The Moroccan Instance for Supporting Political Prisoners announced on Wednesday evening the arrest of its coordinator, Fouad Abdelmoumni. The public prosecutor at the Casablanca Court of First Instance confirmed on Thursday that the activist was detained following a comment he posted on social media.
In its Freedom on the Net report, Freedom House classified Morocco as a partially free country, scoring 54 out of 100 points, up from 51 the previous year. The report highlights ongoing violations of users' rights and content restrictions, reflecting a broader global decline in online freedom.
The 2030 World Cup is still far away, but Amnesty International has already started its campaign for FIFA to be vigilant regarding Morocco. In a report, the international NGO highlights the risks to human rights in Morocco.
Amnesty International published its latest report, «My life is ruined: The need to decriminalize abortion in Morocco», on Tuesday. The organization criticizes the devastating effects of criminalizing abortion, particularly for victims of rape.
The US department of state says in its annual country reports on human rights that there are «credible reports of political prisoners or detainees» in Morocco.