In a survey conducted by IPSOS and the CCME, young Moroccans living in Europe said that they have been discriminated against when looking for a job and accommodation.
In a recent survey, the Akaliyat Association for the Rights of Sexual and Religious Minorities shows the extent of harassment suffered by LGBTQIA+ people in Morocco. According to this work carried out with 400 people, 34% said they had been mistreated by the authorities because of their orientation.
Moroccans and Muslims around the world are prepping for Eid al-Adha, a religious holiday that involves a lot of meat cooking, barbecues, and delicious lamb-based dishes. Unfortunately, meatatarians will have to give up on their mouth-watering meals to save the planet.
53% of Moroccan interviewees think corruption increased in the last 12 months in Morocco. 41% of these respondents think that most parliamentarians are «corrupt».
The biggest drivers of homicides in Morocco are intimate partners and family members, a UN study reveals. Compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the study concludes that criminal activities kill more people than armed conflicts.