أعلن مدرب المنتخب المغربي لكرة القدم داخل القاعة، هشام الدكيك، عن اللائحة النهائية للاعبين الذين سيمثلون النخبة الوطنية في النسخة العاشرة من كأس العالم، التي ستحتضنها أوزبكستان في الفترة من 14 شتنبر إلى 6 أكتوبر 2024. وذكر بلاغ للجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم أن اللائحة
أفادت المديرية العامة للأرصاد الجوية بأن زخات رعدية (15-25 ملم) مصحوبة بحبات البرد وبهبات رياح ستهم، اليوم الثلاثاء، عددا من أقاليم المملكة. وأوضحت المديرية، في نشرة إنذارية من مستوى يقظة برتقالي، أن هذه الزخات الرعدية مرتقبة اليوم من الساعة الثانية زوالا إلى الحادية عشرة
De nombreuses familles touchées par le séisme du 8 septembre de l’année dernière dans la région de Marrakech-Safi peinent encore à retrouver une vie normale. Interrogées par Yabiladi, elles pointent une aide insuffisante, ainsi que la lenteur et les retards des chantiers de reconstruction.
The Ministry of Equipment and Water is expediting the construction of 15 large dams, totaling a capacity of 4.778 billion cubic meters, in Morocco. Upon completion, these dams will significantly enhance potable water supply across the Kingdom, support agricultural irrigation, generate hydroelectric power, and replenish groundwater resources. The following is the progress on these dam projects: Ghiss Dam in Al-Hoceima province, where work has progressed by about 99%. It has a storage capacity
Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Resident Abroad, participated in the ministerial meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing on Tuesday. This year marks the 24th anniversary of the Forum, which has become a strategic partnership between China and the African continent, grounded in the core principles of solidarity, cooperation, and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states. The meeting was co-chaired
Abdellatif Ouahbi, the Moroccan Minister of Justice, has vowed to take a firm stance against the defamation and privacy violations rampant on social media platforms. In a recent interview with 2M, Ouahbi stated, «We will introduce specific articles in the penal code to impose strict penalties, including imprisonment, for these harmful acts. The unchecked behavior on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, such as filming people's private lives without their consent, will no longer be
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, de la coopération africaine et des Marocains résidant à l’étranger, Nasser Bourita, a pris part, mardi à Pékin, à la réunion ministérielle du Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine (FOCAC). Ce Forum, qui célèbre cette année son 24e anniversaire, constitue un partenariat de choix entre la Chine et le Continent africain, fondé sur les
Ichem Zaher made history this weekend as the first Moroccan to finish the Enduroman, an extreme triathlon that covers approximately 360 kilometers over three days. Nicknamed the «Arch to Arc», the event, beginning at Marble Arch in London and finishing at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, combines running, open-water swimming and cycling, making it one of the toughest endurance events in the world. The Moroccan Enduroman puts his sporting prowess to work for a noble cause: raising
تعمل وزارة التجهيز والماء على تسريع وتيرة بناء 15 سدا كبيرا بسعة تناهز 4 مليار و778 مليون متر مكعب. وسيسهم استكمال هذه السدود التي تم تسريع وتيرة بنائها جميعا، في ضمان تأمين التزويد بالماء الصالح للشرب بكل أقاليم المملكة، وكذا ضمان تواجد الماء الخاص بالسقي الفلاحي، كما ستساهم
Two female farm workers were killed in a road accident on Monday morning on National Road n°1 between Tiznit and Agadir. The tragedy occurred following a collision between two buses transporting farm workers, due to fog. One bus was stationary, while the other was approaching from Tiznit. According to sources quoted by 2m.ma, the accident occurred near the douar Aït Salah, in the rural commune of Belfaa, province of Chtouka-Aït Baha. Nine other injured passengers were transferred