Acting on intelligence from the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance, Moroccan judicial police units in Casablanca and Marrakech arrested, Thursday, five individuals, including one foreign national, suspected of involvement in possessing and distributing nitrous oxide gas for non-medical purposes. The arrests occurred during simultaneous raids in both cities and their suburbs. The first suspect was apprehended in Casablanca upon arrival in a delivery vehicle, carrying 18
A ceremony held Thursday, February 22nd, at the Moroccan embassy in Washington DC celebrated cooperation in education and cultural exchange between Morocco and the United States. The event recognized the academic achievements of Moroccan and American Fulbright Morocco 2024 program recipients, according to a press release from the Moroccan diplomatic mission. State Department officials, the Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchanges (MACECE), and approximately 60
La coopération en termes d’éducation et d’échanges culturels entre le Maroc et les Etats-Unis a été célébrée, jeudi, lors d’une cérémonie tenue à l’ambassade du Maroc à Washington. L’occasion a été de rendre hommage à l’excellence académique des lauréats marocains et américains du Programme Fulbright Maroc 2024, fait savoir un
Après la conférence de presse du président du gouvernement espagnol Pedro Sánchez, lors de sa visite au Maroc, son exécutif est revenu sur les détails des 45 milliards d’euros d’investissements annoncés, interprété en Espagne comme une dépense directe. Ce montant se réfère aux investissements marocains et non espagnols, écrit jeudi El Independiente. Ils concernent des contrats pour lesquels
تمكنت عناصر المصلحة الولائية للشرطة القضائية بكل من مدينتي الدار البيضاء ومراكش بناء على معلومات دقيقة وفرتها مصالح المديرية العامة لمراقبة التراب الوطني زوال اليوم الخميس 22 فبراير الجاري، من توقيف خمسة أشخاص، من بينهم مواطن من جنسية عربية، وذلك للاشتباه في تورطهم في
اضطرت الحكومة الإسبانية لتوضيح تصريحات رئيسها بيدرو سانشيز أثناء زيارته للمغرب، حول استثمار 45 مليار أورو في المغرب في غضون 25 عاما، وأكدت أن بيدرو سانشيز تحدث عن "استثمارات مغربية تنطوي على عقود يمكن للشركات الإسبانية الاستفادة منها، لكنها ليست استثمارا مباشرا من
The Casablanca City Council announced, Thursday, the launch of the city's Busway system on March 1st, adding a new mode of public transportation alongside buses and trams. The Council president, Nabila Rmili, confirmed the ticket price at 6 dirhams, emphasizing its affordability through a 40% subsidy. This high-level service bus system, known as BHLS, aims to improve mobility in Casablanca. It boasts a fleet of 40 modern, 21-meter-long vehicles operating on dedicated corridors with 42 stations
أكد وزيرا التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي والابتكار، عبد اللطيف ميراوي، و الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية، خالد آيت طالب، أمس الخميس بالرباط، أن تخفيض مدة الدراسة والتكوين في كليات الطب والصيدلة وطب الأسنان من 7 إلى 6 سنوات سيحفظ القيمة العلمية والمعنوية للشهادات المحصل عليها من
A statement by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez during his recent visit to Morocco has generated confusion and controversy. Speaking during a press conference in Rabat on Wednesday, Sanchez mentioned a figure of 45 billion euros in investments in Morocco, which was interpreted by some as a direct Spanish investment. However, the Spanish government has clarified that the figure refers to Moroccan investments, not Spanish ones, El Independiente wrote on Thursday. The investments involve
The government announced the establishment of the Grand Atlas Development Agency, tasked with completing reconstruction and rehabilitation programs in areas struck by the Al Haouz earthquake. Minister Delegate Mustapha Baitas confirmed this on Thursday during a press briefing, outlining the agency's responsibility for finalizing «programs and projects already launched or under study». This move aligns with royal directives on rebuilding the affected regions. Baitas emphasized the