimeller benz , sony ,nissan ,airbus
shell ,maio clinic ,harvard Uoniversity Reason who invested billions of there dollers in The UAE.

We in dubai are leading the arab world by setting up an economic model that many countries have started coping us, we in dubai are not oil rich state any more( 150,000 barrels aday less than what yemin is producing) but we did use the money that we made in the golden days to invest in future for our next generations.I am afrequent traveler and today where ever i go my home town DUBAI is known for bieng a gaint and copetitive invester and a beautifull city to live in and enjoy freeedom and security led by a leader who we all love and respect.

The billions of dollers that will be invested in morroco will roll the wheel for your economy to get aboost and get going forward, we have also invested billions of dollers in syria , egypt, tunisia, turkey and the GCC countries, its a diverse investment that will make our money in our hands and it will help arab governments help there citizens get a job to supoort there families.

I hope that illham will think different about us and after all if that money is not wellcomed in the arab world becouse some people think that we put billions of dollers at stake to spell protitution then we really should think of going back home and invest in the future of our next generations to come.

At the end i would like to thank all the people who trust and believe in us.
26 April 2006 18:44
Dear Malandrito,

I’m told many times of the beauty and prosperity of your country, seen even by the west as an example. and if prosperity means civilization and openness , then you should expect to see a wide range of views from the participants in this forum.
First, it pleases me great deal to have you amongst us, you are after all part of our family. As for Ilham’s comment, i hope you don't take it personally, it’s just a comment, and you saw how Yani, Zaki and Krim reacted to it. While I strongly disagree with Ilham, I respect her right to her opinion.
The investment UAE is making in morocco is in my view nothing less than historical and should be applauded and celebrated. It’s a turning point in Arab world, we complained for so long about rich Arab countries investing only in the west but never in other Arab countries, and it’s not now that this is taking place that we should put hurdles and trash it.
Time is for celebration.

Thank you Malandrito, and welcome amongst us

26 April 2006 21:50
Dear Al motanabi,

I am very happy for your balanced response to my views that i experssed in response to the subject you are discussing.I can assure you that i am not at all taking the matter personal with illham, i respect her views and appreciate Yani, Zaki and Krim reaction to her inputs.I also would like to thank you for having me in your Forum.
27 April 2006 05:29
Hi almot;

Well done! you show class and wisdom in following up on your threads... too bad you had to take a breaksmiling smiley but we're sure glad your back and going strong.

Dear Malandrito;

Welcome to the family.

27 April 2006 10:44
Salam everyone,

Dear Krim,

You’ve said “Moroccan women are free to do whatever they want to do and nobody can stop them from selling their bodies. “ I hope you are including your aunties, sisters, female cousins and friends ( if you have any) when you are talking about Moroccan women. Would you be indifferent? Or we don’t care as long as we or our relatives are not involved? More over freedom is far away from doing what ever you want with your body….. it’s a big responsibility that any “free” person will think thousand times before risk it. I’ve seen in the western world much more free women as ours trust me most of them would never gives their soul for money. However you’re somehow right…. every one has got the right to do with his/ her body what ever he/she wants as long as he/she doesn’t damage or hurt the others. Of course prostitution has been since ever a part of any society but when it becomes the only perspective and the activity of thousand and thousand Moroccan women ( not Lebanese, not Syrian not Jordanians women) and particularly with guys from the middle east…..when we are labelled as the country for perverse pleasure something is wrong here and we got to think about it….I agree with you not only the evolved women are to blame but also our government and of course those guys who take advantages of our misery …you must know that some of the girls are still minor ….we need to fight all our problems that you’ve mentioned…particularly the misery …when people don’t have the basic facilities it’s easier to exploit and to humiliate them with money....

Personally I’m for the western investors…they bring with them apart from money many years of experience, knowledge, know-how and above all rights at work. This could improve remarkably the industry and the law at work in our country consequently the people will improve their lifestyle.

Dear Maladroit,

I hope that you are aware of the fact that before the investors invest in a country they would check every single criterion to make sure their invested money will generate a return. In brief here there are some of the investor’s needs:
a high return and a shorter payback
minimum bureaucracy to deal with
laws for dispute resolution.
a financial system to smoothen all transactions

minimum political interference in other words a stable regime

capable workforce with research and development capability…ect

I think our country satisfy most of those criterions to provide a great investment climate so please don’t tell me if your investors are not welcome they could go back….basically they wouldn’t come if they didn’t have the assurance their money and their interests are good protected…...

Anyway statement against statement ….the future will show us the results of our decisions…

Dear almotanabi ,

thanks that your respect my opinion …I do respect yours as well and anyone else ….for me it’s much more important that someone gives strong arguments for his/her opinion that to agree with the others…..
27 April 2006 11:41
Dear Ilhem
You are more emotional than realistic, I am talking about all women including my mom, sisters etc...
If women are educated to respect themselves, they will not sell their bodies for money. That´s what I mean.
You can not stopp them by a law or forbiding them from going out and meet other people...etc.
Read all the message, I mention education , education....
I also respect your opinion but I have to tell that You are wrong in you thinking dear Ilhem, I am sorry

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2006 11:57 by Krim.
27 April 2006 12:34
Dear Ilhem
You are more emotional than realistic, I am talking about all women including my mom, sisters etc...
If women are educated to respect themselves, they will not sell their bodies for money. That´s what I mean.
You can not stopp them by a law or forbiding them from going out and meet other people...etc.
Read all the message, I mention education , education....
I also respect your opinion but I have to tell that You are wrong in you thinking dear Ilhem, I am sorry

Dear krim,

I see what you mean…… it’s easy to say who is wrong and who is right ...would be interesting to justify why.....
27 April 2006 14:37
Dear Ilhem2
You are wrong in the sense that you think that I do not care about moroccan women.
28 April 2006 09:23
Dear Illham,
before we get into the business arena in morocco, can we first agree that the billions coming to your country are not to spell prostitution? if the answer is yes, then we can talk alot about all the golden opertuninties in morocco, in which i could get hold of all the numbers and bright potintials studies that has helped meny investers to run to your country and start setting up big projects.

Your country is on the verge of opening a new era for its people, figures are bright, plans are set, leadership is energitic and hard working all we need now is trust and believe in what we want to do,based on a correct and transperent system.

I have great believe in your countries ability to achieve its goals with the help of its citizens and young generation to come.
28 April 2006 11:20
Dear Malandrito

Some months ago we had a meeting in Berlin with Dr. Saeed Abdalla Salman who is the president of Ajman universities. This meeting was coorganized by the arab league. Many scientists and academics leaving abroad had the opportunity to meet and discuss problems related to education and the creation of a new type of universities etc.... This initiative show the interest of Dubai and its politicians in investing in the arab world and the arab brains.....
May be this example of good will may give Ilhem2 a reason to start thinking about the driving forces behind these initiatives...... and start also thinking that there are arabs out there who can think beyond what I would call biological duties.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2006 11:27 by Krim.
28 April 2006 21:09
Dear Krim,

Thank you for your trust and believe in all the efforts we are putting in and investing to let the wheel of economical reforms roll faster and bring prosperty and unity to our nation across the board, yes economy and education are the tools for better future,i think we all from the gulf to muritania are looking forward for faster growth and development in our countries and the signs are showing bright prospects with everyday the sun is shining across the arab world.

thank you again.
29 April 2006 06:39
Salam everyone,

Dear Illham,
before we get into the business arena in morocco, can we first agree that the billions coming to your country are not to spell prostitution? if the answer is yes, then we can talk alot about all the golden opertuninties in morocco, in which i could get hold of all the numbers and bright potintials studies that has helped meny investers to run to your country and start setting up big projects.

Your country is on the verge of opening a new era for its people, figures are bright, plans are set, leadership is energitic and hard working all we need now is trust and believe in what we want to do,based on a correct and transperent system.

I have great believe in your countries ability to achieve its goals with the help of its citizens and young generation to come.

Dear Malandrito,

as I said the future will show us the attention behind every investor coming to our country. My opinion is based on my experience within my job with some guys from Middle East, some article about the well organised prostitution with the Moroccan girls in your country and what my friend living in Dubai told me. This is the reality we should admit. Hiding or ignoring it is not gonna change the fact that we are quite famous in this area and our reputation is mostly related to pleasure than to hard work or particular skills …….trust (that are you talking about) start with admitting our mistakes. It’s the first step to correct them if we want to. Until know I haven’t read your statement about this point?

Dear Krim,

In dead we need examples and positive one....yes there are some good people too I agree …exceptions are every where...
29 April 2006 07:55
May be we ought to open another topic under let's say: Sex and business; sex, business and religion; The foundations of a successful business...Sex phobia...
it's only fair to be open-minded!
Dear Ilhem;

it seems this topic is dear to your heart and you care about tackling it the" right" way! fair enough!...but I'd like to see you however concentrating on the heart of the matter! billions of dollars could buy a hotel in Vegas, SIN CITY!...Prostitution didn't start yesterday in the beach hotels of casablanca...The Atlas Moutains dwellers have been open about their sexuality for centuries and you can take your picks when it comes to references! the same thing can be said about the ppl of the south and the north...and after all, we are an educated bunch here and Sex is just part of life! and we know that it's not the sole reason for such investments...

The UAE is not the only country heading west of the arab world, Koweit,Saudi Arabia, the U.S.A, France...the more the better, since The moroccan investers are so pessimistic and investing elsewhere other than MOrocco...

Why are we talking about admitting our mistakes? Let's move on and be optimistic about the future, after all that's a rule of thumb in business! You know that!

Let's not paint the men from the Gulf as sex addicts anf dummies! Men are Men and Women are Women! pretty simplistic but it is! at the end of the day that's who We are!We can also debate this topic but under a different thread! Just to be fair to thetitle of this one!

Now, I don't want to dwell on this topic anymore than we have already! Your personal experiences are valid but they are just that: Personal/ limited! think more Globally and you'd see that there's a bright side to the investments in your/our beloved country!

We had a similar discussion but it involved intellectual investments! Moroccan intellectuals abroad!!! We, i'd like to include myself in here if I may, are doing hard work that,directly or indirectly, helps the development of an Itellectual infrastructure of morocco!... don't you think that we are already making an impact just talking about these issues? I do! Your an advocate of hard work and less criticism jsut for the sake of it! well here's an opp for moroccan youths to get busy and build! to each their choices! let's applaud that instead of butting hurddles on the way!

Thank you!
29 April 2006 10:20
Dear Yani,

I understand your reaction …as a man and a Moroccan living outside the country you don’t feel quite involved but I was hopping you show some dignity for your people….all right you want investment no matter the price…fine….you will got it ….simply because those kind of investors know very well that the people who make decisions in our country think like you….however trust me we will all pay for it….soon or late….. Just watch the extremists …that is exactly what they are looking for....fair enough if we always give them the opportunity….but this is an other story….

I’m very optimistic about the future but only if we are careful about what we are doing …….enjoy the discussion...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2006 10:23 by Ilhem2.
30 April 2006 07:31
Dear Ilham;

We are in a virtual world and we can only assume things about each other! I don't see what dignity has to with what we're talking about!
Ok, I'll level with you and hopefully you'll give women some credit!!! NOt me!

I understand your reaction …as a man and a Moroccan living outside the country you don’t feel quite involved but I was hopping you show some dignity for your people….all right you want investment no matter the price…fine….you will got it ….simply because those kind of investors know very well that the people who make decisions in our country think like you….however trust me we will all pay for it….soon or late….. Just watch the extremists …that is exactly what they are looking for....fair enough if we always give them the opportunity….but this is an other story…. "

Honestly; this is paranoia! You're just stopping short of calling men in Morocco: pimps! but I'll pretend that you didn't mean that! However, I should tell you that your underestemating ALL MOROCCAN WOMEN and not giving them credit as Smart individuals who can make a decision for themselves! Are you telling us here that WOMEN have nothing upstairs but Space and Thoughts about prostitution?

FYI, involved, I am and more so than you think! As to showing dignity for my people, I sure am! Don't you think I am showing the respect of answering your message with respect and considering you as an equal! Don't you think that Women are responsible for their actions! Are you suggesting that Men should do that for Women? then, you'll be knocking down years of struggles for WOMEN's Lib?

I don't know whether you're aware of the danger of your speculating about these investments: YOu are presenting OUR WOMEN AS NOTHING BUT BOdies for HIRE! YOU have stripped them of every shred of Wisdom and decision making! THe feminist would tell you more...because after all I am a man!

"just watch the extremistS" I don't know what you're talking about here! The extremist I am concerned about are those who shove decision down the throat of young man and women, altogether, suppressing thier attempts to think for themselves!

Fianlly, all the above is coming from a person who is very much involved in moroccan life and who grew up in conservative traditional family! with sisters and brothers! and the males were considered superior to females! I'm glad I have that background, but I'm also glad that I came to learn to TRUST and TREAT my sisters as equal smart human beings WHo Know right from wrong and can make their own choices! They have never failed to dignify themselves!

I am also glad to read of your optimism; that's refreshing!

have a nice day!
1 May 2006 11:56
hi every one

Dear Yani,

I don’t think you got my point and I can’t explain it any more because I don’t see how will you understand it!... consequently it doesn’t make any sense for me to continue this discussion….let's see what the future will bring us with those investors ….you may remember me one day….

until then you have great day.....I really mean it....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2006 12:03 by Ilhem2.
1 May 2006 13:37
I just dont understand why you thinking like that, that investement in tourism = to sex biz, we have prostitution in Morocco very wild we can´t hide from that.
we have europeean abusing our girls just for making them beleive in good life in europe, if some shikh gonna give them better life in MOROCCO he is welcome.

that ´s the way i see it.
you choise your path.
you want the hard way or the easy way.

forget about islam is a personal matter, we teach our people about it some follow it some dont. I hope we all be satisfied for what we have and work for better life. but there are always other that look for short cut regardless what they gonna do.

Sex industrie will grow in Morocca we want or not, cause youth in Morocca have big expectation, that no job can give them.
youth in Morocco dream of lukusury life, there is no way we can change that.
Allah yasstar ou safi!!
1 May 2006 15:03
Guys, come on, go easy on Ilhem. I know where her comment is coming from. I remember Casablanca in the 80's, the Saudis where setting up villas in the area of Aïn Diab, young girls and booze were provided to them with protection from the police. But that was then and this is now, and the Saudis are not the Emiratis.
As for now, I don't think the UAE are injecting US$ 17 billions just to get laid, they have a long term business strategy which can benefit both our countries. Besides after the port authority fiasco and the way they were treated by the republicans in the U.S, they are more than welcomed.
However, Ilhem has a point, take the marina project in Casablanca for instance : it will be set up in proximity of the old medina, if nothing is done to revitalise that area first then you'll have luxury cohabiting with utter despair, it's usually the perfect recipe for prostitution and petty crime in general.
1 May 2006 23:05
I don’t think that Ilham is the only one thinking this way, sure you’ll find others who see this as a problem, but that doesn’t make it any close to ‘’Truthiness’’ if you watch Steven Colbert you’d know that one, this investment is much bigger than just prostitution, it’s so big that many neighborhoods will be erased and moved away from the coastline, it will bring a change to cities where it’s implemented like nothing we ever saw before. It will create thousands if not tens of thousands of jobs and bring money, yes, to the UAE and Morocco, I rather it be the UAE or another Arab country that invests in these projects.
I saw a portion of Globe trekker this week-end, it showed the UAE, it made me want to visit this country, the UAE looks amazingly advanced on all the rest of the gulf countries. With not much oil at all, they managed to be on top, they must have genius to achieve this much at this rate. To share their knowledge and wealth with other Arab countries is wonderful, and to learn from them is a smart thing to do.
We should be careful about stereotyping each other, the west has stereotyped and crushed Muslim countries enough, lets not help in this endeavor.
Salam All,


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2006 04:53 by almotanabi.
2 May 2006 03:28
Dear Ilhem
You are more emotional than realistic, I am talking about all women including my mom, sisters etc...
If women are educated to respect themselves, they will not sell their bodies for money. That´s what I mean.
You can not stopp them by a law or forbiding them from going out and meet other people...etc.
Read all the message, I mention education , education....
I also respect your opinion but I have to tell that You are wrong in you thinking dear Ilhem, I am sorry

You are totally correct sir . The key of our success is education , and i believe prostitution will fade away with time s only a matter of time until all the pieces of the puzzle (economy) are all put together .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2006 03:30 by Obs2006.
2 May 2006 09:42
Dubai to build world's biggest hotel

Monday 01 May 2006, 22:32 Makka Time, 19:32 GMT

Dubai hopes to attract 10 million tourists a year by 2016
Workers' misery belies Dubai's glitter
Asian workers riot in Dubai

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Dubai has unveiled plans for a $27 billion resort complex including the world's biggest hotel.

The luxury complex will be the latest of Dubai's huge projects intended to establish the booming Gulf Emirate as regional tourism hub.

One of seven semi-autonomous states in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, Dubai is hoping to draw 10 million tourists a year over the next decade.

"The (reason) for this is the fact that tourism plays a very large role in Dubai's economy," said Saeed al-Muntafiq, chief executive of Tatweer, the Dubai government-owned developer of the project.

"We need to expand our capacity to accommodate tourists."

Ambitious project


"We need to expand our capacity to accommodate tourists"

Saeed al-Muntafiq,
Chief executive of Tatweer
proposed Bawadi project outside Dubai city will feature 31 hotels, offering more than 29,000 rooms projected to host 3.3 million guests by 2016.

The 6,500-room Asia Asia hotel will be the largest in the world, said al-Muntafiq.

The project will be built on a 10-kilometre strip of land with total investment estimated at 100 billion dirhams ($27.2 billion), he also said at a press conference.

Many of the 31 hotels will be based on themes ranging from the Arabian Desert to the Wild West.

The first phase of the project, which will feature entertainment centres and theatres meant to attract top artists and the Asia Asia hotel, will be completed in 2010.

The final phase will finish four years later.

Tatweer will put up 40% of the project's total cost and the rest will come from investors.

Construction frenzy

Dubai, which attracted more than six million tourists last year, is in the midst of a construction frenzy, with resorts, malls, sports installations and residential complexes sprouting up across its desert sands.

The latest tourist venture was unveiled in the presence of Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashed al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, who is the driving force behind the emirate's spectacular transformation into a business and leisure hub.

Sheikh Mohammad is also the UAE's vice-president and prime minister.

Bawadi will rise near Dubailand, a complex projected as a Middle East version of Disneyland.

Asian workers complain of poor
working conditions

Other ambitious projects under way include the Burj Dubai tower, which will be 800 metre-high when it is completed at the end of 2008, becoming the world's tallest skyscraper, and The Palm and The World man-made island projects off Dubai's coast.

Labour laws

Dubai’s sprawling tourist infrastructures are mostly being built by Asian labourers, some of whom have protested against their working conditions.

A large riot at the Burj Dubai site in end-March prompted the New York-based Human Rights Watch to issue a statement calling on the UAE government to "end abusive labour practices" describing them as "less than human".

The move prompted the Ali al-Kaabi, the UAE labour minister, to announce that the government was working on a law that will allow labourers to form unions and legalise collective bargaining.
2 May 2006 11:31
I don’t think that Ilham is the only one thinking this way, sure you’ll find others who see this as a problem, but that doesn’t make it any close to ‘’Truthiness’’ if you watch Steven Colbert you’d know that one, this investment is much bigger than just prostitution, it’s so big that many neighborhoods will be erased and moved away from the coastline, it will bring a change to cities where it’s implemented like nothing we ever saw before. It will create thousands if not tens of thousands of jobs and bring money, yes, to the UAE and Morocco, I rather it be the UAE or another Arab country that invests in these projects.
I saw a portion of Globe trekker this week-end, it showed the UAE, it made me want to visit this country, the UAE looks amazingly advanced on all the rest of the gulf countries. With not much oil at all, they managed to be on top, they must have genius to achieve this much at this rate. To share their knowledge and wealth with other Arab countries is wonderful, and to learn from them is a smart thing to do.
We should be careful about stereotyping each other, the west has stereotyped and crushed Muslim countries enough, lets not help in this endeavor.
Salam All,


Dear almotanabi,

It’s not that I think about it like this and definitely not stereotyping.... it’s a reality and a fact…. in the Golf countries Morocco means pleasure and prostitution…this is our reputation ...go there for a trip… in the internet for some articles about this subject ….you’ll be chocked how organised it is …with real agents …real demand and offer….or just go to any chat room where Arabs from the middle east and pretend you are a Moroccan girl….see what propositions you will get…it’s too much…I wish any Moroccan living there could give us an honest statement about this point….why this phenomenon is not happening with girls from other nationalities?...

What to do …first we clean our society ….get our problems fixed from inside …gain great reputation outside based on hard work, honesty and loyalty….after that any investor is welcome ….. now we care about the economical side and we damage the morale and social side ….the price is gonna be too high…..we need a seems hard to realise with the complex problems we have …but this the correct way for me….
2 May 2006 12:46
Hi all,

I am a UAE citizen and a dubai boy who raised in one of the fastest cities developing on the face of earth, it has never been easy to cope up with the speed and ambitions of my government and people, we have taken the flag of high visions and great history that was built across our nation and ended on your side of the arab world, it was you the morrocans who paassed the light of scince and civilization to europe, and today we continue your mission across the world connecting the gap that if we all read history carefully we find that it happened becouse europe never accepted the fact that 'bunch of beduins'can teach europe scince and civilization. I praise ur past history and what you did to the muslim world, and here we are learning from you and getting the spirit from those graet days that you were leading us.

And now about what we are doing, we are good at it guys...simple words but its true,we have glopal enimies today who again cant accept the facts as they prevaile and bounce at them, and i think you all have seen in it the media how they are shocked to see how a beduin can be a smart and profisional business man, they cant prove the opposite therefor they attack our credibility and right of competing them and wining the games that for years no body dare to chalange them.

Our wheels have started rolling in all fields and directions, therefor we need you on our side,lets share the benefits and set up the course for abetter future to come for our generation and the ones counting on us in thr future.

Illham we need your patriotisim for your country as well, here in dubai to fight back the enemies of yesterday...

may god bless you all.
2 May 2006 13:30
Dear Malandrito,

I don’t wonna be rude but your message sound always to me like an impressive TV speech …we need above all to be honest with ourselves….
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