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Do you visit Morocco every year ?….
14 June 2007 13:13
Hi all,

for me I tray to go every year… because of the crowed I prefer before or after summer so I can have a calm holiday with the family and the friends...I go to casa and mostly stay about a month....

what about you?….Who is going this year?...when ?…to which city and for how long?….
14 June 2007 14:14
I try to go to Morocco (Casablanca and Oujda) once or twice a year but never stay more than 10 days. I think i'd go mad if i did. I lived many years in Morocco and nearly visited all regions and every nice place there is to see so I can't see why i would spend my whole holiday allowance which is only 25 days a year in Morocco, it would be stupid. I usually choose a good time to go, like Ramadan or Aleid so i can spend quality time with my family. I don't like beaches and crowds so i hardly ever go in the summer, i'd prefer to visit other countries. I'd say if it weren't for the family, i propably wouldn't go every year. Luckily, my family come from time to time to visit me as well and this way we get to see each other more than once a year.
14 June 2007 15:18
Hi Ilhem,

Been there every month since march, mainly for business, Casa/Marrakech/Agadir.
But I have to admit, I am sometimes relieved to board the plane back to Europe, I'm beginning to feel like I'm vacationing in Europe instead of the other way aroundsmiling smiley

And one little detail : I've taken on a few pounds by going there on a regular basis, but how can one resist the delicacies of our gastronomy ?... I've never eaten so much fish in my life...smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2007 07:02 by chelhman.
14 June 2007 18:17
Unfortunately, not every year as it is not easy to get there for me, need to stop over in Europe and then go to Morocco, the prices are high, etc... But this year I will be going and I can't wait! I need to see life slowing down! Tangier is the example...
I'll be one month away from this hectic life... LOL
14 June 2007 19:09

i try to go every year to see grandparents, as they're getting older.
and i love it there even though i like visiting other countries.
i'm from khenifra and i usually go for a month but it depends on my wallet, smiling smiley
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
14 June 2007 21:46

i try to go every year to see grandparents, as they're getting older.

That's so sweet. Well done aela winking smiley

I wish my grandparents were still alive...
14 June 2007 22:44

i try to go every year to see grandparents, as they're getting older.

That's so sweet. Well done aela winking smiley

I wish my grandparents were still alive...

thx... when i was a kid, we used to go at their place in the countryside and stay there for 2 months, sometimes 3 (hihihi we were out of school for a long time)
and i keep recalling this because we had a great time and we are all ( my brothers, my sisters and I) very attached to my grandparents, they are sooo sweet .
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
15 June 2007 13:50
Hi everyone,

Hi Chelhman,
lucky you....when I think how often I eat fresh fish here and above all how much do I have to pay for it I’d envy you…anyway you are from the south as you’ve said aren’t you? …could you plz advice us some nice areas we can visit there…..insider tips from a real berbermansmiling smiley...

Hi Minniemouse ,
Some times I feel like you but you know I always keep in my mind never to compare our country to the country we live in….I just tray to accept the people with their way of living and thinking…for sure many things make me really angry such all injustices ….the big gap between the poor and the rich people…the hard life a great part of the population has…. but I just tray to stay calm trying to focus on the positive side of the country to enjoy the couple of days I’m spending there……
I’ve never been in Oujda could you plz advice us some nice areas to see there…of course in Casa as well if you know any…

same to you…any nice Sightseeing Tipps in Khenifra?...

thanks all for any suggestions.....
15 June 2007 18:06
Hi everyone,

Hi Minniemouse ,
Some times I feel like you but you know I always keep in my mind never to compare our country to the country we live in….I just tray to accept the people with their way of living and thinking…for sure many things make me really angry such all injustices ….the big gap between the poor and the rich people…the hard life a great part of the population has….but I just tray to stay calm trying to focus on the positive side of the country to enjoy the couple of days I’m spending there……
I’ve never been in Oujda could you plz advice us some nice areas to see there…of course in Casa as well if you know any…

Hi Ilhem,

I don't compare Morocco with the country where I live. First of all, there is nothing to compare as they are totally and utterly different. Each country has got its traditions, culture, way of thinking and behaving and I feel very lucky to be able to take from both. I love Morocco, don't get me wrong nd I like going there despite so many dissapointing and sometimes saddening aspects but as I said, I have been to so many regions and visited wonderful cities and villages that Many Moroccans don't know (I used to be a journalist and had the chance within my job to travel a lot in Morocco). Unfortunately, now that I live abroad, my schedule is very tight and I don't get many days off, generally not more than 1 or 2 weeks at once, so I try to go at least a week to Morocco to see my family and enjoy some good weather but I am also happy to travel to other places. I'm also not fan of the culture of spending a full month in Morocco, i'd go crazy! I used to watch my aunts and uncles coming to Morocco during the summer for 2 and sometimes 3 months. All they do is go to the markets and spend their time visiting other members of family. I never understood how they could stand it and I felt sorry for their kids who never got the chance to visit other parts of Morocco. Now that they've grown up, they don't come anymore...

As for the regions to visit in Oujda, Oujda itself is a very pleasant little city. It's quiet and got nice buildings and people are friendly and very generous. The inner city is charming although the French have renovated it a bit during the protectorate. A few km outside Oujda, you'll come across nice scenery like Sidi Yahya where there used to be an oasis and loads of trees. And you also have Saidia beach which is only 60km from Oujda and worth visiting but don't stick to the busy beach as there are other less known little beaches such as Cap de l'Eau which is quiet and gives you privacy.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2007 06:08 by Minniemouse.
15 June 2007 19:51
As you now, we live in cities that can be compared like 'pressure cooker' and it is nice to switch off and slow down as some of you pointed out. However, I feel when I stay in morocco more than two weeks I become very agitated and cannot wait to go back to my other home. I don't know about you guys, but it feels like I live in a no man's land. I am here and I want to be there and vice versa....
InchAllah, Looking forward fishing in July around Sid Ifni.
16 June 2007 01:42
Hi everyone,

Hi Minniemouse again,
thanks for the suggestions…I will visit this city one day….

It’s true that’s is not easy to stay long time in Morocco but it happened to me to stay there for about 3 months…..I didn’t got bored because I always tried to do activities…such as sport…meeting friends…travelling ….it was really or two weeks will be very short for me… not enough to enjoy the real life in the country…..
17 June 2007 17:24
Hi everyone,

Hi Minniemouse again,
thanks for the suggestions…I will visit this city one day..

Inchallah Ilhem. and I'll be happy to give you any tips that you need smiling smiley
20 June 2007 18:00
(tm) i love my country.

i take a plane to Morroco two times a year... in February and in the summer... i take obviously more time in the summer... for a very simple reason, i get more free time ^^ 2 months, and i could spend more time (like three months), but it's not always possible, there is always some late exam or some things to do with the administration...

one thing i hate in France would be the administration... paper work and all the problems they can make...
to change a course in the university you need tons of paper work and even a "jury college" to take care of your file and more and more sweet complex and useless stuff...

and I just love every second i spend in Morroco... a glass of home made yogurt in a Ma7laba... with 1dh or 2 of 7archa ^^
a big cup of avocado shake at home... yummy ^^
a nice tajine... ^^
cheap hamburgers ^^ for 25dh i get a large hamburger and french fries... ^^
my car... my god damned car... i miss her soooo much... she is the woman in my life... for me speed is a symbol of freedom... ^^ (i will never miss the god damned cops... they can all go to hell)
anyway... a life... to put it short... my life is in Morroco.

here i'm just the shadow of myself...
22 June 2007 17:51

Hi Chelhman,
lucky you....when I think how often I eat fresh fish here and above all how much do I have to pay for it I’d envy you…anyway you are from the south as you’ve said aren’t you? …could you plz advice us some nice areas we can visit there…..insider tips from a real berbermansmiling smiley

Since I'm there on business these days, I haven't had the chance to see many things besides the already well-known places, but I did come across an amazing sight if you're in the area of Imsouane, it's between Agadir and Essaouira, you turn at the sign towards the beach, but before you get to the beach, there's a small cliff on your left where you can see the whole bay, it's an incredible sight.
After that, you continue to the beach which has a smaller fishermen's port, you can eat fresh fish.
The place is actually well-known to surfers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2007 06:52 by chelhman.
22 June 2007 20:52
Lucky you guys that can make it more than once a year... this time I need to find a peaceful place by the beach and enjoy my holiday with the family and my little boy. last time I spent a couple of weeks in Marrakesh and it was real nice!
22 June 2007 23:16
Marrakesh? i dont like this city... just like Paris... i've been looking for years... but i still never found the beach. grinning smiley

and riffman, the good thing to see in Marrakesh is "oukaymdene"... but it's much better in the cold season when there is some snow. ^^
24 June 2007 01:12
Hi all,


Since I'm there on business these days, I haven't had the chance to see many things besides the already well-known places, but I did come across an amazing sight if you're in the area of Imsouane, it's between Agadir and Essaouira, you turn at the sign towards the beach, but before you get to the beach, there's a small cliff on your left where you can see the whole bay, it's an incredible sight.
After that, you continue to the beach which has a smaller fishermen's port, you can eat fresh fish.
The place is actually well-known to surfers.

thanks Chelhman for the tip…it’s really a hidden place …we often drive between Agadir and Essaouira but we’ve never noticed it ….thanks again…
25 June 2007 18:20
LeMask, when I went to Marrakech it was tough mainly driving around the city. Actually I spent most of the time at a club outside the city, enjoying the sun and the pool. and went to Loukaymden, and those villages around. Maybe you are right, I don't know much Paris, but I guess it must be hectic. That's why this time I want a beach, for sure near Marakesh, impossible. Maybe around Tetuan, Martil or Cabo Negro...
25 June 2007 20:52
Morocco is a real mess, a true risky place. No security at all. You can expect any bad thing to happen to you at anytime, and when it does, you got to face the hungry wolves (police and Co) to straighten things out. I just go there when I really have to.
Don't get me wrong. I love Morocco, but I'd love it to be different. Less poverty, less prostitutes, less wolves and more dignity in the population.
25 June 2007 20:58
riffman? isnt it the "Club Sahara in"? with a mac donald at 10 minutes? ^^

i know this hotel quite well ^^ ... i wouldnt call it a "club" by the way... it's big enough, with a disco (small and awful) and a nice pool...

and Paris is magic dude... people are nice... a little arrogant, so you have to show them that you mean bussiness, but no big deal... they are all like that nowadays...
but the city is wonderful... lot of beautiful places, and when it comes to culture and art... it's HUGE.
and the nightlife is really great... not my cup of tea... i'm more into nature and sport than girls and partying... if you see what i mean.

anyway, Paris is great, but i love Morroco.
26 June 2007 17:58
I don't recall the name of the place, but apart from the noise of the kids playing at the pool, it was nice to relax. I'm sure Paris must be like what the people say. that's why it ranked as the most visited place on earth, and then spain second, pity our country is so close and no real investments in tourism. But hope things change.
26 June 2007 19:01
you must be kidding?
they worship the tourists in Morroco...

when i take a room in Morroco, the hotel personnel is at two fingers from spitting on you if you are Morrocan... but just show them that you come from abroad or that you arent Morrocan, and you will see how nice they can be...

and you can pay with the Euro or with $ very easily... and they wont give a damn about your DHs...

they do a lot for tourists... the police is very cool with alcohol just to please the tourists... drugs, prostitution... Etc... they close their eyes... for money.
27 June 2007 18:23
as for the ranking, Iam talking about the income, that is, how much money the country received from tourism. Before the 80s, in Morocco, the income from tourism was equivalent to any place in Europe (i.e spain, france, greece, etc). Instead of changing and adapt itself to challeges, many hotels closed because there were no tourists...
maybe that's our problem, we don't adapt, we are stubborn, we are proud, we don't give importance to our knowledge, we're not open to new ideas, the management was and is still old-fashioned... I could be here writing an essay about the problems, and the results, but "it will be like pissing in the ocean". It's past, and we are in this situation because of pure mismanagement both public and private.
There is something I will never forget, an issue of the Economist in 1986 stated Morocco as one of fast growing coutries economically. The magazine was utterly wrong! this went in decline eversince, but at that time I had hopes. Now I still have hopes, a bit less, but it is still there. One day it is going to improve I want to be part of it. Let's not forget that's where I was born.
27 June 2007 18:59
you are very negative, i see decline where you see evolution...

when i see the prices growing like in Europe, i think that the country is in bad shape.

i think that we shouldnt follow Europe blindly, life isnt so great here.

they get away with it because they are overpaid... that it. but life is miserable here.

they should be living 10 times better than that. if we had half of what they got, it would be paradise...
27 June 2007 19:20
If being negative is seeing my homeland with a bit of hope, then be it.
Our main acheivement will be one day to be a bit patriotic, maybe then we would look forward instead of backwards. there are many things to do to change, for better. We need ideas, good people, commitment, money (of course), and this of the future generations that will dwell in our land.
3 July 2007 17:05
To go back to the subject ,i feel addicted to Morocco now 4 times a year is just not enough
3 July 2007 17:34
4 times??? wow that's a lot. but then again if you can afford it why not, it's a healthy addiction smiling smiley
3 July 2007 23:00

Its not abour being able to afford it its more of having to be thre to get things done & plus with the low cost airlines the cost come down ,gone the days of £360 for London /Casa return !
3 July 2007 23:50
Yes those days are gone and thank God for that!! smiling smiley
4 July 2007 01:03
Hi all,

To go back to the subject ,i feel addicted to Morocco now 4 times a year is just not enough

Atlasmagic...waw you go very often to Morocco....if you know some nice places there would you plz tell us….thanks…
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