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People are strange
29 June 2007 14:24
Do you know the doors's song "People are strange"

surely Jim Morrison endured lghorba like us, he simply depicts our situation as expatriate, or rather i feel it like this, maybe it's only drugs that made him fly away without leaving los angeles...smiling smiley
I'm not posting this to make you feel down, it's just a far reminiscence that reappears suddenly ..

People are strange, when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly, when you're alone
Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven, when you're down

When you're strange, faces come out of the rain
When you're strange, no one remembers your name
When you're strange, when you're strange
When you're, strange
29 June 2007 15:04
I love this song. I think it reveals Morrison's sensitivity more than anything else. He has always felt misunderstoond and a bit stranger to this world. Being rejected by his parents for wanting to become an artist must have had a negative impact on him too. And if you think of that time, sixties and seventies, the rebellious hippy movement was not widely acceptable and many of these artists felt marginalised and were compensating by throwing themselves in life's pleasures, drink, drugs etc..

The music is great though! although my favourite song is "The End".

I have a collection of unpublished poems written by Morrison. if you're interested, let me know and i'll publish some here smiling smiley
29 June 2007 15:39
Thank you MinnieMouse,

I have two poetry books back in Morocco,

You are right, Morrison was a great artist though i think that his genius was a bit negatively "altered" by the spirit of the era, i mean the negative side of the sixties, drugs...

sure "the end" is a masterpiece, but it's not the only one, do you know "the crystal ship"
29 June 2007 17:48
I know "the crystal ship" and you're right, it's a great song, the lyrics are so sad and powerful and his voice is amazingly soft when he sings it, it's one of the songs that show how much Jim Morrison was ahead of this time...
I think i like The End because it's also the soundtrack of "Apocalypse Now" which is one of my favourite movies smiling smiley
29 June 2007 18:29
Don't tell me that Minniemouse...

I'm asking myself if i have a twin sister or something like this ........

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
29 June 2007 18:39
relativity i guess...
if you are normal is a strange world where everybody is strange, being strange will be being "normal" and being normal will be the "strange" in this world...

think about a straight guy in a gay bar...
a clothed man in a nudist colony... (they call us "textile"winking smiley

29 June 2007 22:16
Don't tell me that Minniemouse...

I'm asking myself if i have a twin sister or something like this ........

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

I asked myself the same question when i first saw your post! anyway, i always wanted to have a twin brother or sister, so it looks like my wish has been granted smiling smiley
29 June 2007 22:51
sure you have one now, though virtual in this forum .....

after thinking about it, why don't you post one of Morrison's poems here ? it would be nice ...
29 June 2007 22:57
Sure, I shall do that right now! I'll go get my book...
29 June 2007 23:14

Clothed in sunlight
restless in wanting
dying of fever

Changed shapes of an empire
Starling invaders
Vast promissory notes of joy

Wanton, willful & passive
Married to doubt
Clothed in great warring monuments
of glory

How it has changed you
How slowly estranged you
Solely arranged you

Beg you for mercy
29 June 2007 23:20
I like this one very much..

I am troubled
By your eyes

I am struck
By the feather
of your soft

The sound of glass
Speaks quick

And conceals
What your eyes fight
To explain
29 June 2007 23:26
I remember this one ... it reminds me of the smoothness and fluidity of his poems

Thank you
30 June 2007 09:53
Moment of inner freedom
when the mind is opened and the
infinite universe revealed
& the soul is left to wander
dazed & confus'd searching
here & there for teachers & friends.

Moment of Freedom
as the prisoner
blinks in the sun
like a mole
from his hole

a child's 1st trip
away from home

That moment of Freedom
30 June 2007 17:20
Beautiful...thanks Hicham
23 May 2008 16:56

i found this nice montage of "when you are strange" and looked for this old post, Minnie will like it smiling smiley
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
24 May 2008 01:03
I used and still do like the doors they brings back memories. back home when I learned my first English song: I love you the best better than all the rest...
I sang it to all the girls I fancied then just to show off. Oh boy it did workIn love
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 May 2008 01:08
Do you like Pink floyds?
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
24 May 2008 05:12
I love the doors too... when I watch the beginning of apocalypse now, I try to listen a little to their CD... it's named "the doors" too ^^

for those who dont remember the movie, there is a napalm attack in the beginning, and and they use "the end" as theme music...

lovely movie...

and pink floyd rocks too... but a lot dont understand their music...

I have a clear idea of the ugly teacher screaming: "WRONG, DO IT AGAIN!" ... ^^
28 May 2008 21:41
Yeah cool bands the Doors and pink floyd.
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