

After Sumar... Spanish parties oppose expulsion of Sahrawis to Morocco

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The Spanish government's decision to expel Sahrawi asylum seekers from Spain continues to face widespread criticism within the country. Following similar demands from Sumar and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), Bildu, another coalition partner of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, has called for an immediate halt to the deportations of Sahrawis detained at Madrid-Barajas airport.

In a joint statement, ERC and Bildu urged Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska to appear before Congress to explain the government's decision, which they described as «incomprehensible» and a violation of the Sahrawis' right to asylum. The two parties emphasized the «serious risk to their safety» if deported back to Morocco.

The coalition partners submitted a series of questions to the Interior Ministry, demanding clarification on its decision and the application of the principle of «non-refoulement». They expressed concerns about the government's commitment to protecting human rights and ensuring a fair asylum process.

Earlier this week, Inigo Errejon, a spokesperson for Sumar, echoed the calls for the government to reverse its decision. He argued that the deportations were not in line with the party's vision and the principles of human rights.

Pro-Polisario MP Tish Sidi of Sumar also questioned the Interior Ministry's rejection of asylum applications for approximately 30 Sahrawi activists, including humanitarian cases like Ali Hamou and Mohamed Ali Soleimani and his family.

These developments come after Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska announced on Monday that Sahrawi asylum seekers would be deported unless their claims of persecution were supported by Spanish law and proven in court.

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