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What will the Arab World be like in 25 years?
8 July 2005 08:27

I thought about this after I saw a similar question on the BBC site about Africa.
But I’m afraid I don’t see the Arab world changing much in 25 years. I worry that there will be more wars and conflicts, I’m worried that the wealth from oil will always go to bad programs and to Suisse Banks, I’m worried that the poor are still going to remain poor and that the gap between them and the rich is going to widen even more, and finally, I worry that these gloomy predictions I’m saying turned to be right, and hope and pray that I’m wrong.
do you think the arab world will be different/better than the one we see today?
8 July 2005 16:24
very good topic!

The arab world needs to change their way of seeing themselves....I do not believe in the idea of the Arab world...I think the Arab world never existed because it is based on some idea that is new....throught history, Morocco was always independent and did not need to be part of any other group. The only group that belonged to and will always be part of the Islamic world, that what defines us...we are moslems, first and formost and nothing else....having said that, Morocco needs to look after its own interests...and Morocco's interests are serverd when the Maghreb is functioning as it should be....
I don not believe in the Arab league and I think it is a wate of time
So how do we go forward from here?
Well first, disolve the Arab league!
Work on the revival of the Maghreb
Strengthen the Islamic League

That is my idea!
8 July 2005 19:21
I think the Arab World needs a revolution to change...I don't have much hope in its present's too slow...something such the Frensh Revolution for instance.....
10 July 2005 08:30
I think they will own the whole earth planet !

and you know why ?

because all the other nations will be in a certain level of develepment so they went outside conquering other planets
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
10 July 2005 18:05
Hi there, and ahlan

This a very lengthy discussion , which could not be treated in one thread or 2.

Just to add some elements

Let me mention few things:

1- Oil well will be almost empty
2- We have a water problem = not enough water (with our actual demography)
Just think that the middle east problem ( israel versus the rest is a water
3- Our demography is exponential: we can not feed, educate, give jobs and hope to our population, but we still booming...
4- Bringing wrong solution to our ptoblems: Integrism Is everywhere,
manipulating youngs and pretending bringing THE solution.
5- Lack of democracy, transparency, accountability, ..
6-We have no unions : how can we deal with Europe, Asia, NAFTA,..
17 July 2005 09:03
Assalamu aleikum,

With regards to Morocco...
I don't think a revolution is the answer, unless it is a cultural revolution... people need better educatin in islam, which is difficult if they are set a bad example and living in a corrupt system. Still, if they can read the Quran they have no excuse for not knowing and applying it! And then telling others about it...

I really think at some point the Moroccan people are going to have to take a stand and take back control of their own lives, not just allow themselves to be robbed and cheated and now lied to about what is the right thing to do.

But how to do that is another question... I think maybe each individual can find their own way, and it may change the culture of mistrust and dishonesty if enough people do it. The problem is that a leader for change would be very vulnerable to being jailed or otherwise mistreated by the powers in Moroco, I think people are just going ot have to organise themselves and start not tolerating injustices.

What I saw in Morocco was a lot of very good things happeneing, but also so much pessimism and refusal to act against injustice and dishonesty. There is great reward in Islam for standing up for your rights and the rights of others... not in shrugging the shoulders and saying 'oh well, what can I do...' and then complaining about how everything is going bad.

People I saw had so much intelligence, talent, enthusiasm, but they were crippled by their attitudes and by everyone else around them also having the same attitude of - it can't be done, and somebody else has it easier than me,and if I can take this from someone else then I should because if I don't then someone else will. Maybe what i saw wasn't representative of the population though?

You know, if you decide something is impossible, by definition it will be because it will never be tried properly... insshallah anything can be done with Allah ta ala's help.

I think people living outside of the country also have a responsibility not to give a false impression of their lives and the west, and also to help people inside the country to set themselves up where they are and start something positive.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2005 09:05 by laure21.
19 July 2005 18:14
What will the Arab World be like in 25 years?
Very bad, worse than present time.
the berber.
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