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the morgage market is really screwed now what next ?
21 March 2008 03:58
two days ago BSC
yesterday TMA

what next ?

when you think the time is best to find bargains ?
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
22 March 2008 18:11
Protect your cash and wait this tsunami to pass. We have only seen the begining. I knew this was coming as it was only a matter of time before the buble bursted. I sold allmost al my assests and have been 90% cash since july last year. I have warned everyone I know about investing the last 2 years unfortunatly almost no one listen. I know people who have been blind by the rapid house price increase within the last 2-5 years and invested all their savings plus what they could borrow from the banks (without thinking about riba). Today many of these people are stuck with 2-400 £ proporties and some of them have seen a deacrese in the value by more than 15% and still deacrising because no one will buy their proporties.
23 March 2008 14:51
TMA only if you are with Open University; the think is you are wining with BSc or TMA but if you like to gamble with money you can win and you can loose. At the moment house market is stagnant making an investment in house market is a risk buying land it’s something else. You can leave Riba a side this is 2008. Only one way how to survive is to use your money wisely.


Adidas reliability
23 March 2008 15:22
Why deal with riba because it is 2008? I manage fine, and made my share of money on this economic buble, and the last one at the end of the last century without dealing with riba.
24 March 2008 20:08
You are right and I am wrong.
Just i can't some how get a loan or a mortgage anywhere in the world interest free; even the student loan. When I receive my salary the interest (few pence) go in automatically. I buy food VAT is charged automatically; the only way I get around it I give to charity as well as zakate and I always pray to almighty Allah to illuminate to me those lovely six numbers every Saturday “Inaho sami3on Ado3a2”.

Adidas Best prayer
25 March 2008 11:49
Hi L9bi7, i don't think finding a bargain is a problem. People are losing their nerves and many are putting their houses for sale at a much lower price that what they're really worth, which is ideal for first time buyers with a bit of cash. As usual, someone's sorrow makes another one's joy...

The real problem is taking up a mortgage! banks are wary of lending to each other and many will run out of cash if this situation drags on. And if you invest a really substantial deposit, you sure don't fancy losing all your savings...

The same thing for people who have been paying their mortgages for few years now. Finding a good mortgage deal is a real challenge and failing to do so mean that people might end up paying more every month unless interest rates are brought down again, which isn't ideal as the economy will be vulnerable to inflation and recession won't be far. It's a vicious circle really and one can only sit down and wait for the storm to drive past...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2008 02:16 by Minniemouse.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
25 March 2008 19:37
adds---> I know by fact that there are serval banks who offers sharia approved loans in England, so I don't know what you mean that there isn't any place in the world where you can get interst free loans!! The same banks also offers so called "Murab7a" instead of interest if you having any savings. I will not go in detail about how these banks work, but you can read it your self i.e. here:¨[]

Minnie--->People with alot of debt are not valnuerbale to high inflation the higher inflation the better. The best thing to do during times with high inflation is to take as big loans as possible at a fixed interest rate, while the interest rate is relatively low as it is at the moment. The downside is that it is not permisible for muslims to deal with interests.
27 March 2008 20:03
well, i was more looking for answer to the stock market trends. the is talking about interest rate in here (or riba) because i am not planning to buy a house on interest. but i was looking to buy some stocks. investing (commerce) in stocks has nothing to do with ribba (interest) and i am looking for long term holdings 2-5 years) not speculations (gambling)
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
28 March 2008 19:55
well, i was more looking for answer to the stock market trends. the is talking about interest rate in here (or riba) because i am not planning to buy a house on interest. but i was looking to buy some stocks. investing (commerce) in stocks has nothing to do with ribba (interest) and i am looking for long term holdings 2-5 years) not speculations (gambling)

I will wait if I was you. The stock markets are very nervous and have been so the last 10 months or so. The reason is the credit crunch wich has caused alot of trouble. I will not go in detail about what has caused this, but I can tell you that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.
I sold 90% of all my stocks in july 2007 just before the start of the crisis we see today. The only stocks I have left is very long term holdings for my kids in a renewable energi company.
I have been investing in the stock market for the last 12 years and I know my way around. I have experienced the dot com buble and I actually did forsee it and sold all most all my stocks aprox a year before the big fall.

If you how ever insist on investing than I will advise you to invest in at least three different industires that are not too fragile to the current crisis : Medicin, Energy (windmills preferebly or other renewerable energy) and comodity industry (mines, agricurtural companies like tractor factories, plant seeds etc.)

And most important advise if you do invest, keep a stop loss. I have seen alot of amatures loose alot of money because they didn't have a stop loss or didn't have enough diciplin or experince too stick to the stop loss.
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