The Italian police have managed to indentify two teenagers who were behind the death of a homeless Moroccan man near the northern city of Verona, reports Associated Press on Friday. A 13-year-old and a 17-year-old boy have set 64-year-old Ahmed Fdil on fire on December the 13th, said the same source quoting L’Arena di Verona, an Italian daily newspaper. «It was a joke», said the younger boy to teh police insisting that they did not intend to kill the man. Speaking to RAI, an
On Thursday, 11th of January, eleven prisoners detained at the Guantanamo US military prison, located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base filed a lawsuit against the US President, saying that they are illegally detained because they are Muslim, reports AFP. In their complaint, the prisoners refer to Donald Trump’s tweets and statements, they consider as Islamophobic. They are based on the arguments put forward by the opponents of the presidential decree against immigration, which
The U.S. state department revealed on Wednesday, 10th of January, an updated travel warning system, reports AFP, a Paris-based French weekly newspaper. Featured on the states’ official website, the American government divided countries in the world into four main categories : «Exercise normal precautions, Exercise increased caution, Reconsider travel and Do not travel». Morocco is part of the first list, which is dedicated to the safe countries where U.S. citizens are
Mehdi Benatia, a Moroccan-French footballer who plays for Italian club Juventus has been voted best Maghreb player in 2017 by France Football, a French weekly magazine containing football news from all over the world, ahead of Algeria’s Riyad Mahrez and the Dutch-Moroccan player Hakim Ziyech. «Trained at OM (Olympique de Marseille), the Juventus center back made a name in Italy before playing for Bayern de Guardiola. Despite his mid-October knee injury», he performed
La Confédération africaine de football (CAF) a désigné l’ancien international marocain Noureddine Naybet, ambassadeur pour la phase finale du Championnat d’Afrique des Nations (CHAN 2018) des joueurs locaux, qui se déroulera du 13 janvier au 4 février prochain au Maroc. Outre l'ancien capitaine des Lions de l'Atlas, la CAF a choisi le Congolais Robert Kidiaba et le Tunisien Adel Chedli, ambassadeurs pour la phase finale du CHAN, a
As part of the preparation for Morocco’s bid to host the 2026 FIFA World Cup, the Chairmanship of Morocco’s Bid Committee has been assigned by King Mohammed VI to My Hafid Elalamy, reports MAP news agency. Elalamy’s work consists in providing all the necessary support to the Moroccan Royal Football Federation (FRMF) and the specific division created within the FRMF, in accordance with FIFA guidelines and specifications. He will act as the Government’s interlocutor for
Un décret qui vient d'être publié au Bulletin officiel du 1er janvier (n°6635) interdit l'installation des antennes paraboliques sur les façades et les balcons des bâtiments. Fixant les conditions de la copropriété, le décret sur le statut de la copropriété des immeubles bâtis interdit dans son article 13 l'installation des différents appareils, dont les climatiseurs et les paraboles sur les façades des
Les importantes chutes de neige au Maroc touchent durement les populations enclavées, menant parfois à des drames. L'effondrement, mercredi, du toit d'une maison en pisé à Douar Zroun, dans la commune de Tighedouine (province d'Al-Haouz), a causé la mort d'une femme qui se trouvait seule chez elle. Les autorités locales et les services de la Gendarmerie Royale et de la Protection civile sont intervenus pour prendre les mesures nécessaires
Dans le cadre de la préparation du dossier de candidature du Royaume du Maroc à l'organisation de la Coupe du monde de football 2026, la présidence du Comité de candidature du Maroc a été attribuée par le Roi Mohammed VI, à M. My Hafid Elalamy. L’action de M. Elalamy consistera notamment à apporter tout le soutien nécessaire à la Fédération Royale Marocaine de Football (FRMF) et à la
Jbel Irhoud, an archaeological site located just north of the locality known as Tlet Ighoud, about 50 km south-east of the city of Safi in Morocco, has been registered as a national heritage site, announces AFP. The area is known for the rest of the world by the Hominin fossils that have been found there in 1960. The specimens discovered in Jbel Irhoud were later assigned to Homo sapiens and have been dated to over 300,000. This decision was made public in January by the Moroccan Official