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morocco corruption on video
16 December 2008 12:19
Destruction of Holiday House in Skhirat Beach. The story: The neighbours, who have an illegal construction on the marine zone, want to cross straight my Holiday House that has an official Land Title and an official construction plan approved by the moroccan authorities. This neighbours don't want to walk two more minutes and take the legal official lane, they prefer to cross illegaly the Holiday House by using their connexions in the justice department.

16 December 2008 13:45
even if they have connexions in the Hell department, you shouldn't let them take your own property, you say you have an official land title, so you shouldn't give up, this is crazy, if morocco is a jungle, the world should not follow, you have proofs - this video - contact your embassy or find any other means to put pressure on the local authorities and believe me it will work, you have also the option of contacting the media, Almassae or aljazeera or whatever...i read in the video that you are leaving to thailand, but not before taking back what belongs to you, damn connexions...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
16 December 2008 16:11
I would say get the media on the case + all the associations (human right ...RME ,Hassa 2 ,diouane al madalime...)

I doubt if the embassy will help you if you are a Moroccan national as they can help you every where else except in your country of origin

This should be gone with Al Basri his cronies will get it your right just go for it
17 December 2008 02:14
Ohhh yeh believe me we have all the official’s documents and these have also been approved by the justice (end of October 2008). However, he did like this judgment and just 10 days after this judgments, our neighbors came as you can see in the video with the locale corrupted authorities to demolish our house that was legally build on an official titer land for more than 20 years only to satisfy ONE man, our neighbor to let him cross our house and create a private lane (way) between the street and his house. He doesn’t want to take the official lane that is 20 mettre next to our house… All the authorities are aware of that, the newspapers have publish more than 8 articles this (el bayane, opinion, economiste, itihad el ichtiraki…) this summer, however nothing happen because he has very good connexion on the top top of the Moroccan justice department… Diwane al madalime and H2 assos have already been contacted but nothing!!!! I think El Jazera can be a good solution, but I don’t have any contact their. ?
That is shame believe me!!!


17 December 2008 19:31

we would like to write an article on this incident at Morocco Board []
Would you please email us a description of what happened;
the set up: house near beach, dispute with neighbor, any court proceedings prior to demolition...etc
if possible, write the name of your neighbor and his contact # to get his side of story, you know all necessary info to write an enlightening article and educate public and people in charge


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2008 07:33 by pzalms.
17 December 2008 20:34
That is very shocking video thank you for sharing it with us. You can’t keep quiet about it. The country is improving and needs people to guide the authority to what to improve (themselves first). They will not get it right even if you tell them but eventually they will see what’s going on not far from his palaces or beach houses.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
17 December 2008 20:54
Save your breath this is Morocco. The big fish eats the smaller ones. Thats one of the reasons I rarely visit Morocco, and when I do it's never more than 1 week to visit family. I prefer my summer vacations, in Turkey, Thailand and Malaysia. It's cheaper and the local population are very nice.
18 December 2008 13:45
U know, the population in Morocco is one of the nicest in the world, believe me... The country is improving, however, there are some people who still thinking that we live in the "old morocco" with no justice!!! These people are just a mafia, that it...
18 December 2008 17:49
U know, the population in Morocco is one of the nicest in the world, believe me... The country is improving, however, there are some people who still thinking that we live in the "old morocco" with no justice!!! These people are just a mafia, that it...
Sorry thats not my experience. I have been in many places (I travel alot because of my work) and belive me when I say that the Moroccan people are far from the nicest people in the world.
19 December 2008 11:54
Please share with all your friends and others forums this video

19 December 2008 18:49


21 December 2008 00:38
Hey there

i'm sorry simohemmed but that's the way it is. most of us moroccan replying to your message used to live in morocco before we went to another country to witness no more the decadence of our own. It hurts when people say moroccan are nice and blabla when you know deep in your heart how rotten it is. Moroccan are nice indeed but when it comes to state manners, then you see the darkest part of it. Lack of organisation, corruption to its highest level. Morocco is no different from any other african country when poverty leads to corruption.
Those who like to come back to morocco are those who weren't born there, like yourself or even those who were born elsewhere from moroccan parents.

However, i must admit i have never seen something like this before, although I have spent 2 thirds of my life in morocco. Just never happened in my neighborhood.

I suggest you go to your embassy because you are lucky to have one wherever you are. Or my last suggestion would be to sell the damn' house. Why would you stay in a place with neighbors you may NEVER talk to, nor understand?

Either way, Good luck!!
Save your breath this is Morocco. The big fish eats the smaller ones. Thats one of the reasons I rarely visit Morocco, and when I do it's never more than 1 week to visit family. I prefer my summer vacations, in Turkey, Thailand and Malaysia. It's cheaper and the local population are very nice.
24 December 2008 20:08
Yes Morocco was corrupt few years ago but not anymore. Under the reign of M6, I can assure you that if you have the right title deeds to your house and accompanied bt this film, you have nothing to fear. Get a solicitor and gp for it. As far as I know that now in Morocco, nobody is above the law. Except in cases where the corruption was committed by the corruptee.
I have seen in Tangier where one of the barowners put another floor to the bar which was abstructing the view of the public on the promenade. This was paid for by the bar owner. The new regime in Tangier flattened the top floor and tha barowner complained that he had already paid the city planner for the permission. The new regime told him to find the official that gave him permission but of course that official is locked up for 10 years.
So there you are the law does work for both, the corrupter and the corruptee. Do you know that it is Haram for those who know their Islam. It is Haram to give it and to receive it. Ameen!
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