

Close to Qatar, a British lawyer defends journalist Taoufik Bouachrine

Close to Qatar, a British lawyer defends journalist Taoufik Bouachrine./Ph. DR
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British lawyer Randy Dixon joined journalist Taoufik Bouachrine’s defense committee. The new recruit has published this Friday, April the 6th, a long statement bearing his signature, on Alyaoum24, a newspaper that belongs to Bouachrine.

In order to assert the rights of his client, Mr Dixon wielded the threat of «seeking the support of the African Commission of Human Rights and other bodies at the African Union», as well the «Working Group on arbitrary detentions» affiliated to the United Nations. Making of the Bouachrine case an international issue is a way that the British lawyer, who is an expert in international law, prefers to follow.

Rondy Dixon is known for being close to Qatar. He is the lawyer of three Qatari nationals (Mahmoud Al Jidah, Hamed Al Hammadi and Yousef Al Mollah) who accuse the UAE authorities of «torturing them between 2013 and 2015». A complaint has been lodged regarding with the Metropolitan police of London.

The lawyer has also been conducting an international campaign for several months against the alleged «human rights violations» committed by the Emirates in their alleged secret prisons in Yemen.

On March 19, daily Akhbar Al Yaoum and website Alyaoum24 argued that Abu Dhabi would allegedly have a role in the arrest of Taoufik Bouachrine. Two weeks later, Rondy Dixon joined the journalist's defense team.

Arrested last February, Bouachrine is suspected of «human trafficking, exploiting and taking advantage of unfortunate people, using power for sexual exploitation, black-mailing, rape, sexual assault, inciting people to prostitute including a pregnant woman, and recording and filming them».

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