Earlier this week, reports suggested that members of the Polisario Front and a Moroccan delegation at the African Union clashed at the Pan-African Parliament in Midrand (South Africa). Noureddine Karbal, PJD MP and a member of the Moroccan delegation that took part to the meeting spoke to Yabiladi about the underlying reasons behind this clash.
When she graduated university in Cairo, Casablanca-native Halima Embarek Warzazi realized that she wanted to pursue a career as a diplomat. The woman with the big ambitions has been serving as a UN diplomat since the 1950s, defending women’s rights.
In 2002, King Mohammed VI offered President George W. Bush a gift worth $20,000. The Moroccan monarch was very generous with the US President family, giving the Obamas a valuable gift in 2016. The King is not on the list of foreign leaders who showered Donald Trump with gifts.
South Africa has, finally, accepted the appointment of a full ambassador from Morocco. The information was confirmed by a Moroccan diplomatic source, announcing the end of a 15-year-old diplomatic rupture.