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Do you miss something from Labled ?
4 September 2008 16:22
Well this started from the Happy Ramadan post & we noticed that fe things are changing & for memory / nostalgia it will be nice to list them ,mine is anafar this guy who did both s7our & laftour then comes back at the end of Ramadan to take his gifts / money ect
4 September 2008 17:01
Mine is something different, i miss the orange juice Sansouss advert song, remember, Sansouss Sanssous, 3assir limoun jmil.. i liked this song and the beautiful orange dancing, memories tongue sticking out smiley...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 September 2008 17:12
I miss part of my life young, running in the street and half dozen other kids trying to catch me while I run though the posts screaming Zdididi. Oh I used to run like the wind… I miss my mama making baghreer just before laftour and that smell of the charcoal in… I miss everyone around the table waiting for the zawaka. What I miss most as I grew older is my best friend SiMohammed and his companionship.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
4 September 2008 18:49
I miss old days when we had to make our own flour, we got tons of Z’raa (wheat) from 3roubia and with help of female neighbors we had to clean it and sieve it. We sat around a low wooden table for days; it was always during long and hot summer days. At the end of the day and as a treat, we got a nice Berradd Aty, bread and olive oil. Memorable days…smiling smiley
4 September 2008 23:31
I miss playing with Karousate lormate just before Zowaka when the roads were deserted
I miss the smell of the tagine semmering over al majmare
I miss the going out after laftour
I miss having fresh fish on the Iftar table
I miss the innocence of the people the kindness & the warmth yawning smiley
I miss & i miss ................

Hicham i know the advbert you talking about :
Sansous sansous 3assir cha3bi ew tabi3i o bi limone al 7a9i9i sansousswinking smiley
5 September 2008 00:21
exactly Atlas, a real symphony..

tell me you miss everything here, tell me about something i can send u online !!!
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
5 September 2008 00:33
I miss my late father's Ramadan, just a few days before the start, he used to bring us 3arch labloohe ( dates) not ripe and hang it in the hall. as kids, we used to have so much fun hsaking the branch of dates or even hit it (for those shor ones) wih something bless him on this day .
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
6 September 2008 15:25
Yes adds my late dad bless him did ask me every year i'am fasting ?
I do miss the family Iftar ,the last 5 minutes waiting for "zawaka" ...
6 September 2008 19:18
I miss so many things back home. Ramadan atmosphere when i used to come back from school and straight to the kitchen to see what delicious dishes my mother has prepared. The gathering around the table exachaging gossips with my brother and sister while my parents laugh out. It's strange but we used to have so much appetite back then...the table used to be full with all sorts of food and sometimes a 3 course meal was served yet we would eat everything and have dinner ater! now i would be lucky if i managed to finish my bowl of soup and eat something's just not the same pleasure anymore.

I miss after iftar, when my aunts, uncles and cousins come around for ta9ssira, we'd have tea and cakes and sometimes go for a walk or to the park which used to be lit up all night.

I miss the eid when people go the mosque and in the way out would exchange wishes even when they don't know each other. Neighbours who don't usually talk to you would come and knock on your door and wish you a happy eid...wonderful if you compare with the sad postcard that neighbours here throw through each other's doors on Christmas!!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
6 September 2008 22:41
what is sad is that even people living in Lblad miss those kind of things...death and people leaving the town or the country made families'social fabric different and tinier, instead of 5 or 6 or 7 people around the table, you have now 2 or 3... mafaytinkoum ghir bessbar...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
7 September 2008 00:40
You are right Hicham i was shocked to see Macdo adverting around Laftour ....
My kids find the Moroccan adverts halarious too

So a typical Ftour table these days is a bigMac & chips + Yawmi + " ta3bia dial Wana "
8 September 2008 14:58
Yesterday on 2M I saw how modern families break the fast nowadays; they go out for a meal to a restaurant. that is very sad, I am not against eating out but please not in Ramadan, its about togetherness. Some people and including myself, was working away from home instead of eating alone I used to share my food with the ones not fasting to just sit with me around the table (yes it is sad too).


Big mac and chips just nailed the coffin of traditional Ramadan. Are we moving away all together from traditions or just a phase we are going throug?
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
8 September 2008 15:27

I share your views, when i worked during Iftar i always shared mes dates with the guys in the office all about sharing even when other are not fasting ........

As for the changes i believe its our way of moving forwards & blindly copying others & i do believe that sooner or later they will get tired of it all & get back to the traditional way ,i see it every where in Labled even speaking arabic is not cool any more ..........
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