Born in Brussels to Moroccan parents, Taoufik Amzile climbed the ranks of entrepreneurship in his country of birth, becoming a prominent figure of diversity in the increasingly open circle of entrepreneurs. As a consultant and coach to various Belgian and Moroccan professionals, his contribution to building an inclusive environment in the business world has taken on a new dimension through the Lead Belgium organization, which he co-founded in 2007.
Invited by the General Confederation of Moroccan Entreprises (CGEM), a Finnish delegation headed by the Minister of Environment conducted a conference, Thursday, in Casablanca with the objective of helping the Moroccan private sector benefit from the country's clean and green technologies.
According to Ok Dario, a Spanish online newspaper, the National Intelligence Center has collaborated in the past with Abdelbaki Es Satty. Reportedly, the Rippol Imam who planned for the Catalonia attacks was supposed to keep an eye on jihadists in Spain. Details.