Morocco was slammed by the World Trade Organization (WTO) for imposing anti-dumping duties on Turkish hot-rolled coil, which violated the international regulator's rules on anti-dumping, reports Fast Markets. The organization's announcement was made public in a report published on October the 31st and entitled «Morocco anti-dumping measures on certain hot-rolled steel from Turkey». In its document the WTO explained the dispute between the two countries. «This dispute
La 4e édition du Festival international du film de Bruxelles (FIFB), qui aura lieu du 18 au 23 novembre, fera la part belle au Maroc en programmant le long métrage «Burnout» de Noureddine Lakhmari en compétition, et en invitant l’acteur et musicien Younès Megri comme membre du jury. Younès Megri fera partie du jury international aux côtés de Rie Rasmussen (présidente), Lou Gala, Maya Coline, Marijke Pinoy, Anne Serra et
Moroccan center-back player Mehdi Benatia has been summoned by French coach Hervé Renard to join the national squad, playing against Cameroon on November the 16th, says BBC Sport. The decision is the first of its kind after the 2018 World Cup, added the same source. Renard, who currently manages the Morocco national football team, called 26 other footballers to be part of the Atlas Lions' squad for the Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers. The team will have to face Tunisia in a friendly,
King Mohammed VI spoke on Monday, November the 5th, with Rwandan President Paul Kagame on the phone, said the royal cabinet in a statement. Their phone conversation comes days before the opening of the «African Union extraordinary summit, scheduled for November the 16th and 17th, in Addis Ababa and during which important decisions will be taken to reform the organization», added the same source. «On this occasion, the Sovereign encouraged President Kagame (...) and assured
The Spanish authorities discovered the bodies of three Moroccan migrants who were carried by a boat heading to Spain, near the Cadiz beach, says EFE. Civil Guard ships carried an operation, searching for other migrants who couldn't make it to the coast. According to the same source, the boat in question was carrying forty people and was stranded yesterday at around four in the morning. The boat hit a series of rocks, broke and migrants fell into water. The body of a 25-year-old Moroccan
Unemployment rate in Morocco was decreased to 10 percent by the end of September, after it reached 10.6 percent last year, said Reuters quoting the planning agency. 64,000 people are unemployed in the Kingdom, said the same source, adding that the country created 122,000 jobs in 2017 as compared to the year before when it only provided 89,000 job opportunities. «Services created 98,000 jobs followed by industry and handicrafts with 19,000», says the British news agency, indicating
Grupo Planeta, premier groupe éditorial et de communication espagnol, spécialisé la culture, la formation, l’information et le divertissement audiovisuel, a annoncé avoir choisi le Maroc pour sa première implantation sur le continent africain, dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur, via sa filiale Planeta Formation Maroc. Le groupe ouvrira deux grandes écoles, à savoir OSTELEA School of Hospitality & Tourism,
Le ministre de l'Equipement, du transport, de la logistique et de l'eau, Abdelkader Amara, a affirmé lundi qu'il avait été convenu avec les professionnels du transport des marchandises de traiter avec flexibilité le sur-tonnage dans la limite de 30%, en attendant les conclusions de la commission créée lors des récentes concertations tenues à cet effet. Répondant à une question centrale sur la grève des conducteurs et
Le volume de l'emploi s’est accru de 122 000 postes, 118 000 en milieu urbain et 4 000 en milieu rural au troisième trimestre 2018, fait savoir le Haut-Commissariat au Plan (HCP). Selon le type d’emploi, 104 000 postes rémunérés ont été créés (+108 000 en milieu urbain et -4 000 dans le rural), alors que l’emploi non rémunéré, constitué d’environ 98% d’aides familiales, a
La société marocaine Nareva et l'opérateur mondial des énergies renouvelables Enel Green Power ont annoncé, lundi soir, le closing financier et le démarrage des travaux de construction, à Midelt, du premier parc éolien du Projet éolien intégré 850 MW. La construction de ce nouveau parc, dont la capacité est de 180 MW, s’étalera sur 24 mois, a indiqué le consortium Nareva - Enel Green Power