Moroccans interviewed by a survey, conducted by the Arab Barometer, said that they are turning their backs on religion. The findings of the survey show that Moroccans prefer the policies of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan over the ones of President Donald Trump.
To know how radicals think, a group of researchers scanned the brains of Spanish men of Moroccan origin in Barcelona. The survey concluded that violent extremism may be linked to social exclusion.
In Morocco, 80% of adults say they pray every day. According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center, prayer rates around the world are related to wealth.
The integration of Muslims in Western Europe has seen some progress in the last couple of years. The information was backed by a survey conducted by Bertelsmann Stiftung, a Germany-based institute. The study’s results, however, show differences between the countries examined by the 2017 Religion Monitor. Details.
According to a study carried out by Havas Paris and the Choiseul Institute, Morocco is considered to be one of the top 5 African champions in the eyes of international investors. An encouraging result which allows the kingdom to be distinguished by its capacity to lead the African agricultural sector. Details.
Morocco was ranked 78th among 128 countries by the 2017 Social Progress Index, a multi-indicator index that assesses the social and environmental performance of different countries. The annual survey identifies Morocco as one of the lower middle social progress nations.
Global poverty could be reduced through universal, primary and secondary education, according to UNESCO. On the basis of that fact, the UN has put in place a program to eradicate global poverty by 2030. Meamwhile, the UNESCO's Institute for Statistics published a new set of data showing that this very ambitious objective is hard to be maintained. Details.