Spain is planning to restore universal jurisdiction, repealed in 2014 by the Rajoy government. The decision might affect Morocco, especially as the situation in the Rif and the Western Sahara interest judges in Madrid.
The Spanish government is intending to send back migrants forcing their way into its two North African enclaves to Morocco. The decision comes as local media speak about a new migration plan in Madrid.
Pedro Sanchez’ cabinet is expected to answer questions, asked by Spanish deputies on the closure of commercial borders, separating Morocco and Melilla. The request was submitted by the People’s Party, Ciudadanos and PDeCAT.
The Spanish government expelled on Thursday 116 migrants who entered Ceuta through its Morocco borders. The decision brings back an agreement Madrid and Rabat signed 26 years ago.
The Spanish government is expected to examine, on August 29th, the «possible answers» to Morocco’s decision to close commercial borders with Melilla. The meeting, to be held in Madrid, is the first of its kind.