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4 September 2008 14:00
Salam All

I solemnly declare the creation VRZF, Virtual Republic of Zabandarougou faganshi, for all those inseated will await the next show.. tongue sticking out smiley Honorable Citizens are now allowed to come out of centuries of clandestine existence and smell the air of freedom...declare yourselves and say it loud, i am black and proud ... we shall with help of Sidi Chamharouch make our institutions, constitution and no polution tongue sticking out smiley

First article, never ask what is Zabandarougou faganshi..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 September 2008 14:19
Yak ma ghleb 3lik jjou3 a Bba Hicham ?tongue sticking out smiley
4 September 2008 14:27
jebtiha lassQa...tongue sticking out smiley tongue sticking out smiley machi ghir jou3, jou3 and lack of inspiration ......allah ighfer lina
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 September 2008 14:34
This is going to turn into some sort of "Ramadan delirium" threadsmiling smiley

Anyway, Llah y koun fel 3aoun, Ramadan is tougher in Morocco if you're there, people got it easy here, the weather is cooler.
4 September 2008 14:35

You are a legend mate Clap
4 September 2008 15:02

If you did not notice, most "VRZF's Honorable Citizens" crossed to the other rive and left us alone in an echoed forum. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
4 September 2008 15:23
Si chelhman,

there was a lot of delirium threads here in the forum, we once start a creative game that consisted in starting a fictive story with everyone contributing, the result was an amazing foolish story, and by the way Ramadan here is fine, i even jogged yesterday before ftour..

Atlas, thanks mate, i only your disciple...

Atay.. ha choua jay tongue sticking out smiley they hiding, they will soon come to hang out ...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 September 2008 15:58
Today is the first day I feel very tired and thirsty but I have just over an hour and half before I finish work and go to sleep.
We are all proud to be black (at least me and myself) because if we aren't there is nothing to be done about it; we can't be white.
Why do anyone wish to be different (Except Michael Jackson was excused as he proved one of his ancestors lived a few doors away of a white American)
When pollution becomes high, people low and notice the level of the pollution they start a revolution of the pollution in a reformed constitution to abolish sanction imposed by the institution.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
4 September 2008 16:07
Delirium is contagious guys, and ADDS is the first victim..

Anyone wanting to declare him/herself Honorable citizen..i am starting to loose patience...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 September 2008 16:18

Since i'am Black & proud & do believe the way forwards is a revolution & evolution &down with both the pollution & the institution

with the help of Chamharouch ,Moulay Brahim & sidi bo7aja we will get the freedom
4 September 2008 16:39
Loool atlas...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
5 September 2008 22:38
Well this is great news!!! of course i declare myself honourable citizen of this republic! Hicham, are you running as a president?? if this the case, can i run as your vice president please? looks like women candidates are attracting masses easily these days..
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
5 September 2008 23:21
We shall have a collegial presidency, every citizen has the right to be president at the same time, we want something new, no elections, it is going to be one of those institutional Rrrrouinas only moroccans are capable of, ma3a ihtiramati lmgharba .....
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
6 September 2008 15:17
No no , Hicham i was looking forwards to enjoying the bribes from the different condidates & "azroudes"

We need to have a leader figure ! that what we lacking now ....
6 September 2008 22:44
Sorry ba Atlas, ok for Zroudes but bribes are not welcome..we should vote, it is for a leader figure, as it is a virtual republic, let's create one, what do you think ??
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
7 September 2008 00:37
I think its a fab idea & we should vote

so any one willing to go for precedency should present his /her agends & why we should vote him/her in
The race to the top office in the land has started ....
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