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Travelling to Morocco with a baby
5 August 2010 00:08
Salam! not sure how many people i used to know are still around but i haven't been on the board for over a year now so lots of you won't probably remember me smiling smiley

Anyway, i hope you're all well. I have a question and i hope someone will have an answer.

I will be travelling to Morocco in September with my 6 month old baby who has never been there before. He has a British passport and i have a Moroccan one and i was wondering if this would cause us any problems (the fact that he has a Foreign passport). I have tried to get him a Moroccan passport in the consulate here but it's a long and complex procedure so we gave up and instead we just registered him. The British passport doesn't mention the name of either parent and i was wondering if they would stop me and ask me to prove that i am his mother?? should i take his birth certificate with me?

If anyone has had a similar experience your advice will be much appreciated. Thanks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2010 12:39 by Minniemouse.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
6 August 2010 05:12
Salam Minniemouse

Dont worry at all, I was in the same case in 2007 my baby was also 6 month with an australian passeport and I had a Moroccan one I didn't have any problem at these time. wish you a good trip inchallah.Bye
6 August 2010 13:08
Many thanks for replying back bidaouiya. That's very reassuring! thumbs up
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
7 August 2010 00:50

No need to worry,a British passport is fine,sometimes is even better.
You'll get sniggering remarks from the coppers at immigration but
let me assure you,some of them will give an arm & a leg to have
a British passport.
A birth certificate is always useful just like a marriage one.
Bon Voyage.
7 August 2010 08:42
I don't travel with my Moroccan passport at all infact once it finishes I will never renew it. Any documentation you will take with you proving the babies ID is a plus nine out of ten there will be no problem. My main concern is the baby's well being; September Morocco is still boiling hot for a six month old baby its like being in an oven.
May be I am just worrying too much, forgive my comment but still keep it in mind; good to have you back
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
7 August 2010 22:11
Thanks bootmashoot, i totally agree on your comment. The sniggering would certainly be due to frustration so we can't blame really smiling smiley

Adds, you might be right about the weather but i'm sure we'll be fine. He survived the heatwave of the last few weeks in England so he's hopefully immune to hot weather smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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