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studio/ apartment
24 January 2008 15:42
Anyone knows where from I can rent a furnished self catering studio/ apartment in center of Casablanca for a week from the sat 2nd February?

Adidas OriginalBest
5 February 2008 00:31
studio for what ?
15 February 2008 15:13
thanks I just came back yesterday hotels are just as cheap. I was hopping for a studio or a small appartment so that I can cook. Thanks all the same.

Adidas Tangia Best
15 February 2008 15:31
I've just seen your advert but i would have advised you to book a hotel room as flats tend to be so expensive. When you tell people you're renting for a week they think you're loaded and try to rip you off. Some quote up to 800dhs/night for a flat in the city center.

Hope you had a nice time anyway...
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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