Heading the African Union, Egypt is trying to play a role in the Libyan crisis. On Tuesday, April 23, Cairo hosted a meeting to legitimize Khalifa Haftar’s offensive, without inviting Morocco, which has a different opinion on the Libyan crisis.
In the 1930s, Pasha Thami El Glaoui asked French watchmaker Cartier to create a waterproof watch for him to wear while swimming. After delivering it, Cartier lost track of the watch and ended up creating a line to honor the unique timepiece and its owner.
Morocco has been able to establish a very ambitious climate agenda in the last couple of years. However, the country’s plans are faced with a series of challenges that could be avoided, according to a Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy’s study.
Prince Moulay Hicham is not one of those who praise the authoritarian policy of Mohammed bin Salman. On Monday, he had the opportunity to look with a critical eye at the Saudi Crown Prince’s «2030 vision» launched in 2016.