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Who do you think will win this football world Cup in S.A
8 June 2010 11:58
Will one of the 'usual suspects" win this football world cup again? Or is it the time for an outsider who never won the WC before to upset the book makers? Or has the time come for Africa to make history and win the cup?
Tell us what you think and who do you believe will win this World Cup in South Africa?
Ladies are also welcomegrinning smiley
8 June 2010 13:49
they are so smelly they will stink the place to the point where all teams will refuse to play against them grinning smiley

seriously :

each one of their players has a variety of individual skills which makes their matches a marvellous exciting game to watch Clap
8 June 2010 14:59
Bless you brother Whatp, you really made me laugh ptdr ptdrptdr

I agree with you on the fact that Brazil is one of the favourite teams on the paper but we must be prepared for some surprises.
I read somewhere that predictions based not on the FIFA rankings but on the GDP of the participating countries gives a "clear" indication of the winner of the world cup. Guess what! According to these sources, Spain will lose to Serbia in the semies and Brazil will beat Germanyeye rolling smiley. In the final, Brazil will win the WC by beating Serbia. It seems that you got it right according to these kind of sforecastClap Will it be the case on the pitch? We'll see in the days to come.
19 June 2010 23:53
I would like to see someone else win it like Japan or even Soudan: ptdr:

PS: whatp lay off Pakistan please some of them are really nice people just like us.

Best wishes to you both
Cameroon has missed their chances shame they really entertain us.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
22 June 2010 20:56
Argentina for sure !! ^^

or maybe, germany... = )
La vie est un long fleuve tranquille pour ceux ayant un super canoë... Pour les autres bah c'est la nage. Mais bon les moins doués se noient à chaque fois u_u
23 June 2010 17:41
my bet is on PortugalZen
25 June 2010 20:11
Very hard guess but Japan yesterday were amazing
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
1 July 2010 16:50
Who cares? Honestly, how bored you have to be to care for such things?

I think that the french team gave us the colors already... They are just a bunch of retarded pseudo rock stars. They are there for the money, they have no discipline, they are losers just like the people who support them. No offense, but it's really silly...

Find better ways to enjoy your lives... This is ridiculous.
19 August 2010 03:29
salam everibody
honestly i thinck that will be greater if argentina wins the next final world cup but my heart told me "MORROCCO"......we can dream but i thinck there will be an another skills.Danse
3 September 2010 21:31
Morocco xD,
but seriously I think Spain will confused smiley
6 September 2010 18:24
Well done Anvers, you got it right.........after the world cup Clap
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