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why moroccan women marry western white tourists?
23 April 2008 07:20
is your sister married to a filthy old western tourist? was he circumsized? u know thats a requirement for a moslum?why are you trying to hide the real problem my brother why ? tel me why? problem is that maroc has no basis of islam and moslum unity.there is no islamic education in society or school or house or work.everywhere is a wild jungle like situation. or more like a brothel where peoples from west comes for tour and takes our moslum womens away..........
23 April 2008 11:05
is your sister married to a filthy old western tourist? was he circumsized? u know thats a requirement for a moslum?why are you trying to hide the real problem my brother why ? tel me why? problem is that maroc has no basis of islam and moslum unity.there is no islamic education in society or school or house or work.everywhere is a wild jungle like situation. or more like a brothel where peoples from west comes for tour and takes our moslum womens away..........

Guys going around a circle is time wasting ,let tackle more serious problems ,people will do as they please & its called freedom ...........
23 April 2008 15:31

Hi, you seem to have only one subject in mind and I think you didn't get the message so far; hence I am advising you to re read “Charte à respecter “posted by webmaster it’s the third from the top of the list. Please point out to us if you don’t understand it or you do not want to abide to it we can always help you.

Adidas Best
24 April 2008 06:54

For sure only ALLAH who‘ll judge us the day of resurrection. I do believe that everyone is free to choose the dress that suits him or play the music that gladdens him. Many say that it’s good to clean but we should start by flossing our teethes before asking others to do it.....
No one pretend to ignore what is right and what is wrong and sooner or later we all need to answer about our deeds and misdeeds….however whenever I come across the famous Hadith “Addin annasiha, Addin annasiha, Addin annasiha” Addin is advice, Addin is advice, Addin is advice” I wonder if we Muslims do really consider and follow this Hadith. I don’t think it’s a misdeed to report the black spots that tarnish our social relation and try to deal with it the right way, I mean to give the right Nasiha in the right time, the right place… we don't interfere with peoples choice but we do something to change the wrong things. no one is perfect and we all need to be shaked from time to time....
i evidently think the harm is being silent and doing nothing but keep tolerating the false liberality.
In another hadith our Prophet (pbuh) made it clear “the one who doesn’t act to attest the truth is a mute devil” I wonder shall we be exempted from answering this question thereafter “what did we do to glorify Islam???? “

Dear vvvTTTvvv00, i don’t think you post worth all this scolding because you raised a social phenomenon but the way you did is a bit harsh. No one knows when, where or how his last moments would be… and calling these western tourists as filthy white is not at all a characters of a good Muslim……
In order to point out our views or defend whatever we need to be polite, courteous and not arrogant...

i really wonder what would think a non Muslim who 's keen to know about Islam while reading some of your incoherent views.....

Peace be upon you
24 April 2008 14:12
we don't interfere with peoples choice but we do something to change the wrong things. no one is perfect and we all need to be shaked from time to time....

What is wrong about a muslim woman who marry a non muslim ??
What is right about a muslim man who marry a non muslim woman?

I know it is a matter of belief? How about if one want to think logically about the difference ?
I would love to be shaked logically about this issue.
26 April 2008 23:31
salam aleykoum,

at the first time excuse me because i don't speak english very well, but i understand the problem and i want answer to brother vvvTTTvvv00, i agree that you said is completely right. Some hate that other they havn't opinion about that. The problem for us it is the following; Allah swt eprove us. We have several tests, one is important to keep our tongue! we have to live with the diferences. the person make what she wants, as said one before we have to help or ask her, but of course we hav'nt to judge her! Only God is The Judge. we have to adapt us the diference. Ask God to guide us. That grieve me but what do you want? Allah swt guide who He wants. we havn't respect that. The diference come from God, don't forget that!!!

i'm sorry for my language but i'm starting the english!

as salam aleykoum
27 April 2008 15:28

krim, try this link. you can get some responses to your inquiries:
1 May 2008 21:42
i feel ashamed of being a moslum today after going through all these comments from my own moslums brothers and sisters i call in islam. why is everyone hiding the reality and not focusing on the problem? problem in maroc these days is lack of islamic education and family values and morality has gone below ZERO 0 and nothing more than that. HOW CAN A RESPECTFUL FATHER LET HIS DAUGTHERS HANDS IN NON-MOSLUMS? can someone answer this question for me?
1 May 2008 22:39
i feel ashamed of being a moslum today after going through all these comments from my own moslums brothers and sisters i call in islam. why is everyone hiding the reality and not focusing on the problem? problem in maroc these days is lack of islamic education and family values and morality has gone below ZERO 0 and nothing more than that. HOW CAN A RESPECTFUL FATHER LET HIS DAUGTHERS HANDS IN NON-MOSLUMS? can someone answer this question for me?
did u ask your self before putting this question ,if his father is a good muslim ?
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
1 May 2008 22:56
i feel ashamed of being a moslum today after going through all these comments from my own moslums brothers and sisters i call in islam. why is everyone hiding the reality and not focusing on the problem? problem in maroc these days is lack of islamic education and family values and morality has gone below ZERO 0 and nothing more than that. HOW CAN A RESPECTFUL FATHER LET HIS DAUGTHERS HANDS IN NON-MOSLUMS? can someone answer this question for me?
did u ask your self before putting this question ,if his father is a good muslim ?
ok let us assume that he is a normal regular person who prays five times every day and his wife wears those long clothes and covers her head. but lets his daughter in the hands of a non-moslum western tourist man.
1 May 2008 23:10
ok let us assume that he is a normal regular person who prays five times every day and his wife wears those long clothes and covers her head. but lets his daughter in the hands of a non-moslum western tourist man.

well, if u know someone like this, don't know, but almost of the time they are not so muslim that they seem
or may be their daughters told them that their futur husbands will convert in islam or they do it before.

allaho a3lem
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
1 May 2008 23:32
well, if u know someone like this, don't know, but almost of the time they are not so muslim that they seem
or may be their daughters told them that their futur husbands will convert in islam or they do it before.

allaho a3lem

problem is that moroccans have sold themselves their faith and their bodies in hands of frenchies and western tourists just so west can accept them. so our womens start wearing short clothes to look and to immitate kffaar
2 May 2008 06:38
Did say you are ashamed of being Muslim? On this, I totally agree!
Seriously Are you for real?
2 May 2008 14:39
problem is that moroccans have sold themselves their faith and their bodies in hands of frenchies and western tourists just so west can accept them. so our womens start wearing short clothes to look and to immitate kffaar
Salam alikoum
Well, u can do something for these girls

marry morccan girl, u can save here winking smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
2 May 2008 18:28
Salam alikoum
Well, u can do something for these girls

marry morccan girl, u can save here winking smiley

i am moroccan and i prefer marrying only moroccan. i hate to see all my cousins in amerika and canada married to white men and my guy cousins all married to white womens.
2 May 2008 20:27
i am moroccan and i prefer marrying only moroccan. i hate to see all my cousins in amerika and canada married to white men and my guy cousins all married to white womens.

well, try do not marry white women grinning smileylike your family grinning smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
2 May 2008 21:35
well, try do not marry white women grinning smileylike your family grinning smiley

i dont know what you mean.ur message not clear to me.
are you telling me not to marry white woman?
or ur telling me to marry them like my other families?
they can all go to hell.
2 May 2008 22:44
i told u that u don't should do like your cousins

and incha Allah find a morrocan wife

is it clear ?!!
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 00:28
i told u that u don't should do like your cousins

and incha Allah find a morrocan wife

is it clear ?!!
thank you brother.i prays for you
3 May 2008 01:17
i told u that u don't should do like your cousins

and incha Allah find a morrocan wife

is it clear ?!!
thank you brother.i prays for you

i m your sister
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 01:24
i m your sister

ok sister can i ask you . are you married? if you are not married will you ever marry a white man who is non moslum?
3 May 2008 01:32
ok sister can i ask you . are you married? if you are not married will you ever marry a white man who is non moslum?
nope i m not and will never marry a nonmuslim man winking smiley

but he can be black, white or whatever else grinning smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 01:34

but he can be black, white or whatever else grinning smiley

how about chinese?
3 May 2008 01:38

but he can be black, white or whatever else grinning smiley

how about chinese?
also, it must just be muslim

"la far9a bayna 3arabiyin wala a3jamin illa bita9wa"
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 01:43

but he can be black, white or whatever else grinning smiley

how about chinese?
also, it must just be muslim

"la far9a bayna 3arabiyin wala a3jamin illa bita9wa"

ok but if some tourist from west like amerika or france comes and he is not a moslum man.and he says he wants to change religion and become moslum man so he can marries you. WILL U MARRY HIM THEN??
3 May 2008 01:45
ok but if some tourist from west like amerika or france comes and he is not a moslum man.and he says he wants to change religion and become moslum man so he can marries you. WILL U MARRY HIM THEN??

3la 9elt lemgharba grinning smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 01:49
3la 9elt lemgharba grinning smiley

sorry i dont understand.say in englich
3 May 2008 01:51
3la 9elt lemgharba grinning smiley

sorry i dont understand.say in englich
personnaly i m not interested by someone who is not moroccan
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
3 May 2008 01:53
personnaly i m not interested by someone who is not moroccan

then i like you smiling smiley
u make me happy today becosu u are first moslum marocain girl i knows only wants marry marocain man.
incha allah u will find very good husbande
3 May 2008 01:54
personnaly i m not interested by someone who is not moroccan

then i like you smiling smiley
u make me happy today becosu u are first moslum marocain girl i knows only wants marry marocain man.
incha allah u will find very good husbande

Incha Allah
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
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