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Things you hate to see in Morocco
25 May 2010 18:58
Traffic in Morocco.confused smiley
26 May 2010 10:24
Children begging, women begging with handicapped, people spitting in the street, cruelty to animals. However I think all this could improve with lifting up the standard of living over there. People will get used to having nice clean environment.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
26 May 2010 13:34

i hate the way people drive over there
spitting, littering everywhere
conditions of our roads
bureaucratic civil sevants
26 May 2010 18:27
I hate the attitude of "Diwana" at the airport. they look like “Welcome back home"evil and you feel likeGrrrr
26 May 2010 22:31
young beggers pretending they are disable so as to steal moneyperplexe
5 June 2010 17:52
prostitutes everywhere in public places in each city Grrrr
5 June 2010 21:52
Pingping - what is with you and prostitutes? Actually your pseudo pingpong sounds like a prostitutes nickname in Thailand grinning smiley
5 June 2010 22:03
@Pingpong :

the filth i seen in Pakistan is unbelievable
It is truly the asshole of the world grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2010 10:06 by whatp.
6 June 2010 15:07
what i hate the most, is that A LOT of people aren't honst at all!
6 June 2010 15:33
honest* sorry :$
6 June 2010 19:05
Lots of selfishness. Bad driving is due to selfishness - never give way to anybody, push yourself first even if it means putting other road users lives in danger thumbs down But lots of things are changing for better.
6 June 2010 20:14
@ the Pakistani ,

since when you didn t have a shower you are stinking the forum with your curry BO winking smiley

where you come from terrorists are lurking in every corner and street not one day passes without seeing some pakistani terrorist explodes in schools and mosques

well done to the Moroccan embassy in London for refusing your visa , you seem very bitter and you come here toxicating the forum to feel better
pedophelia is tolerated in your country but not in mine
if you carry on grooming little moroccan girls on the net you will have your balls Barbequed on some pure Ketama weeds
Pak offffsmoking smiley
7 June 2010 12:15
Morocco is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Children are trafficked within the country from rural areas to urban centers to work as maids or laborers, or for exploitation in the sex trade. Men, women, and children are trafficked to European and Middle Eastern countries as illegal migrants who become exploited for forced labor and prostitution. Young Moroccan girls from rural areas are recruited to work as child maids in cities, but often face restrictions on movement, non-payment of wages, threats, and physical or sexual abuse. Moroccan boys experience involuntary servitude as apprentices in the artisan and construction industries and in mechanic shops. Transnational human trafficking in Morocco is associated with people smuggling and drug trafficking. Some Moroccan women are trafficked to Gulf States, Jordan, Libya, Syria, Cyprus, and European countries for commercial sexual exploitation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2010 12:17 by pingpong292.
7 June 2010 18:22
to pingpong

your knowledge about Morocco has expired long time ago, but for Pakistan all the above written by you still valid, also to that list you can add that in Pakistan illiteracy is about 65%, unemployment about 35-40%, overpopulation which makes your corrupt goverment to think about such extreme measures such as sterilazation ( as it was done in India), discrimination against women, drug abuse, child labour, extreme poverty 35% of population. The list is endless - so you see, before you comment on Morocco look back and think how can you help your poor country instead of putting energy into these posts full of hatred No no
7 June 2010 20:18
To all Moroccan Yabis,

Please be aware that this thread was initially created for the purpose of getting some feedback or constructive criticism to improve things in our country of origin (Morocco) and now that it is serving as a target by some useless coward terrorist with a verbal diarrhea, we ask the Yabiladi admin to delete this thread.

I take this opportunity to call upon any Yabiladian who has any information about this individual(s) or anyone who can help locate him to contact the Moroccan Embassy in the UK. From his past posts, noticed that he changed from somebody with a restricted vocabulary who could barely write two correct lines in English into someone who writes a paragraph with almost no mistake which leads to think that we are dealing with more than one coward a**hole.

Fellow brothers and sisters, please bear in mind that our country is targeted on the net (You Tube for example) by certain jealous individuals in a shameful attempt to tarnish our image and I am just asking you to ignore them and develop a tough skin against their posts. They can’t fool us and fool the world. We know our beloved country, we know our people and we proud of both.

La caravane passe et le chien aboit
Al qafela tassir wal kilab tanba7.
9 June 2010 00:12

Ce message est adresse a la personne qui est entrain de s'acharner contre un Pays qu'il ne connait que par nom (je suis sure). Personnellement je ne veux pas te repondre en utilisant ton langage, tu dois savoir que tes propos ne peuvent venir que de quelq'un qui n'a aucune education et que ne comprendra jamais rien, parce que tout ce que tu reproches a mon Pays et aux Marocains existe belle et bien partout dans le monde.
Aulieu de gaspiller ton energie pour rien, tournes toi vers les problemes que ton propre pays vit (je ne sais meme pas d'ou tu es), et discutes les avec ta communaute peut etre que tu sera utile????.

9 June 2010 00:29

It's me again, I think you get the message, if you can't read French, I can translate for you, because more than 60% of Moroccan people speak more than one language, you know that hein, don't you?
9 June 2010 07:47

It's me again, I think you get the message, if you can't read French, I can translate for you, because more than 60% of Moroccan people speak more than one language, you know that hein, don't you?

He speaks Urdu (language of Pakistani) then his English is broken. i strongly believe he lives undergound in UK and now he is looking for a way to come and live and Morocco by contracting a marriage with Moroccan underaged girl. he's promising to take her back to UK but in fact his intention to is settle down in Morocco. Once there he will pretend that he loves Morocco and he wants to stay there. you better go back to your country dude. no place for pervert in my country
9 June 2010 16:27
Proudly Moroccan
To all Moroccan Yabis,

Please be aware that this thread was initially created for the purpose of getting some feedback or constructive criticism to improve things in our country of origin (Morocco) and now that it is serving as a target by some useless coward terrorist with a verbal diarrhea, we ask the Yabiladi admin to delete this thread.

I take this opportunity to call upon any Yabiladian who has any information about this individual(s) or anyone who can help locate him to contact the Moroccan Embassy in the UK. From his past posts, noticed that he changed from somebody with a restricted vocabulary who could barely write two correct lines in English into someone who writes a paragraph with almost no mistake which leads to think that we are dealing with more than one coward a**hole.

Fellow brothers and sisters, please bear in mind that our country is targeted on the net (You Tube for example) by certain jealous individuals in a shameful attempt to tarnish our image and I am just asking you to ignore them and develop a tough skin against their posts. They can’t fool us and fool the world. We know our beloved country, we know our people and we proud of both.

La caravane passe et le chien aboit
Al qafela tassir wal kilab tanba7.

Read again what input I provided in this thread about Morocco being a frequent traveller. And then check what contribution you making other than shouting and crying and telling me how you have grown up.

Go ahead to report this to Moroccan Embassy. I will wait for your response.
Also can you share what is on the Youtube grinning smiley? and how and why would somone try to vanish image of you on internet?
9 June 2010 18:07
Stupid pingpong,

Obviously, just like all your fellow countrymen terrorists, you are too coward to show up. evil
If you are a man (which I know you are not since you hide as a girl under the pseudo of Emma) try to take on me and send me your e-mail address. We, Moroccans are immune to your verbal diarrhea and the whole world knows what we are made of. The other option, go and tell any Moroccan of your choice what you really think about his country and keep us updatedptdr.
I say I am Proudly Moroccan what can you say? Tell us that you are proudly….. what? ptdr
You won’t be able to say because just the name of your country is an insult.

Allah ya3teek chi ghabbara. Go on another forum and get it translated tooptdr
11 June 2010 15:38
A sensible advise for a moroccan girl trying to escape from morocco.

Thanks "DG" for the message.

...... had lmawdou3 dyalak li sifatih lhad nass kamlin ri dafcha ta9i rabak wastarfrih ntouma labnat mana3raf 3lach dayrin haka walito fhad lwa9t ki molinex gabdi tri9 wahda wmatkounich tama3a wakhtik mtahramiyat tabriw tkhalto wfatali matal9aw gabad awdi achne ngoulak lah yarfarlik wakhtik matma3 hata haja matastahal ila jak wald nass stakhri lah wakhtikoum man had chawaf wakha katgouli lah yarfar liha katabri ta3arfi achne radii tgoul f9adiytak ya3ni hata nti katacharki starfi lah wadiha frassak wkhadamtak hata yban wald lahlal ila kan mouktablak
11 June 2010 18:40
there is some rat dropping in here , the smelly rat is here ptdrptdr
12 June 2010 19:40
Many things! the list is so long. But as much as I hate so many things that Morrocans do, they are your people. Hate them, love them, they are yours. It's a bit like a brother or a sister gone bad. you don't hate him/her, he is your brother and will always be, but you just don't like what he does and you want him to be better.Angel
20 June 2010 16:55

I hate to see children or mothers begging in Morocco crying(...but i love MorrocoIn love
---------- Allah gives and forgives---------- ---------- People get and forget -----------
1 July 2010 16:58
What do you call traffic mate?

I call it commerce. It's illegal... But who gives a damn? I'm a liberal, the state should mind his own business. Let them make money where they can.

pingpong292 , what do you call prostitutes? To see prostitutes, you have to look for them. Period. Stop calling girls prostitutes because they are wearing a little revealing clothes. I smashed people's teeth for less than that. Watch out.

And about how people drive, this is how people should be driving. I travel a LOT. And in some areas where there is forests, I see a lot of accident. Most are foreigners. Because this fools got used to very safe places, so they drive without watching the road...

I NEVER saw a local Morrocan hit a wild boar in the roads of Morroco. But I many foreigners get out of the road with a dead animal on their cars...

Lot of selfish and stupid people around, and they behave as they want... So shit happens... It's up to you to watch out. Natural selection at work, if you arent careful, you will take a wild boar in the face... End of story.

Driving in Morroco is fine. If you dont like it, take the train.
1 July 2010 23:12
Driving is fine??? You're must be joking Oups Haven't you seen a car or even a coach taking over 5-6 vehicles on the blind spot?? Haven't you seen a taxi loaded with 5-6 people flying 100 mh and taking over everybody regardless of any danger?? Haven't you seen cars, coaches and lorries drving in the middle of the dual carriageway in mountains without any concern that the oncoming vehicles are risking to be pushed away to avoid coalision??? Everybody for themselves + speeding+ overtaking without even looking to any of the side mirrors = record of fatalities one of the highest in the world thumbs down I hope with a new law about licence will change some bad driving habits..
1 July 2010 23:28
I dont believe in this safety doctrine... It's BS.

Stupid people have to die. You are smart and skilled, you survive. You are dumb you die... Natural.
2 July 2010 17:35
What??? What stupidity has to do with safety on the road??? People who are using coaches as their transport are not responsible for an idiot driver who suddenly thinks he's a Schumacher and his coach is a ferrari angry smiley Because of these overconfident and careless idiots people are dying on the roads every single day. Smartness and skills has nothing to do with it - that can work in a jungle - roads are for everyone and everyone is entitled to drive on it safely!!!
2 July 2010 18:15
Eh, natural selection involves luck too.

Skilled and smart people get wasted if they are unlucky, it's up to them to balance the odds... Drive a tank or something...

I'm sorry, but I dont want to see people driving like robots... Or to see the state control us to protect us.

Protect yourself and/or die free.
2 July 2010 19:01
Driving like robots? That's the public road, if you want to drive like a maniac or see if you lucky enough not to die when you roll off the cliff then by all means go to road which nobody uses and test your survival skills winking smiley Rest of us wants to know that to drive from A to B it's not going to be a test of our survival skills but just a safe journey. The problem is that some drivers are not even aware that they're disaster on the road - I bet if they took a driving test again ( if they took one in first place) most of them would fail miserably.
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