Le journaliste Khalid Mechbal a rendu l'âme, vendredi soir dans son domicile à Tanger, à l'âge de 83 ans, des suites d'une longue maladie. Khalid Mechbal est décédé dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, après un long combat livré contre la maladie, a-t-on appris auprès de ses proches. Le défunt sera inhumé ce samedi au cimetière Sidi Amar à Tanger, après la prière d'Al Asr qui aura
Yesterday in Turku, Finland, several people were stabbed by a man who was later identified as an 18-year-old Moroccan. After being shot in the leg by the police, the alleged assailant was arrested. An investigation was then opened by the Finnish authorities and five people were arrested, reports LCI quoting the Twitter account of the Finnish police. The alleged perpetrator of the stabbing is believed to be , according to the same source, an 18-year-old Moroccan man. Finland now speaks of a
On the other side of the Mediterranean, the relatives of Driss Oukabir, arrested by the Spanish authorities, and his brother Moussa, killed in Cambrils during the night from Thursday to Friday by the police, are «shocked». AFP was able to visit the village of Melouiya to interview their father. «We are in shock, completely shattered», with tears in their eyes, their father Said Oukabir, surrounded by family members, neighbors and friends who came to offer their
The Spanish authorities have identified a cell composed of a dozen people linked to Thursday's attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, the French daily newspaper Le Parisien said on Friday. It informs that at least two of the alleged terrorists died in the explosion of the hideout. Five, including the three previously identified, were reportedly killed in the second attack in the Spanish seaside resort while four people were arrested. While the police is still looking for the last one namely Younes
Le consul général du Maroc à Barcelone, Fares Yassir, s’est rendu vendredi au chevet des trois ressortissants marocains blessés dans l’attentat perpétré jeudi à Barcelone et qui ont été admis dans des hôpitaux de la capitale catalane où ils reçoivent les soins nécessaires. Le diplomate marocain s’est informé, à cette occasion, de l’état de santé des
Nearly 24 hours after the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, which killed 14 people and injured more than 100 others, the Spanish authorities are currently looking for four young people, aged between 17 and 24 years. This Friday, El Pais quoting an internal police document distributed to the units, says that the four suspects are believed to be Moroccan. However, they are living in Ripoll and Ribes de Freser (Girona). According to the Spanish newspaper, Moussa Oukabir, 17, is the brother of
Le Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger (CCME) a condamné fermement «l'acte terroriste sauvage» survenu jeudi à Barcelone, et qui a coûté la vie à 13 personnes. «Suite à l'attentat à la voiture bélier survenu jeudi à Las Ramblas à Barcelone et qui a fait 13 morts et plusieurs blessés, le Conseil de la communauté marocaine à l'étranger condamne
A crew of a British ship named MV Cheshire and owned by Bibby Line Limited, was rescued by helicopters 45 miles south of Gran Canaria, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, off northwestern Africa, the Dailymail reports. According to a communiqué issued by the company earlier this week, «the vessel is loaded with a full cargo of ammonium nitrate based fertiliser and is on passage from Norway to Thailand to discharge». According to the same source MV Cheshire
Le roi Mohammed VI a adressé un message de condoléances au roi Felipe VI d'Espagne et à la reine Letizia, suite à l'attaque terroriste ayant visé la zone touristique dans le centre-ville de Barcelone. Dans ce message, le souverain affirme avoir appris avec une profonde affliction et une forte condamnation la nouvelle de l'attaque terroriste abjecte ayant visé la zone touristique dans le centre-ville de Barcelone, faisant plusieurs victimes. Le
Catalan regional police official Josep Lluis Trapero said in a press conference held this early afternoon that the investigation into the attacks in Catalonia is based on «the assumption that the authors were preparing these two attacks for some time in this house in Alcanar,» reports Le Monde. «We work with the hypothesis that the suspects were preparing both attacks for some time in this building of Alcanar. It was a group, we do not know the specific number, but