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Zidane the Great?
10 July 2006 16:22
Should Zidane have acted the way he did? What do you think?
10 July 2006 16:42
given The circumstance's hard to say

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2006 04:44 by chniwla_1.
11 July 2006 05:54
HE's a disgrace to the portrait others have created! The Italian starategy was to break the French midfieled: They got to Viera and he was out before stopping their massive attacks...As to Zidane, they needed him on the Field because he couldn't defend, as to his offense, well they negated it by getting in his head and it showed...Total disappointment he was. The other players were great and had the switch for Zidane taken place putting Henry in the midfieled as an attacking midlfielder and Trez as the point man with Rebery as the free flowing attacker, the Italians wouldn't have had an answer...
Great tournament by a mediocre Italian team but Smart after all.
11 July 2006 12:09
sure he's always the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 July 2006 05:25
i'm very disappointed in zizou...he could have aimed at materazzi's face instead. I'm a very big fan of milan...i have been FOLLOWING the italian seria A for years now. There is a lot of racism in stadiums out there. For those who don't know Materazzi, he's just a replica of Di Canio who has been sanctionned by the italian soccer federation for giving a hitlerian salute to the ultras whenever he's in camp...for those who know zizou well, one thing is sure..the guy has always embraced fair play...he knew better than anyone of us what was at stake before he gave that head kick at materazzi's chest...i think he did the right thing and hopefully fifa is gonna investigate the incident and have a little chat with materazzi...i knew right away the second after that kick that zidane has been offended seroiusly.
13 July 2006 16:42
Should Zidane have acted the way he did? What do you think?

Is there any excuse for such behaviour ? In all his "Greatness", he must have forgotten how to act
civilized. Pity, its ok though, since Italia won, that is all it matters to me. smiling smiley)
13 July 2006 18:43
Salamsmiling smiley,

Gabriellasmiling smiley, of course, there's any excuse for such behaviour.
But given the circumstances, the Italian player is too guilty than him for not saying more.
His behaviour is not uncivilized, but simply human.

I'm not a violent woman, but if we say bad words toward my family, I will have the save behaviour, even if it's not the good one, it's stays the "logic" one.
One step forward and two ahead...
15 July 2006 09:57
italia win and france ....what about morocco
16 July 2006 22:24
saluuuut sava
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