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why moroccan women marry western white tourists?
3 May 2008 02:03
today i make prayers for u
3 May 2008 02:05
do it for all muslims

especially for palestiniens and tchétcheniens etc
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 08:37
ya akhee this vvttvvv00, is nothing but a hateful guy god knows where is from, trying to put our beautiful and peacful country that so many people get jealous of, he is really jeouous for many reasons and you can tell. and a hateful person obviously calling the christians kouffare u already heard they are 2ahle alketabe and another since you seem a very illeterate person lakoume deenoukm wa lya deene la 2ana 3abeddoune ma 3abdtoume wa la antoume 3abedoune ma 2adboude, u r so much illetarate and, I liked how the very well educated and intelluctual moroccans have answered you we can tell what kind of a jahele person you are, another thing is adding to his fire of jeoulosy is when he seems moroccan how educated and intelluetual they are from their answers just from their first of all and thier wide knowledge about a lot of things and the peace that we have in morocco while other countries missing in every minute if not every seconf missing it. and just a word of advise you guys waisting your time whith this worthless guy by responding to his sensless questions, please ignore this guy because simply he doesn't deserve our attention because we are all way bigger than our backgrounds and level wisdom and intellect doesn't tolerate that, and buy the way as everybody said it is god job to judge and punish those who deserve, and who said those girls making a sin, who knows if they have made muslims musilms yah see vvvttvvv00 not mosloms how u spell it like so many horrible spelling and gramman mistakes u make...and they made convert they are going to heaven guaranteed according to what god said. and if they didn't they are still getting the honor of almo7awala and plus allaho 3alleemoune ma bedate sedoure and at least they made them get the right image about islam while people like r destroying in the west, by those kouffare u r probably kissing the highnees "butts" everyday to make the $$$$ or the good living either at work daily life so they would smile for u...and god will punish those hypocrates le anae allah yakraho almonafe2oune
3 May 2008 08:39
ya akhee this vvttvvv00, is nothing but a hateful guy god knows where is from, trying to put our beautiful and peacful country that so many people get jealous of, he is really jeouous for many reasons and you can tell. and a hateful person obviously calling the christians kouffare u already heard they are 2ahle alketabe and another since you seem a very illeterate person lakoume deenoukm wa lya deene la 2ana 3abeddoune ma 3abdtoume wa la antoume 3abedoune ma 2adboude, u r so much illetarate and, I liked how the very well educated and intelluctual moroccans have answered you we can tell what kind of a jahele person you are, another thing is adding to his fire of jeoulosy is when he seems moroccan how educated and intelluetual they are from their answers just from their first of all and thier wide knowledge about a lot of things and the peace that we have in morocco while other countries missing in every minute if not every seconf missing it. and just a word of advise you guys waisting your time whith this worthless guy by responding to his sensless questions, please ignore this guy because simply he doesn't deserve our attention because we are all way bigger than our backgrounds and level wisdom and intellect doesn't tolerate that, and buy the way as everybody said it is god job to judge and punish those who deserve, and who said those girls making a sin, who knows if they have made muslims musilms yah see vvvttvvv00 not mosloms how u spell it like so many horrible spelling and gramman mistakes u make...and they made convert they are going to heaven guaranteed according to what god said. and if they didn't they are still getting the honor of almo7awala and plus allaho 3alleemoune ma bedate sedoure and at least they made them get the right image about islam while people like r destroying in the west, by those kouffare u r probably kissing the highnees "butts" everyday to make the $$$$ or the good living either at work daily life so they would smile for u...and god will punish those hypocrates le anae allah yakraho almonafe2oune my dear innocent angel, u got what i mean of course u know urself right?
3 May 2008 13:46

Well said !
3 May 2008 15:05
This VTT dude is having too much freedom on his hand butchering language and Faiths!
You are either an ignorant brat with a keyboard; or non-muslim, most probably Fundamental something but definitely not MUSLIM; otherwise you won't be trashing Islam and all the kind principles of religion in general.

You need to release some pressure either way! If you're in Amsterdam, well, you can even go window shopping!!!! if you live in Paris, well St.Denis will be the place...

Sorry, but it seems Wise people have tried to reason with you, but you never get the point; hence my conclusion above! Don't worry about calling me Kafir, because obviously you don't know what a Muslim is!!! If you need any advice, live and think before you utter nonsense!And go read more the one article you have in front of you!
Good day to all.
3 May 2008 16:43
once again one more time I am ashamed to find there are my own moslums brothers and sisters that call christians and jews not non-moslums. helllllllooooooo where are you?????? open up ur brain and listen up carefully.jews and christians are NOT moslums okaaaaay so a moslum maroccan womans can not and NEVER marry a non-moslum man in islam.
whats so difficult?why u dont understanding?
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